I love you most

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So the consensus was to make it rated, I also got asked to add some cream... enjoy! Please continue to give feedback, don't forget to vote :) 


Demi’s POV:

There on the bed is Wilmer; stretched out, completely naked. Well he clearly had similar ideas to me I think to myself. He has lit and placed candles all over the room. It created a romantic dim that made his tanned skin and smooth muscles looked irresistible. I bite my bottom lip at the sight. “Surprise” he says, still lying on the bed. “Surprise is right baby, now come here” I purr, leaping toward him on the bed. “Nah ah ah missy, not so fast”. I stand there amused yet confused. Curious but eager to jump him right here. “You have some work to do first” he giggles slightly, turning his head toward his manhood. It was then I noticed why he hadn’t moved from his position when I first walked into the room. I had been so distracted by finally being in the same room as him that I hadn’t even noticed. His entire lower region is covered in whip cream. My lower belly clenched at the thought. I lick my lips in anticipation. “Oh I’ll gladly assist Mr Valderrama, come here”

I keep my stare locked on his and make my way over the bed, shaking my hips in a seductive way, slowly getting closer. I see his reaction and I know I am driving him crazy. I continue. I slowly start to undo the buttons down the front of my blouse and allow the shirt to fall off my shoulders. “Oopsie” I say trying to play the innocent card. His grin widens. “Oh you like these do you baby” I say squeezing my breasts. I reach my hands behind my back and unclasp my bra allowing my full breasts to bounce free. “Hmm” he says with a slight growl. I then dip my fingers into the hem of my leggings and panties and pull them down slowly revealing every inch of my legs. I step out of the legs and push them to the side with my foot. I bend back up slowly, making sure to give him full view of my now bare butt. I crawl on top of him on the bed and passionately kiss my lips to his. I deepen the kiss and lightly bite his lip. He groans again. “I’ve…missed…you….so…,much” I say as I kiss him between each word.

I then kiss his neck, he starts to squirm beneath me. I suck and nibble at his ear. He giggles and rubs the small of my back. I move my hands on either side of his chest and trail small kisses all the way down, rubbing his big biceps and chest muscles as I go. I then get to his snail trail and look at him with hunger in my eyes. He rests his head back. I make a start, licking up the cream he has so carefully placed. His member starts to grow and become hard. I take the base with my hand and kiss the tip. “Hmmm” I say. I swirl my tongue around the tip and lick all the way down his now hard member. I wrap a hand around his shaft and slowly start pumping. I take his right ball in my mouth and start sucking. The cream starts to disappear. He groans in pleasure. I then move onto his left, repeating my sucking action. He is now panting and groaning in response. “Ahhh ok babe, that’s enough I want to be inside you when I cum. Now come here” he says as he pulls me up on top of him and flips me onto the bed so he is now hovering over me.

“I’ve missed you so much Dems. I haven’t been able to get you off my mind these last few days Nena” he says. “Me either baby, I’ve been a hormonal mess” I giggle. “Let’s fix that then hmm?” he says as he crashes his lips into mine. I press my tongue against his lips begging for entrance. He opens his mouth and plunges his tongue into my mouth, reacquainting himself with every familiar crevasse. I pull my hands behind his neck and ruffle his dark hair. He then moves his kisses down to the middle of my neck and starts sucking, leaving his mark. I let out a moan. He moves to the side of my neck, nibbling and sucking on my earlobe. I writhe in response. Next his lips are trailing down my chest to the valley of my breasts. He starts to caress my left breast with his hand while his mouth attends to my right. He swirls his tongue around the areolar and sucks gently on my elongated nipple. He bites down softly. “Ahh” I let out as my back arches up in both pleasure and pain. He then moves so that he is sucking on my left breast, while touching my right. I look up at his beautiful brown eyes and can’t help but get lost in them. “I love you” I breathe out.

He comes back and kisses my lips passionately. “I love you too Hermosa” he says. Before I know it his lips are trailing down my flat stomach. He places his hands on my hips and slowly moves them down to my inner thigh. He pushes my legs open and begins to kiss the sensitive area of my thigh and make small circles with his thumb. He looks up at me before licking up my now dripping sex. “You’re so wet baby” he moans in delight. “You taste so good” he comments. He begins to lick my clit as he inserts one and then two fingers into my wet hole. He starts to curl his fingers and pump in and out of me at a steady rhythm while still sucking relentlessly on my clitoris. My breathing hitches and the warm feeling in my belly begins. The pleasure is overwhelming. I begin to moan uncontrollably. He quickens up his pace and applies a little more pressure on my clit, this sends me into overdrive. The feeling builds and then I find my release as his tongue flicks over my clit, sending me over the edge. The warmness spreads through my entire body. My legs shake and go like jelly on either side of his head. My back arches and I throw my head back, screaming in pleasure. I fall down from my high and relax back on the bed, left panting and craving more. “That was a..mazing” I say to Wilmer between breaths. “Thanks baby” I say leaning up and kissing his lips. “Not done yet Nena” he says as he kisses back.

He rips open and rolls on a foil package, tossing the wrapper to the side. He lines himself up before slowing filling and stretching me with his hard member. I moan out at the feeling of finally having him in me. He begins to ease in and out of me. He then places both my legs up on his shoulders. This enables him to plunge into me deeper. “Ahhh” I cry out as he begins to hit my g-spot again and again. Both of our breathing picks up. He stares lovingly into my eyes as he pushes deeper and deeper, hitting that spot again and again. “Ah that’s it baby. I’m nearly there”. I can feel that familiar and pleasurable feeling begin to wave through my body once again. He picks up the pace a little and applies some pressure to my clitoris with the palm of his hand. That is enough to send me into a raging orgasm that causes my back to arch, my toes to curl and me to scream and moan in response. I roll down from my high as he plunges into me one last time, releasing his load. He pulls out, disposes of the filled condom and collapses in a heap next to me. We are both left sweaty and panting.

He pulls me into his arms and kisses my cheek. “That was…” he begins. “Incredible” I finish, pulling his arms around me so I am snug in his embrace. “I’ve missed this baby. Just you and me. Your arms holding me tightly” I say nuzzling into his chest. He sweeps my sweaty hair away from my face and kisses my ear. “I couldn’t think of anywhere else I’d rather be than right here with you” he whispers. “I love you” he says as he brushes his hand up and down my arm, kissing my shoulder. I turn around so I’m facing him, I look up at his eyes and say, “I love you more”. He kisses my lips. “I love you most” he replies. 

So that's how Demi got her hickey at X-Factor... 

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