Chapter 24

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As we stepped out of Mr. Morris', I mean my dad's suburban you could smell the food from the Mexican restaurant across the street. As I glanced in the direction of the smell I noticed a familiar car. Then as a bullet hits a victim I felt my blood instantly run cold, shivers ran down my spine. That car was my "mothers" car. I started shaking uncontrollably my hands turned cold and clammy. My dad instantly noticed my upcoming panic attack.

      "Alex calm down honey, it's all going to be alright. I won't let anything hurt you, ever. Honey calm down lets go buy your saxophone and have a nice rest of the evening." I was trying really hard but I felt it taking over. I fought so hard and just thought I had a chance to stop it when I saw my old family walk out of the restaurant. Then I felt my breathing go haywire and that was when my dad picked me up and ushered me into the music store hoping to avoid all interaction with my old family. Once in the music store after about ten minutes of struggling to breath I finally got it under control only to see my family walk into the music store. My body couldn't take another breathing fit so my hands just started shaking and I felt  lightheaded.

      "I'm gonna get her!" My old fathers voice rang in the music store. I didn't know this at the time but the store manager was calling 911 the second my "father" entered the door.  The police could not get there fast enough. This time my old father could not get to me.  He took a few quick steps toward me, he swung and right as his fist went to hit me my dad (Mr. Morris) jumped in the way and took the punch instead of me. As he was falling to the ground knocked unconscious, the police showed up.

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