Chapter 28

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I was sitting in the backseat with Jane and I noticed how alarmingly dark it had gotten. I checked the car clock and it said 8:03 pm. We lived on a twisty road especially in the dark and I was scared with every fast curve he took. He was going the speed limit but it was widely complained that the speed limit was too fast on our road and everyone drove it ten miles below the speed limit. We got swung and knocked around and I tried desperately to not keep Jane from flying off the two seats she was taking up.
      As we were driving I thought I saw my "parents" car but I had been having the panic attacks were I had saw things that weren't actually there and I wasn't quite believing what I was seeing, but as the car was getting closer I started to not think it was my imagination. The car was swerving and going all over the road. As we got closer I could tell it was my "father" in the car. I tried to scream but I was so startled nothing would come out. Then as the car came so close I could stick my arm out the window and touch it, the car swerved and slammed into our car.
         I immediately went unconscious. When I woke up the after the three seconds of unconsciousness I woke up with my shoulder feeling like I got hit with a bag of bricks. My first thought was about the ill Jane. The car had been hit at my door on the second door on the right. My dad had swerved all the way in the opposite side of the road.  The car had been hit and pushed in where I was pushed against the bent in door, and I felt numb and the pain in my shoulder subsided with numbness. As soon as I cleared my head I turned to Jane. She was bent up, because of the smashed door and her neck was in a weird position. I scooted on the floor of the suburban, despite the searing pain throughout all of my body. As I was going I looked and saw Mr. Morris unconscious but still breathing normally, I assumed that he had just been knocked unconscious from the airbag. Jane looked much, much worse and she still hadn't woken up. I opened the door opposite of mine and immediately gasped.
      We were in the ditch on the side of the road and I realized it was going to be much harder to get Jane out of the car but I needed to get her out of the car and away in case there was a gas leak. I sat her up and as I stood on the ground I scooted her onto the floorboard and looked at my shaking hands I was starting to go cold and I felt like stopping but I had to get everyone out of the car because as I had dreaded I could smell gasoline and I could hear it dripping from the car. I pulled her out of the car and set her on the ground.  Then I dragged her away from the cars and about twenty meters from the road. The smell of gasoline was getting really strong and I decided I needed to go get Mr. Morris.

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