Cloud Nine

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So am fianlly updating again! I know it has been AGES! Thanks for being so patient :) I am all recovered from surgery and am hoping to regain my inspiration and motivation for this fanfic. Please leave feedback and don't forget to vote :) 

Wilmer’s POV:

I wake up to Demi’s phone buzzing at my side. She groans and reaches out an arm to dismiss the piercing sound. She is lying on my now numb arm, her butt is pressed against my front, her legs are entangled amongst mine and the sheet loosely weaves between us. I pull her into me and kiss her ear. “Good morning beautiful” I say, turning her chin toward me and planting a chaste yet passionate kiss on her lips. She grabs the back of my neck and deepens the kiss. “Good morning baby” she says as she pulls away. Her hand lightly trials up and down my arm. “I’ve missed this. Waking up with you in my arms” I say, kissing her shoulder. She pushes herself further into my embrace. “Me too” she lets out a sigh. She untangles herself from me and the sheets and rolls onto her back.

It’s then I notice the marks from last night. Shit I think to myself, as I pull myself up onto my elbows and stare at her neck and collar bones. She’s going to kill me, I think. “Um Nena” I say cautiously, pushing a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. “Yeah baby?” she asks, locking her eyes onto mine. “Um don’t get angry, but I think you better look in the mirror”. Panic brushes over her face as she leaps out of bed and runs to the bathroom mirror. “Fuck Wilmer!” she yells. I grab her pillow and place it over my head with a groan. Uh oh, I’m in trouble I think. I brace myself for hurricane Demi. I hear groaning and sighs coming from the ensuite. Her footsteps approach the side of my bed and I can only imagine her face. She grabs the pillow and my vision of her face was pretty accurate. Her hands are on her hips, her famous pout is in place and her eyebrows are furrowed in a frustrated stance.

“I’m sorry?” I offer up in a sincere yet slightly humorous tone. “Not funny Wilmer. I have auditions today!” I can’t help but smirk. She is so cute when she is angry. “I’m sure Jill can cover it up?” I say, hoping this is the case. I quickly think about the consequences that could occur in the media if they get a hold of this. Fuck I think to myself. Ok I see why this isn’t funny. “She better be able to. Oh my God Wilmer, it’s like being a teenager all over again!” she sighs, no longer yelling. She sits her naked butt down on the edge of the bed. I wrap my arm around her and kiss her shoulder. “I’m sorry Hermosa”, I try again. “I love you”. She looks up at me; the fire in her eyes has gone. “I love you too” she says, pecking my lips lightly. “And you obviously love me a bit too much” she laughs. I chuckle with her. “Ok best I get ready” she says, kissing my lips one more time before making her way into the shower. I lie back and sigh with a huge grin on my face with the memory of last night. I am so lucky I think to myself.

After half an hour she walks out with her hair loosely hanging in a pony-tail. She is wearing her comfy clothes she likes to be in before getting all glammed up for the auditions. She has on a grey tank top with a white cardigan and some tight black leggings that makes her butt and legs look amazing. She slips on some flats and races around the room, collecting her belongings and chucking them in her generous sized hand bag. “Max is down stairs waiting, best I get going. I’ll see you after the show?” she leans down and pecks my lips. “Yeah you will. Can’t wait. You’re gonna do great today Nena. I love you” I say, trying to keep up my act. Little does she know that I’ll be at auditions with her family today. I just love surprising her. “Bye babe” she says before scuttling out the door. I wait a few minutes in case she comes back and start getting ready myself. I can’t wait to see her face I think to myself as the hot shower water streams down my back. I giggle at the thought. This ought to be good.

Demi’s POV:

“What do you feel like wearing today Miss Lovato?” my stylist asks, showing me the rack of endless possibilities. “Hmm” I think, eyeing up all the outfits. “Something sexy yet casual. I feel like a blouse today” I’m feeling confident today. Wilmer brings out the best in me, this much I know. “I know just the thing” my stylist says as she flicks through the wrack of clothes, pulling out piece after piece. She hands me 3 items. “Here try these” she says. I step out of the dressing room and place my feet in the pair of Saint Laurent heels she has waiting for me. She slides a long chunky gold necklace over my head and a matching gold bangle on my wrist. She fluffs with my blouse. I step back and admire myself in the full length mirror. I turn to my side and smile. “Yes, perfect” I look up and say to her now smiling face.

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