Tear Stained Cheeks

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Five days later

I haven't eaten or slept for the past few days. I've wanted to stay in bed and just let my misery swallow me. But there's thing that ruins teens lives called high school.

The night after my party was very rough. I cried so hard to the point where I made myself vomit.. multiple times. Riley and Willow stayed with me for the weekend, but I told them to leave. I didn't want to be a burden in their lives.

Each night I wake up screaming, my mom has to come in my room to calm me down. She holds me until I fall back asleep. I know the rest of the family is sick and tired of me.

I haven't really spoken either, I've only used my words to leave Justin voicemails. Which he hasn't been answering. I leave him one in the morning and one at night.

I see him in the halls and he just completely acts like I don't exist. I don't where he goes at lunch. I've even called Pattie but she told me he didn't want to talk.

It was currently nine in the morning, I've been skipping first period every day, just so I didn't have to see him. I still have art with him, but I just ask Ms. Jacobs if I could paint outside.

I got in the shower and did whatever I had to do to get ready. This past few days, I've been makeup free and wearing sweats everyday.

Kai you can't let him take over your life like this. Show him what he's missing... If he wants to play this game, then be the opponent.

I looked at myself in the mirror, my cheeks were sunken in. I had dark circles under my eyes, I looked pale. I listened to the voice in my head and smirked to myself. Doing a full face of makeup, I walked into my closet after.

I took out a pinkish nude sweater dress with matching knee high boots to go with it. It was twelve by the time, I was finished with my whole look. I grabbed my car keys and got into my car.

I smirked as I heard the click of my heels echoing in the halls. I walked into Ms. Jacobs class with a smile on my face.

"Well, hello Kai. You look very pretty today." Ms. Jacobs smiled at me waiting to go to my seat.

"Thank you." I smiled to myself. Seeing the Justin was doing everything he could not to look at me, I sat right next to him.

His body stiffened as I sat down next to him. He tried to focus on his painting. "So, how long are we going to play this little game?"


"So.. You're just not going to talk to me ever again?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"I have nothing to say." He mumbled.

"And he speaks!" I clapped my hands together, being super fake.

"I'm trying to do my work. I'm actually trying to graduate this year. So, If you could do me a favor and shut the fuck up. " He faked smiled at me.

"You know Justin.. We could be pass this already. If you would just listen to what I have to say and stop being an asshole." I raised my voice.

"Do you guys need a moment outside?" Ms, Jacobs asked.

"We do actually." I said grabbing Justin's hand.

"Don't touch me. And no we don't." Justin told her.

"Justin, this is supposed to be a calm and relaxing painting. You seem pretty heated. Why don't you take a break."

"Yeah, Justin let's go take a little breather outside." I fake smiled and grabbed his hand again. I opened the door to the outside garden. We stood outside in silence for a couple of minutes.

"What is this? This is not you." He said motioning his hands around my body.

"This is the new Kai, baby." I smirked.

"Is this all you have to say to me because I much rather be painting than sit here and listen to this. I'm done here. " He rolled his eyes.

"You're such a hypocrite, you know that?" I yelled. "When Amber kissed you, I fucking listened to you. I let you explain the situation."

"Well guess what? We're two completely different people. That's you not me. And I rather be a hypocrite, then a cheater." He started to get up. "Like I said I'm done here. And just stop bothering to call because I won't answer."

"So, that's it." My eyes started to water. "You're just going give up on us. We're officially done?"

"Mhm." He said grabbing the handle to the door.

"Tell me that what we had was nothing. Tell me that you don't love me and I'll stop." I said tears falling down my face.

He turned around with tears in his eyes, "You know I can't do that."

"Tell me god damn it!" I screamed.

"I love you, I just can't do this. I can't be in a relationship with you anymore." He said, wiping his eyes. He took in a deep breath and went back inside the classroom.

And again I was left alone with tear stained cheeks...

Author's Note:

I'm going to just tell you guys now, to just be prepared for anything. The whole story is going to take a turn...

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