Everything happens for a reason

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Please vote and leave comments :) I imagine the next update to be quite soon again as I've got my writing mojo back :P 

Some content is a little rated

Demi’s POV:

I wake up the next morning, with the sun light streaming through the curtains onto my face. I scrunch up my face and groan lightly. Another day I think to myself. You got this Demi. You are a warrior. I give myself a little pep talk before opening my eyes, and rub them a few times as I stretch out beneath the covers. I roll over to my phone on the bedside table and click through my messages. All my messages are of support from my family and friends. I smile. I flick over to twitter and check my mentions and notice there are still two worldwide trends #StayStrongDemiAndDallas and #RIPPatrickLovato. My heart warms. My mentions are flooded with messages of support from my Lovatics, close friends and even strangers. I am yet again overwhelmed by the love. I open up a tweet and type:

Even though these past few days have been difficult, I learned that I have so much support and love from my fan and that makes me so happy J

I hit send. Look through my Lovatics going nuts and then open up another tweet and type:

Today, I feel stronger...

Adding the bicep and smile emoji I hit send. My phone vibrates in my hand and Wilmer’s beautiful face flashes up on my screen. I hit the green button.

Wilmer’s POV:                                                                      

I wake up, check the time and reach for my phone and hit 1, which is a direct speed dial. The phone rings twice before she answers in that beautiful morning voice of hers “Hey baby” she answers in a chirpy but sleepy voice. “Good morning Hermosa” I reply. “I miss you” she says. “I miss you more Nena. Like trust me when I say 'every' part of me is missing you right now” she giggles, “did you just wake up? ...Is Willy awake?” she laughs again. I roll over and grunt. “mmhmmm..the affects you have on me Hermosa. Now stop teasing”. “Wish I could be there so I could 'fix' your little problem…” her tone changes to her sexy voice. I brush my hands through my hair “Demetria… “ I whine. “What baby?” she replies innocently. “You know what. Unless you plan to get in my bed right now. Stop it”. She lets out a little sigh. “Or, we could…yah know..”  I raise an eyebrow. My member twitches at the thought. Why did she have to do this to me I think to myself in frustration. I hated being away from my princess, I missed her not only physically but in every single way you can miss someone. It almost hurt. I snap back to reality. I hear her breathing pick up. “I’m tracing circles on my inner thigh and now I’m slowly moving my hand up towards my clit, Oh", she moans "I’m so wet for you baby” she teases. A small groan escapes my mouth. I reach my hand down to my already hard member and start to pump up and down in a rhythmic motion. In a few moments, I hear her moans pick up as she says “I want you in me Wilmer, I’m ready” she says in a seductive voice. “I’m there baby, pumping in and out. In and out” I say slowly. “Ah you feel so good” I say as I pick up my rhythm. Moans escape either end of the phone. “I’m nearly there baby” she squeals. “Ahhh” she moans out. I moan in unison, hitting my climax. I hear her unravel as she comes down from her climax on the other end of the phone.

“Mmm” she says sweetly. “Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow baby” “Me too” I reply. “Good morning to you Hermosa” she giggles. “Yes good morning baby”. “How are you?” I say as I hit back to reality. “I’m good baby, I feel stronger today. I’ve come up with an idea”. She says. “Oh? And what idea is that gorgeous?” I reply “I want to start a programme where I pay for people’s treatment, like a scholarship programme to help people like my dad who are struggling with their demons. I rung Cast Recovery and have organised it all. I plan to announce the programme at my Good Morning America interview” I lie there speechless.

“Wilmer?” I hear. “Yes, I’m here. Hermosa? Do you realise how incredible you are? You’re amazing. This is incredible. You never fail to blow me away with your generosity and beauty. I, I, just wow. How you always manage to turn the worst situations into a positive, is just. I am so lucky Hermosa” I say in admiration. “Thanks baby. I’m only doing my part. I want to make a difference in the world and I want my father’s death to mean something and have some good to come out of it and I figure this is something I can do”.  “It’s an amazing idea baby, I’m so proud of you. I love you so much Hermosa” I say back. “and I love you Wilmer” she says.

“I better get up and get ready but I’ll call you later” I let out a small sigh. “Ok Nena, you have a good day and take care of yourself ok gorgeous?” “I will baby, thank you” she says in a stronger tone. I could tell she was doing better today, she sounded happier, more herself. I smile. “Good, I love you”. “Love you too” she says before hanging up. I put down my phone, roll over and grin up at the ceiling before swinging my legs over the bed and heading towards the shower.

Demi’s POV:

I place my phone back on the bedside table, kick of the covers and make my way to my suitcase and pull out an outfit to wear for the day. I collect up my belongings and toiletries and head to the shower. I shut and lock the door behind me and turn on the shower. I strip off my clothes and reach in, check the temperature and hop in. I lean back my head and let the hot water hit my face, I close my eyes and stand there for a second. Ahh I think to myself. I wash my face, hair, body, and shave before standing under the hot water once more before turning off the shower and stepping out, wrapping a big brown towel around my body. I dry myself off and slip on a pair of black panties and lace bra. I slip on a white blouse and pull on a black flowy skirt. I towel dry my hair and sweep the towel across the mirror that had fogged up from the steam. Reaching into the vanity cupboard, I pull out a dryer and turn it on. After drying and fixing my hair into some light waves, I pin it up loosly. I start on my makeup. To finish up I put on some bright red lipstick and smack my lips together. I step back from the mirror and admire my handy work. It felt good to get up and make some effort. I hang up my towel and collect up my things and make my way back to my room. Placing my things back in my room, I walk down the stairs to the smell of breakfast cooking.

“Good morning beautiful, how are you feeling this morning? You look nice. Good to see you up and about” my mum says, planting a kiss on my forehead. “I’m good mom. I feel a lot stronger today and I’ve got some news”. I explain the Lovato Treatment Scholarship Programme to mom as she continues to cook breakfast. I see a tear escape her eyes and roll down her cheek. “What is it mum?” She wipes away the tear and says “I am just so proud of you sweetheart. I am so blessed to have you as my daughter. Your dad would be proud too”. I sniff back a tear myself. “Thanks mom”.

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