I will never let go

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Here is the next update :) Thanks for the great response so far! Please vote and comment as this helps me decide where I should go next and if I should keep writing. I am open to suggestions and request.

This was really hard to write..

Wilmer’s POV:

Here I was curled up with my beautiful girlfriend after two long weeks of not seeing each other. The wait was worth it however. Any time spent with her I cherished. I loved holding her and keeping her safe in my embrace. I never wanted to let go. Never wanted anything to hurt her. I was here for her and I loved this woman with everything I had. My eyes were getting heavy, I could feel myself drifting off into a content heavy sleep. I nuzzle Demi further into my embrace. *Ring, ring, ring*. I jump slightly, what the hell I think. The phone? But its.. I turn to the bedside table as Demi turns her head and groans. 2am. But who? Why? “Hello?” Demi answers sleepily. Her face suddenly drops. Her body shifts on the bed. Her breathing becomes shallow and I feel her sink. Tears fill her eyes and in that I moment I see my Angel’s world come crashing down around her. My heart drops. Something is wrong. She’s hurting, oh my god. Everything was so perfect. What could it be.

Mountains of thoughts race through my head. I try to collect myself but my heart is getting ripped into a million pieces watching my baby hurt like she is. I jump up while pushing off the duvet and wrap my arms around her, holding her with every ounce of love and support I have for her. I brush away her now tear soaked blonde locks and kiss her tear stained cheek. Her hand is shaking as she holds the phone to her ear. She just nods, unable to speak. Frozen like a statue with tear after tear rolling down her face. Her free arm wraps around her waist, almost holding herself together. In that moment she resembled that of a fragile porcelian doll that had hit the ground, shattering to pieces. My thoughts are racing. The hairs on the back of my neck are raised and I start to sweat slightly with fear. I try to hold myself together. I have to, for her. I think. She needs me to be strong, to be her rock through this time. Whatever it is, I will be there for her. We will get through it together.

I wait in anticipation for the phone call to end. “Ok” is the only other word that slips from Demi’s lips. The phone drops out of her hand and rolls off the bed with a light thud. She stares blankly ahead. Her whole demine has changed. I don’t know what to say or do. I do the only thing I know, which is instinct; hold her and be there for her. I pull her on to my lap, wrapping my arms around her body tightly, rocking her slightly. She sinks her head into my chest and sobs loudly; gasping for air between each wail. I feel her breaking beneath me. I rub her back softly up and down. “Shhhh, shhhh” I whisper softly. I feel so helpless. Silence eventually lengthens between each sob and her breathing slowly returns to a somewhat normal rhythm. I lift her from my chest and gaze into her glistening eyes. My heart breaks at the sight. “What is it Hermosa?” I ask in a cautious manner. A little whimper escapes from her chest. “M..m..my d..d…d..dad” she says shakily, “H..h..he’s dead”. The last word barely makes it out of her mouth. She again breaks down into hysterical sobs. My stomach drops. I feel tears prick my eyes.  “I got you angel. I got you. I am here and I am not letting you go” I say as I tighten my grip around her. “Shhh, shhh” I whisper, cradling her as I rock back and forth.

My head erupts as the words that have filled the room become a haunting reality. Her dad is dead. I all of a sudden have a thought. Wait, does she mean Patrick or Eddie. She calls Eddie dad too. My mind starts to race, reasoning for an answer. I have none. I have no clue. I mean Patrick was sick but death can happen to anyone at any time. I continue to grapple with my thoughts. How will the family cope? Dallas. Dianna. Maddie. I let out a small cry. Oh god, maddie. She always held such a soft spot in my heart. She is only 11 I think with fear. “Hermosa?” I say softly. “Hmm” she ever so quietly replies. “When you say your dad, do you mean…” before I can finish my sentence Demi steps in and says beneath her breath, “Patrick..”. She again buries herself into my chest. I feel the wetness of her tears trickle down.

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