Together we are infinite

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Thank you to everyone who has shown an interest in this story! Here is the next update, please vote and comment! Your guys thoughts are greatly appreciated. 

Warning: This content is rated. 

Demi’s POV:

 Fumbling in my bag, I try to find my keys. I know they’re in there somewhere. I reach down further into the depths of my handbag, my hand sweeping off to the left. Ah got em, I think to myself. I pull the keys out and guide the little gold one into the big white door. Turning the brass handle I push open the door and turn on the foyer light. The white tiles shimmer, reflecting light into the large open space. I push one foot out of my black heel, followed by the other. “Ahhh, much better” I say as I make my way into the main room. Wilmer gently closes the door behind me and follows me in. I pull the white chiffon drapes closed and light up the room by hitting more switches. I look around my apartment, admiring my work. I loved having my own space, especially on nights like this when I got to bring Wilmer back and not have to worry about anything else but us. “Home sweet home”, I say to Wilmer. I sit myself on the big brown couch and stretch out my arm for Wilmer to join me. Wilmer sweeps his way onto the couch next to me. I lay back onto his chest and snuggle in. I see Wilmer glance off to the left and smirk.  “What is it baby?” I ask him curiously. “How did you talk me into buying that for you?” he asked looking over to his left again. I smile. “Because you love me, and I love having a horse in my apartment…soooooo I win!” I reply cheekily. “How can I argue with that Hermosa” he replies, planting a kiss on my forehead and sweeping a blonde lock away from my face. “So Mr Valderrama, what now?” I say with a twinkle in my eye. He pulls me in to his warm chest and strokes the small of my back. He plants my face and neck with small light kisses. My heart rate quickens. I pull myself onto his stomach, so my chest is pressed against his, my hands pulling through his thick hair. My lips hover over his, teasing. He pulls his lips onto mine and kisses me. I feel his urgency. His passion. I separate my lips, allowing his access. His tongue swirls around the inside of my mouth, exploring every crevasse. Our tongues work in perfect sync. His hands cup my ass, as he pulls himself up the couch a little. I put a leg on either side of his hip so I’m in a straddle position. I look lovingly into his eyes and draw up from his lips for air. He leans forward, placing small kisses on my neck. Moving down, he leaves trails of kisses along my clavicles. His hands travel up my body from my hip to my breast. He undoes the buckle of my belt around my waist and tosses it to the floor. I stop for a second. Not here I think to myself. “Let’s go to bed baby”, I say to him with suggestion. He places his hands under my ass while swinging his legs over the couch. Standing up, he picks me up with him and makes his way up the stairs, his gaze never breaking mine. When at the master bedroom, he lays me down softly on my king size duvet and climbs on top of me, nuzzling himself into my neck. He nibbles ever so lightly at my earlobe. I giggle in response. “I love you Hermosa” He says, staring into my eyes. Piercing my soul with his deep chocolate gaze.  “And I love you” I say in response, passionately kissing him. I move my hands down to his hips and lift up the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his head, chucking it off to the side.  Kneeling between my legs, he quickly pulls me upright and lifts my dress over my head leaving me in my red lace lingerie. He clasps his hands around my face and kisses me. We sink onto the bed once more. His erection is rigid against my hip through his jeans. He wants me. He unclasps my bra and sweeps it off my shoulders, allowing my breasts to bounce free. His lips move down. He kisses and sucks softly at each nipple, causing them to rise to his lips in response. I groan. My hands sweep across his back, tracing his finely toned muscles with my finger tips. I reach my hands up to his hips and unbuckle his belt, pulling it through each jean loop with one swift movement. I undo the button at the top of his jeans, and pull the zipper down. He kneels up on the bed and slides his jeans and briefs off, allowing his erection to spring free. He moves himself back onto me and kisses my breasts tenderly again, moving down to my navel and further towards my sex. He slips his hands to the side of my panties and slips them off my legs, never separating his eyes from mine. He kisses my inner thigh softly. I moan, my back arching. He moves to my clitoris, circling his tongue around and around relentlessly. My back arches further. My body starts to climb. He inserts a finger into me, slowly and agonisingly moving it in and out. I push my pelvis up to him in response.  “You’re ready for me Hermosa”, Wilmer states, again passionately kissing my lips. He moves his hand over the side of his bed, finding his jeans. He pulls a foiled packet out of the pocket and rips it open. He rolls the condom onto his hard erection and comes back to join me. I look lovingly into his eyes. I had missed this. Making sweet love to my man. Having him here with me. I loved this man with every part of my being. My thoughts were stopped. I feel him slowly ease himself into me. I flex my hips to meet his, stretching me, filling me.  He returns his lips to mine and kisses me passionately.  He lifts up and says “You’re so beautiful Demetria”. He stares down at me with adoring wonder. He slowly starts to move in and out, savouring me with every thrust. I brush my hands through his hair, ravishing up every kiss, every move. My breathing accelerates as his steady rhythm pushes me higher and higher. My body starts to quiver, I am so close. He quickens the rhythm, pushing me higher and higher. I surrender. Every part of me exploding into his beautiful being. He climaxes with me then collapses, breathing out “I love you Angel”. Together in that moment we were infinate. I relax into the mattress, my quickened  breathing returning to normal. He pulls out and disposes of the filled condom. He swishes back the duvet and pulls me into his embrace, kissing my cheek. Pulling the duvet over us, I relax into his loving embrace. A beaming smile is spread across my face. Everything was perfect, I think to myself. The perfect ending to a beautiful night. I felt loved, I felt safe and I felt at home. Nothing could wreck this moment. *Ring, ring, ring*. The phone on the bedside table chimes, startling me. My eyes flick open suddenly. I am awoken from my content daze. I turn my head to the clock. 2am. 2am! Who the fuck is calling at this hour. Ugh, why! I think to myself. Groaning, I give in and reach my hand to the cordless phone. “Hello?” I answer sheepishly. I sit there frozen. Nothing could wreck this moment, I though back. I was wrong. 

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