You Like Her Right?

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I walked into school looking like a zombie because I only got two hours of sleep. My hair in a messy bun and a pair of volleyball sweats. I had a cup of coffee in my hand but it didn't seem to be waking me up. I walked into math class late seeing Justin gazing out of the window.

"Justin, What's good." I said and pounded my chest twice and did a peace sign. That's like our thing now.

"Nothing much. I'm just really tired." He smiled at me.

"I'm sorry, do you want my coffee?" I asked.

"Nah, I'm good I have my own cup..What are you sorry for?"

"I kept you up until like five in the morning."

"It's all good, I had fun FaceTiming you." He smiled at me again, "So I heard someone has a big game today?"

"Mhm, we are going up against our rivals, Cedarwood High." I said and took sip of my coffee, "Oh my god! Do you want to come to my game tonight? I mean you don't have to. You're probably busy. It's totally fine if you can't-"

"Kai, Of course I would love to." He chuckled, "I'm supposed to be the nervous one, not you."

"Sorry, I just get word vomit sometimes." I smiled shyly, "Do you want to eat lunch with us today?"

"I mean o-only if y-you and your friends w-want me to." he stuttered.

"Of course, They will just have to get used to you. Meet me by my locker.. number one forty-four." I told him.

The bell rang implying to go to your next class. I grabbed my backpack and said bye to Justin. Then headed to Chemistry Honors with Willow.

I walked out of my AP Government class, which is my least favorite. I headed towards my locker and took out my Spanish Immerison 3 book. I shut my locker and turned around seeing the face I never wanted to see again.

"Hey babe." Brian smirked.

"Hi asshole." I scoffed.

"Babe, I miss you." He put on a fake pout and grabbed my hand to kiss it.

"That's nice, I miss me too." I put on a fake smile.


"Nope, I'm waiting here for Justin, Please leave."

"Oh so you're fucking with the school nerd now. Come on babe, I know you can do better."

"Well, I know I've done worse... And Call me babe one more time and I'll cut your dick off and shove it down your throat." I saw Justin coming down the hallway, "Ooh look who's coming? Your time is up. Goodbye."

Brian grabbed my arm and yelled, "Wait." I turned around kneed him in his manhood, "Don't ever touch me again."

I turned around and smiled once I saw Justin. I skipped up to him and said, "Hola."

"Remind me never to get on your bad side," He chuckled.

"Okay, so Willow texted me, that "Her and riley had to go get her knee pads from his house." which means they probably ditched us to do some frickle frackle things." I giggled, "So, it's just me and you, Which I don't mind one bit. Let's go to my favorite place to eat." I grabbed his hand and led him to the top of the school.

It was beautiful up here, It was cherry blossom trees and white orchid flowers everywhere. It had a great view, seeing the mountains and the hollywood sign.

"Wow" Justin said in complete awh.

"I know, My neighbors built it for their parents that died in the nine eleven indicident. I like to come here for when I need quiet." I said looking around, "I have a vocab test in English today, do you mind quizzing me?"

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