A New Year

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I sat on the couch with Justin, Willow, and Riley. Everyone's parents were here. Madison and Hannah were playing with Mia. Cameron was in the corner probably texting some girl. The parents were in the living room drinking champagne.

My mom came to the front of the room and clinked on her glass with fork, "Everyone, we have an hour until the new year. And I would just like everyone to share their favorite moment of the whole year. Kai would you like to start?"

I smiled as Justin's arm was around my shoulder, I grabbed his hand. "My favorite moment of the year is when Justin sang me All that matters, which is a song he wrote. It was honestly beautiful mom, I have to show you the video."

"Well, my favorite moment of the year was when I took you to see breakfast club, your face was absolutely priceless." Justin laughed.

"My favorite was ping pong night and movies." Willow said. We all started laughing because the parents looked so confused what we were talking about, expect for Pattie. Justin and his dumbass sent her a video of him drunk that night.

We went around the room with each person. Cameron ended up getting smacked by his mom because he said his favorite moment is when he got head by this girl named Brianna.

Everyone was waiting around it was two minutes left until the countdown started, "Did you notice majority of our favorite moments had you in it? Are lives didn't start becoming amazing until you came in it." I smiled at Justin. We stood in the corner, his hands around my waist.

"Three, Two, One.. Happy New Year!" We all screamed at the same time. I turned around and faced Justin. He grabbed my face with his hands and crashed his lips onto mine. It was short but a very deep kiss, "Happy New Year, Baby." He smiled down at me.

"Happy new year." I repeated back to him. We all drank out apple cider, sneaking a few glasses of champagne in between. At the end of the night, everyone ended up crashing at my place because it was too late and parents were too drunk. I walked up the stairs with my three best friends. Willow and Riley slept on the little couch that turned into a bed, while Justin and I slept in my mine.

"You guys keep it PG in here." My mom slurred a bit.

"Yeah mom, like we would just have sex in front of each other." I laughed.

"Hey, I don't know what your generation does. I'll see you all in the morning. We are going out for breakfast in the morning ok?"

"Okay." We all said in unison.

"Yo, your mom has always been hot on the down low." Riley said being a little drunk himself.

"True, you could totally mistake her for being JLo.. Now I know where you got that ass from." Justin said outloud.

"You guys!" Willow and I exclaimed.

"Sorry." The both muttered quietly, "I'm going to sleep now. Goodnight." Willow said a little too loudly.

We all said goodnight to each other and like that we were all sound asleep.

Author's Note:

Y'all this time change is really messing me up, like I'm so tired. More than I already am. Ugh

Short chapter I know..

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