Hold On

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Sorry I took so long to update, things have been all over the place! Thank you for the reads, votes and comments :) Please keep them coming, the more you comment the more motivation I have to write the next update!

Demi’s POV:

“Oh mom!” I sniff back. The tears have started up again. My arms squeeze tightly around my mom’s waist. I nuzzle my head into her chest, tears beginning to dampen her top. “Shh baby. I’m here now. Momma’s got you”. After what feels like ages, I finally peal myself away from her embrace and look into her tear filled eyes. She looks tired, I think to myself. She pushes a loose strand of hair behind my ear, wipes away my tears with her thumbs and kisses my forehead.

Her hand wraps around mine and leads me back inside the house. “but what are you doing here?” I ask her, slightly confused. “I knew this would be hard for you and I knew I needed to come see you. Call it mothers instinct”, she says with a small smile. I squeeze her hand. My mother never fails to be there, I think in admiration. “I love you mom”, I say to her. “and you baby girl” she says in reply.

She walks up to Marissa and hugs her tightly. She then slowly makes her way across to Wilmer and pulls him into a long embrace. She leans up into his ear and says “Thank you”. He nods. “Ok Nena, lets get some food into you. You can catch up with your mom in the kitchen”, Wilmer says as he comes up behind me, placing his hand around my waist and pulling me close.


“Mmm that was so delicious baby, thank you” I say before placing my last mouthful of chicken and roast vegetable salad in my mouth. I swing my legs to and fro on the bar stool seated at the island in my kitchen. It was now mid-afternoon and the events of the day had exhausted me. I yawn, realising once again how drained and I tired I feel. Wilmer walks up behind the bar stool and lays a kiss on my neck, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. “Why don’t you go lie down Hermosa? It’s been a big day and you look tired. I know you barely got any sleep last night.” He says softly into my ear. “Marissa can go up with you and keep you company?” Marissa jumps off the barstool next to me. “Yeah Dems, let’s go cuddle and make Wilmer jealous” she says with a wide smirk on her face. I laugh “How can I refuse you Marissa?” placing my plate in the dishwasher. I walk back, chucking my arms around my mom. “Have a good rest darling, I love you” she says as she softly strokes my jawline. I then move over to Wilmer. I place my arms around his neck, staring into his big brown eyes. “I love you so much. Thank you for today”. I rest a soft kiss on his lips. “I love you too Hermosa, sweet dreams”. He gives my butt a light tap before I make my way upstairs with Marissa.

Wilmer’s POV:

I wipe down the benches and pull the stools in neatly. I look at Dianna, she looks distant and worried. Understandable I think to myself. She was once married to Patrick and he is after all the father to two of her daughters. “How are you holding up Dianna?” I make my way back into the lounge. She follows and sits down on the other side of the couch. She sighs. “It’s hard, but it’s not me I’m worried about. It’s that one” she says as she points up the stairs, referring to Demi. “How has she been Wilmer? How has she really been?” she asks me in a soft voice.

I look down to the floor and back up to her eyes. I shake my head. “Honestly, if I hadn’t of woken up and gone into the bathroom when I did, today would be a whole different story”. I let out a big sigh and struggle to fight back tears. The thought of her hurting herself, the thought of her hurting full stop, rips my heart into shreds. It breaks me. How grateful I was that I had been there at the right time. The thought of being a minute later makes my stomach churn. I shudder at the thought. Dianna wipes away a tear. “What did she do?” the words shakily stumble out of her mouth. “She was on the bathroom floor with a razor over her wrist”, I struggle to say the words without choking back a sob. Dianna puts her hands to her head and starts to take some deep breaths in and out. I shuffle over and place my hand on her back, gently rubbing up and down. “She’s safe though and that is all that matters. God’s got her in his hands and she will come through this even stronger than she already is” I say reassuringly, continuing to rub her back.

She looks up at me, her eyes filled with tears. “I’m so thankful you were here Wilmer”, small sobs escape her small chest.“I need to take her home. She needs to be back with family for a few days” Dianna says as she searches my face for a response. “I completely agree Dianna. You take her home and I can meet her in New York for Good Morning America and then fly with her to Albuquerque for the funeral.” I reply, shifting back into the couch. “You’re so good to her Wilmer. I couldn’t ask for anyone better to be with my daughter”. I smile.

“Will she be up to Good Morning America do you think?” she questions. “Well it’s up to her but you know how she is. She likes to keep busy and she hates letting people down. If anything, it could be good for her, but we can cross that bridge when we come to it” I say as I stand up. “Did you want a drink or anything?” I ask, remembering she’s just been on a flight for the last few hours. “I’m good for now, but thank you for asking. I better organise a flight back and call my other daughters and see how they are holding up”. “Of course, here’s the phone. Take all the time you need. I’ll just be in the next room cleaning up and grabbing together a few of Demi’s things” I say, handing her the phone.


“Wakey, wakey” I softly whisper in Demi’s ear, kissing her forehead. She groans, flickering open her eyes. “Oh hey baby”, she says groggily, planting a soft kiss on my lips. “Time to get up Nena, you’ve got to pack”. She scrunches up her face, while elbowing Marissa in the side. “Oi!” Marissa yells, picking up her pillow and slamming it on to Demi’s Chest. Demi giggles her sweet laugh, removes the pillow and looks up at me. “Pack? You’ve lost me”. “Your mom and I both agree it would be good for you to go home for a few days and spend time with family”. She nods in agreement. “What about you though?” She pouts her famous pout, giving me her best attempt of puppy eyes. “I think it’s important for you to be with family right now, but I’ll fly and meet you in New York and then we can go together to the funeral in Albuquerque, how does that sound?” I say to her, trying not to stare directly into her eyes. “Oh yeah, Good Morning America and... his funeral…” She trails off, replacing her head on the pillow. “You don’t need to do Good Morning America if you don’t want to, we can always cancel it” I say as I gently stroke her face. She pauses for a minute. “No. I want to work. It will be good. I will be ok”. “I know you will Hermosa”, leaning in for one more kiss. I grab her hands and pull her out of bed.

Demi’s POV:

Sitting in the airport, I pull out my phone and check twitter. Gosh, Dallas wasn’t kidding I think to myself. The support was incredible. There were currently two worldwide trends. One was ‘StayStrongDemiAndDallas and the other was ‘RIPPatrickLovato’. I smile flicking through my mentions and timeline. Noticing it wasn’t just my Lovatics behind the tweets of support but there were trends and tweets from all the other fandoms as well. An overwhelming sense of love and support hits me. I brush a tear from my eye. The support was phenomenal. Each message made me feel a little bit stronger. I open up a new tweet and type:

@ddlovato I feel so humbled to have had so much support from my fans, friends, family and complete strangers.. God bless you all, thank you so much

“Flight 135 to Dallas, Texas. Please make your way to gate E to board your plane. Thank you”. A loud voice says over the intercom. “That’s us baby girl”, mum says standing up as she taps my thigh. I put my phone back in my handbag and grab my belongings, making my way towards the terminal. Deep breath I say to myself. You can do this Demi. You are strong. I look down at my wrists and smile. 


What will Texas bring? How will Demi cope being away from Wilmer? Is Demi as strong as she thinks? 

Stay tuned for the next update to find out! :) 

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