Always on my mind

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X-Factor LA- Day One:

Demi’s POV:

I stare at my braided hair in the mirror, my smoky eyes staring back at me. Something was different. Maybe it was the fact I was wearing orange; whatever it was I felt on fire today. It felt good. Passion fired in my eyes. However I knew the real reason. Like always this reason was Wilmer Valderrama. The love of my life whom I also hated for making me so crazy. I felt like a hormonal teenager all over again. He makes me wild but I love him and I love the effect he has on me. I can’t wait to see him tonight after X-Factor auditions. It had been three days since I had seen him. Yes three days isn’t much time a part but I had grown so used to him being there for me over these past few weeks. I had got so used to him comforting me and caring for me. He was there right through my dad’s passing, he was there when I was sick, he was just there; and I loved that. I loved waking up to him every morning. I loved falling asleep to his smile every night. I loved that his arms would wrap around my waist unexpectedly, that he would kiss my forehead, my nose; my lips. I just loved having him around me but unfortunately reality had to set in sooner or later. We both lead incredibly busy lives and work very demanding jobs and hours and that makes it hard. It’s put strain on our relationship in the past and it takes constant commitment but we have found a way that works and right now we are stronger than ever.

However right now I longed for him so much. I bit my bottom lip thinking about him. Thinking about his smile, his chocolate brown eyes, his lips, my fingers running through his thick hair, his finely toned muscles running the length of his chest, his golden tan and beautiful accent. I let out a sigh. I realise I am so tense. Tense from not having that physical connection. Not having his hands run over my smooth body, his lips invade my mouth, not having him make love to me. It was taking its toll. I let out a small groan at the thought.

“Demi?” I immediately snap out of my daydream. “Oh hey Marissa, I didn’t notice you there..” I say. I feel my cheeks go slightly red from where my thoughts just were. “Yeah no kidding Dems you were miles away” she nudges her fist to my shoulder. “So what were you thinking about? Hmmm miss Demetria” she teases. She knows me so well. I barely have to tell her anything, she just knows me. I blush. “Oh…you know”. I giggle. “How long?” she asks with a teasing and suggestive tone to her voice. We talk about everything and of course I know exactly what she’s referring to. “Three days…” I say quietly. “Oh my God Dems, is that it?” she laughs. “I swear you are one of the horniest people I know”. I hit her on the arm. “Shit Marissa, shut up!” I say embarrassed by her remark. “ I have needs ok and he’s just so … “ I let out a sigh. “so… irresistible” I let out another sigh “You got it bad Dems” Marissa says as she starts to massage my shoulders. “I love him ok”. So much I thought to myself. “I know” she replies. “You seeing him tonight?” she asks with a wink. “Yes” I say excitedly. “I can’t wait” I finish. “I bet” Marissa says sarcastically raising an eyebrow. “Oh shut Marissa!” I yell jokingly.

“Brat we’re on in five; get that African butt of yours into your chair” Simon pokes his head into the green room, demanding. “Who you calling African butt old man?” I yell back. “Have you looked in the mirror?” he says laughing as he walks away. I look back at my reflection. Oh my God, he’s right, I think to myself. I just laugh. I snap away into yet another day dream about going to Africa. Focus Demi I say to myself, trying to re-focus my thoughts. “I better take my seat, good luck out there! You’ll do great. We are all here by the way. Your family and Matthew too” Marissa says smiling. “Will be so nice to have y’all in the audience”. I reply, getting up from my seat and making my way toward the corridor. “See you out there” Marissa says and she makes her way toward the audience. I take a deep breath. Just 7 more hours I think. I can do this. I hope.


We are having a short break and boy did I need it. I couldn’t get him off my mind. Everything was reminding me of him. I kept hearing his voice. I kept seeing his face. I kept looking back to where my family was sitting in the hope he too would be sitting with them. It was torture. I head to the greenroom to make myself a cup of tea and take a seat on the couch to relax. I open up twitter to distract myself. Instead his tweets come up on my timeline. I click on an instagram link attached with the hashtag #CountryWednesdays. Oh God it’s a video. I immediately regret opening it. His gorgeous face pops up on my phone. His eyes stare right into mine, piercing me with his gaze. I can’t help but stare at his finely etched face and the facial hair that lines his beautiful face. He does a little smirk. I feel my insides twist up. He then gets a glimmer in his eyes and gives a ‘look’ and then smiles that beautiful smile of his. My heart melts. I feel butterflies form in the pit of my stomach and a huge smile spread right across my face. Is he trying to torture me? Oh my god I want him. I then see his next tweet.

@WValderrama Thinking of a master plan…

I wonder if. He better be. My mind races off into a thousand different thoughts. I open up my messages, click on our conversation and type:

To Wilmer:

Soooo I saw your video… um you’re so sexy, are you trying to torture me? The things I want to do to you…Oh and I hope your ‘master plan’ involves me :p Can’t wait for tonight baby.. I miss you SO much it hurts. Love you my beautiful sexy man xoxo

I hit send and smirk. So much for a break to re-focus I think to myself. I look at the time. Shit and now I have to get back out there and guess who’s STILL on my mind. Grrr. Does he realise what he does to me? I shake my head and giggle.

Finally auditions are over. However I remember my family and best friends are here. I quickly check my phone.

From Wilmer:

And what things would they be Hermosa? I can think of a few things I’d like to do to you myself…. :P Of course Nena, my plans and thoughts always involve you! I also can’t wait to see you, I’m dying here. I love you so much my gorgeous girl xoxo

My heart melts and yet again I am off in a lustful day dream about him. “You seem… distracted today Dems..” Kelly says, placing an arm around my shoulder. I feel my cheeks flush a light pink. I am yet again embarrassed by the interruption of my thoughts. “I um… Yeah. I haven’t seen Wilmer in three days and well I just can’t get him off my mind. I’m seeing him soon and he’s all I can think about”. Kelly just laughs and gives me a hug. “Well hurry up then gurl. Don’t want to keep that yummy man of yours waiting. Have fun and be safe” she says with a giggle. Oh my god, am I that obvious? I suddenly think to myself. “Stop Demi. We are all adults here ok, no need to get embarrassed, it’s just me ok” she says reassuringly, obviously reading my mind. “Thanks Kel” I say giving her another hug. I make my way over to my family and join their conversations. I snap a few pictures with Marissa and Matthew and then finally feel I’ve been with them long enough that I can leave. I don’t want to seem rude but I also know they will be at the auditions tomorrow. Plus I had other things occupying my mind.“I’ll see you guys tomorrow” I hug everybody and wave goodbye. I check my phone to see if I have any new messages. There is one.

From Wilmer:

I’m waiting… :P See you soon babe xx p.s hurry

Another wave of excitement and anticipation sweeps over me. I feel like a little kid before Christmas. I can’t help but grab my things and rush out the door as quickly as I can. I jump in my car and drive as fast as I can to get home. I see his car parked in his spot on my driveway. My heart skips a beat. I swing open the front door to find all the lights off. Confused, I switch on the foyer light to see a trail of rose petals leading up the stairs. I gasp for air as I feel a massive smile form across my face. I dump my stuff on the floor and bound up the stairs excitedly. I follow the petals to the bedroom door which is closed. I take a deep breath and push it open. I gasp at the sight that lays before me.

What do you guys want to have happen in the next update?? Who wants a rated update? Who wants cute? or have you got another idea? Let me know! :) 

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