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Demi’s POV:

Max sits down beside me and rubs my back up and down. “Ssshhh, ssshhh” he says again and again. After a few minutes my surroundings come back to me and I begin to feel myself calm down. “That’s it Demi”. Deep breaths. I try focus on my breathing and force myself back to reality. What am I doing I think to my self frustrated. I am meant to be professional. I am supposed to be working, not curled up on the dressing room floor sobbing. Max breaks my train of thought by handing me my phone, “He said to call back when you were calm”. I nod and take the phone from him.

Wilmer’s POV:

I was sitting on the edge of my chair, anxiously awaiting her phone call. In the mean time I do all I know, pray. “God please give her a sign. Let her know she is not alone. Get her through this” "Please" I whisper under my breath.

Demi’s POV:

I am about to hit redial when I hear a beautiful sound coming from the other side of the room. I turn my head to see a small brown bird perched on the window sill, singing a beautiful tune. I drop my phone and my mouth falls open. I nudge Max. “Max…is that a….that ...a nightingale?” I stutter out the words, not believing what I am seeing. He sits there as in disbelief himself. “Yeah I’m pretty sure it is” he replies. I sit there numbly for a few seconds and process what is happening. I look up and whisper “thank you”. The bird then flies away. I feel a warmth sweep over me with an overwhelming sense of peace. I am not alone I think. I am never alone. I always have my nightingales with me. A smile spreads across my face. I wipe away my tears and giggle. God has a funny way of teaching me things I think, hitting re dial.

It barely rings before he answers with  panic in his voice, “Hermosa?”. “Hey baby,” I reply calmly. He breathes a sigh of relief. “How are you? Are you ok? You’re not crying” he flies out multiple questions. I laugh and breathe out, “I’m fine Wilmer”. “You are?” he says as if confused. “Yes, in fact I am more than fine. God is so good Wilmer” I say back. “What happened nena?” he asks, his voice relaxing knowing that I am now ok. “A bird, well a nightingale; flew and sat on the window sill of the room I’m in and sung” I say, still in disbelief. I get no response. “Hello?” I say, wondering if he’s still there. “I’m here Hermosa. Wow.. it’s just…I…God answers prayers is all I have to say” he says trying to get out the right words, laughing be-musingly.

“What do you mean?” I ask, unsure exactly where he is going with what he is saying. “It’s just... I prayed God would give you a sign and show you that you weren’t alone. So ah that prayer was well and truly answered. Wow” he says again. I sit there, bringing my other hand to my head, trying to gather my thoughts. “Well it was a definite sign, that’s for sure. Wow. God is so good” I say back. “So do you have to return to the panel, or?” Wilmer questions on the other end of the phone. Oh shit I think to myself. I had completely forgotten all about auditions. “Oh yeah. I better go. Thank you baby. I love you”. “Love you too Hermosa” he replies. I smile and hang up the conversation. I sit there for a moment staring around the room, taking in everything. Before I get up I open up twitter and type:

@ddlovato God has funny ways of teaching you things in life... But my Lord is GREAT!!!

@ddlovato Life can be so difficult at times but fighting through the pain is so worth it. I'd rather feel every kind of emotion than not feel at all.

 I realise Max is still in the room, just waiting. He is far too good to me I think. “Hey Max do you reckon you could go find out if I’m needed back on the panel or not?” I ask him, getting up from the floor and moving over to the dressing chair in front of the mirror. I glance at myself. Ugh I look terrible I think. My eye make-up is sprawled down my face and my hair is all out of place. I am hoping I can just go home and go to bed.

I begin to tidy up my hair when Max comes back, “Simon says to take the rest of the day off and not worry about tomorrow either if you need more time”. I nod. Simon is too good to me, I sometimes forget he is my boss because we have such a good friendship. “Would you like to go back to your hotel then?” Max asks me. “Yes please” I answer. “I’ll organise the driver then. You’re ok here?” he says. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. Thanks Max”. He picks up his phone and trails out of the room. I pull out my phone and open up itunes, scrolling until I find it. I press play. ‘I can’t sleep tonight. Wide awake and so confused’ I hear my own voice comfort me, as I sit back and close my eyes. I feel them with me. I feel at peace.


I fall back on the hotel bed with a thud. Ahhh I sigh. Finally. I lie there for a moment longer before getting up and heading to the shower. Once out I get dressed into my favourite grey sweat pants and black hoodie and climb under the crisp sheets of the plush bed. I pull my phone out of my pocket and dial, putting it on video call. His beautiful face pops up on my screen. “Hermosa!” he exclaims excited. “Hey baby. Ahh it’s so nice to see your face. I’ve missed it so much” I say back, a huge smile spread across my face. “Wish you were here” I add. “Me too baby. I miss you so much it almost hurts” he says back. “Almost?” I tease. “you know what I mean, don’t read into it”. “I know baby, I’m just teasing. How was your day?” “It was good, just work, real boring. I’d much rather be snuggled into you right now, watching a DVD”. I readjust myself on the bed so I’m lying on my stomach. “Ah that sounds so perfect. Can’t wait until we are together again.” He sighs. “Me either. I’m real sorry baby but I gotta go. I’ve got to get to a meeting”. I huff. “Oh ok then. Talk tomorrow?” I ask with hope. “Of course Nena. I’ll call you tomorrow princessa. Sweet dreams gorgeous girl. Why don’t you go have a bath or something? Take care of you for once ay?” He was always so thoughtful and caring. I loved that about him. “Yeah that’s a good idea actually. I think I’ll get an early night. I’m not feeling 100%. I hope I’m not getting sick again. That is the last thing I need” I say as I cross my fingers. I was over being sick all the time and couldn’t wait to get my tonsils out in a few weeks time. “Sounds like a good plan. I love you” he says sweetly, blowing a kiss to me through phone. I return the kiss, “I love you too babe” I say before hanging up. I snuggle my head into the pillow and before I can get up and do anything else I am fast asleep. 

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