A smile can tell a thousand words

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Sorry it's not very long. I will update again hopefully tomorrow :) Please vote and comment and thank you again for the interest and views

Demi’s POV:

I sit nervously in the beige chair, tapping my finger on the chair. I pull out my phone so I at least have something to look at. I am trying so hard to hold myself together but it’s hard knowing what is coming up. I am about to have my first interview since my father’s passing and make my announcement about the scholarship programme. Deep breath Demi I say to myself. I take a deep breath in, hold it and exhale deeply. My phone vibrates in my hand.

From Wilmer:

Deep breath Hermosa. You can do this. You’ve got your nightingales with you and I am right here. I’ll be back stage waiting for you. Stay strong. I love you xox

I smile. It’s exactly what I needed to hear. I don’t know what I’d do without him I think to myself. I've missed him so much, being away from him is always torture.“We are on in 2 minutes. Places everyone” the camera guy yells. Here we go, I think to myself. Robin walks in swiftly wearing a tight light purple dress and positions herself on the chair opposite me. She gives me a smile and nod. “Ready?” she asks politely. “Yeah let’s do this” I reply. I force a smile on my face. I see the camera guy count down with his fingers, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.


“Cut!” someone backstage yells. “Great job Demi, I could see that was rough for you but you did well to get through, and my condolences to you and your family once more. It was so nice to talk with you again. Take care and see you tomorrow” Robin says to me, pulling me into a hug before heading back stage. “Thank you Robin” I say as she trails away.

I pull out my phone, open twitter and tweet:

I believe that everything happens for a reason and I want some good to come out of my father's passing..

So I am launching the Lovato Treatment Scholarship Program to help pay for treatment expenses at Cast Recovery for someone who needs help

Tell me your story. Go to http://www.castrecovery.com  and click on programs

I really hope this makes you proud daddy. I whisper looking up.

I make my way back stage, looking for his face. He said he would be here. My heart drops slighly. Where is he. I scan the hallways of bustling people but can’t see him. I decide to check my dressing room. Maybe he’s waiting there I think to myself. Walking up to my room I see that the door is closed. That’s weird I think. I look up to see that the D and E of my name is covered by a note. I unstick it from the door and read:

"Last night I was counting the stars and every one stands for how much I love u. I was doing great until I ran out of stars."

I pull the note in toward my chest and gush. A huge smile spreads across my face. I open the door to find the lights off. I close the door behind me and fumble to find the light switch. I turn it on to find Wilmer standing there with a stupid grin on his face with a dozen red roses in his hands. I can feel the tears begin to form in my eyes. My hand covers my mouth and I slowly feel myself break down into a heap. I see his face drop. I slide down the door into a crumbling mess. He quickly places the roses on the table and rushes to my side, holding me tightly. “Hermosa, look at me. What is it?” I look up at him with tear stained eyes. “That interview was so hard and I held it together the entire take and now you and your love, It just overwhelms me. Too many emotions for one day and I guess I just broke. I’m ok”. I sniff.

He wipes away my tears and caresses the side of my face with his hand gently. “Thank you for all of this. It’s beautiful. You’re beautiful. I am the luckiest girl in the world. I love you so much baby” I say to him as I try to stop the tears from falling. “I love you Nena” he says as he plants a deep and passionate kiss on my lips. The fire within me is ignited and I am yet again reminded of the passion that fills me to the brim, the love the sweeps my veins and the hunger that yearns within. “hmm” I lightly moan. I pull him up, not releasing him from my lips. He pins me against the door, one of his hands pulls through my hair while the other caresses my waist. I explore his mouth with my tongue, reacquainting myself. I pull away, breathing deeply.

He looks at me with burning desire. “I have to go do press work babe. I got to go meet my fans. They're waiting for me” I say breathlessly. I regain myself. He looks at me with those puppy eyes. I hit his chest. “Stop it” I say playfully. “We can finish this later ok but right now I’ve got things I have to do” I say pouting. “Ok Hermosa, I know. Sometimes I wish I didn’t have to share you with the world” he says with a sigh. “I know baby, I know. Me too. Thank you for this beautiful surprise. You never let me down”. I gently kiss his lips once more before releasing myself from his embrace.

I walk over to the mirror; adjust my clothes and hair and quickly fix my lipstick. “Meet me at my hotel later ok? I’ll txt you the details”. He leans down and kisses my forehead. “Can’t wait Hermosa. I’ll miss you”.  I blow him a kiss and wave good bye as I pull open the door.

Max is on the other side. He looks at me with a smirk and taps his wrist. “I know, I know. Sorry” I say to him, blushing. He lets out a small laugh. “Come on you”. He takes my arm in his and leads me towards the crowd of people. I take a deep breath and smile. Except this time I don’t have to force it, it just comes naturally. 

Hope you guys are enjoying this fanfic so far... any thoughts on where you would like the story to go? Any requests for future parts? I've got my ideas but I'd love you to have some input so please let me know your thoughts :) 

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