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Sorry I took so long to update, have had a bit going on! Thanks for the amazing comments! :) Here is a little filler to keep you going. Will try update more tomorrow, bare with me x Please vote and leave feedback :) 

Demi’s POV:

“But can’t you come with me? I’m going to miss you!!” I whined at Wilmer, trying my famous pout and fluttering my lashes at him. He puts his hands on my shoulders and looks at me rolling his eyes at my 'puppy' attempt. He giggles and then turns serious, looking deep into my eyes, “Hermosa, you know I would but I gotta get back to LA baby, I’ve got work to catch up on. We will be together again soon enough, promise” he says. He lays a reassuring kiss on my forehead. “I’ll miss you too though Nena” he adds in. I wrap my arms around his waist and snuggle into his chest. I want to cry. I just love this man so much and the thought of spending the next few days away from him is pure torture. He has been my rock over this past week and I don’t know what I’ll do without him. I sniff back tears. I feel one of his arms pull from my back and I realise he is checking his watch. “We got to go baby, we both have planes to catch”. I sigh deeply. I loosen myself from his embrace and pick up my hand luggage.

*In the car outside the airport*

“I’ll come see you as soon as you’re back in LA, we can skype. Call. Text. It will be ok Hermosa, you are strong. I believe in you”. He holds my face in his hands and kisses me passionately. I soak up every feature, every kiss, every sensation. His rustic cologne lingers in the air. I wish I could capture all these feelings and senses and lock them up in a bottle. I savour his lips against mine, not wanting him to pull away. I feel a tear roll down my cheek. He feels this and pulls back, drying the tear with his firm but soft thumb. Stroking my blonde locks behind my ear he says, “I love you Demetria”. I rub small circles on his chest. “I love you Wilmer”.

He quickly collects his belongings and makes his way out of the car, knowing that our goodbyes could go on forever and it hurt us too much. He had to be strong and just go. I knew this, but it still hurt. It hurt to know I wouldn’t be wrapped up in his arms tonight. It hurt to know I wouldn’t see his beautiful brown eyes or smile every morning when I wake up. It hurt to know I wouldn’t feel his lips against mine. I blow him a kiss and try force a smile before he shuts the door behind him, making his way into the airport. The driver makes his way to the other terminal and let’s me know it is now my turn. Ok Demi, no more tears. You have work to get through and fans to see. Happy face. I give myself a little pep talk before planting a smile on my face and opening the door.


 Good morning Denver...wanna come see me at X Factor auditions today????

I type up my promotional tweet, attach the appropriate link and hit send. I swear my Lovatics know the difference, I laugh. Oh well, all part of the job I think to myself. I was in my chair in the green room getting the finishing touches of my makeup done for the start of Denver's auditions. My hair was pulled into a loose bun on the top of my head. My outfit consisted of black ¾ pants with a brightly patterned blouse pulled in with a belt with bright yellow heels to match the yellow on my top. I smack my red lips together admiring myself in the mirror.

I had so much on my mind. I had only buried my father yesterday and here I was back at work, but it was my choice and I figured it was best to keep busy. However, being away from Wilmer was also having its toll. I wanted him by my side so badly. Focus Demi. I snap out of my trance. Kelly walks up to me in her red heels and place her arms around my shoulders from the back of my chair. How I wished they were Wilmer’s. “So good to see you babe. I missed you. Sorry again about everything, how you holding up?” Kelly says sweetly with concern. “Missed you too sexy lady” I say with a wink. I remember she's also asked a question. I feel my smile fade. ”Yeah I’ll be ok” I say looking down. Shit am I going to be reminded of my father’s death all day. I just wanted to keep busy and get on with things, not be reminded constantly.


Standing by the judging chairs, the crowd is going nuts! Kelly starts the introduction, I wave and blow some kisses to the audience. “To my right. Miss Demi Lovato” Kelly says with sass.The screams are overwhelming. I will never get used to that response when my name is said, but I loved my fans so much. I would be nothing without them. After all the usual pre-audition stuff we finally take our seats and auditions begin. I try to remain focused but it is hard. I have so much going on in my head, I feel like it’s about explode. The auditions are going well. Some are terrible, some are great, I even laugh a few times. I’m beginning to relax and enjoy myself. I love that I am seated between Simon and Kelly, two of my favourite people. I felt safe with both of them, they meant so much to me.

The next audition takes place, a girl walks on stage. I look up. “and why are you here today sweetie?” Kelly asks the girl. “this is my dream and I want to make my mum proud. She is currently in hospital dying with cancer”. The room goes silence. I feel my body tense up. I feel numb again. All the feelings of yesterday come flooding back. The girl starts to sing.


I throw a little sheriff badge and a rose onto the coffin that is now lowered into the ground. “Goodbye daddy. I love you. I will always be your partner”. Tears flow down my face as the reality grips me. He is really gone.

*Present time*

I push my chair back, stand up and leave the panel; rushing back stage. I can feel the tears prick at my eyes and threaten to flow over. I run to my private dressing room and slam the door. I collapse behind the door and let my tears flow. I pull out my phone and dial.

Wilmer’s POV:

I lift my legs up onto the desk, pushing my head back into my hands. I needed a break I think to myself, staring at the mountain of work scattered across my desk. My phone goes off. I lower my legs and pick it up to see my gorgeous angel on the screen of my phone. I hit the green button. “Hermosa! I’ve missed you…” I stop mid sentence. I can hear her sobbing hysterically on the other end. My heart crushes into a million pieces. It’s times like this I can't stand to be away from her. I just wanted to reach into the phone and wrap my arms around her and kiss her forehead again and again.

“Demi? Baby, what’s wrong?” I ask with concern, trying not to panic. I only hear blubbering noises and some jibberish I don’t understand. “You need to calm down Demi. Just breathe ok. Breathe with me. In... and out..... In.... and out....” I try coach her but I know I’m not helping. I feel helpless. I hear someone knock at the door and hear her yell “Go away”. “Let them in baby. You need someone there with you” I say, pleading. She sighs. I know she has heard me. I hear some rustling and then the door open with a strong voice say “Demi?” it was Max. I relaxed knowing he was there. I trusted Max and so did Dems. “Pass the phone to Max baby, I want to talk to him quickly”.

“Hey, Wilmer?” Max says. “Yeah. Max, what happened?” I ask knowing Demi is in no state to give me an answer. “A contestant mentioned her mother in hospital dying of cancer”. Everything falls into place. Oh my poor Hermosa. I could feel her pain and it was breaking me. “Ahh” I rub my temples with my spare hand. “Look after ok Max? Tell her I love her and get her to ring me later when she has calmed down” I instruct Max, knowing there is nothing much I can right now. “Of course Wilmer, bye” Max replies. I hang up and take some deep breaths. My heart hurts.

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