Strong like an anchor

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My first ever fanfiction, so please leave any comments. Have no idea where this will go so any suggestions are welcome :)

Demi's POV:

I turned around, "Wilmer!" I exclaimed, leaping towards his big arms. Wilmer picked me off the ground, twirling me around, placing a peck on my forehead as he replaced me on the ground. "I've missed you so much Hermosa". "Ugh me too, it's been TOO long", I replied. I reached up and planted my lips on his, snuggling myself into his chest. How I had missed his strong arms wrapped around me. I felt safe and at home. How lucky I was to have such a loving boyfriend in my life. Their relationship had never been smooth sailing but I loved him; and to me, that is all that mattered. People could say and think what they like about the 12 year age gap. I didn't care. I was his and he was all mine, I thought to herself. Wilmer released his grip and stared into my eyes, snapping me out of my content day dream. He pulled me over to the couch in the X-Factor dressing room and patted his hand on his lap. I sat down and cuddled into him without hesitation. "How have you been Hermosa?" Wilmer asked me, attentively looking into my big brown eyes.

Wilmers's POV:

Oh how I adored her. I loved every crevasse to her face. Every freckle. I could never get enough of the gorgeous woman that sat in front of me. I couldn't believe how lucky I was to have her in my life. "I've been good, real busy with X-Factor and promotion though. Oh, and missing you like crazy" Demi said with a cheeky smirk on her face. It had been two long weeks since they had properly seen each other. Between Demi's travel commitments and his work, they just hadn't had the time. Every day was torture when I didn't get to see her beautiful face. How I had longed to jump on a plane and be by her side. To kiss her plump lips and caress her sweet face. I hated being away from my angel for too long but loved moments like this when they just got to sit and be in each other's company. Footsteps approached the door and a light knock was placed on the doorframe, before Simon walked into the dressing room. "Sweetheart, we are on in five" he said to Demi. "Hello Wilmer, I hope you are keeping my little brat out of trouble? I need her at her best for today's audition". I looked up at Simon and smiled. "Me? Trouble. Never" I said as I glanced up. Simon just smirked and rolled his eyes. "Five minutes and don't mess up your hair or makeup now brat". Simon walked back down the corridor, wearing his famous jeans and tight white t-shirt. "Now; would you get me trouble?" Demi said, looking into my eyes. Piercing me with her gaze. I just smiled and kissed her forehead. "You better get your sweet little ass into that judging chair before Simon comes back. I will be here when you are finished". "You're gonna do amazing Hermosa, show them that sass of yours". I kissed her lips softly one last time before tapping her ass to lift off my lap to get her going. She walked towards the door, looking over her shoulder and giving me the famous pout. "Go Hermosa!." She walked off in her black heels. Sitting back, I sighed. Amazed that a girl as wonderful as her could be mine.

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