We belong together

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Alright you horny little things, here’s some Dilmer action to keep you going :P Please let me know what you think because this honestly took me AGES to write just because I try so hard to get it so it’s realistic and well written, so feedback would be appreciated. Enjoy! :P


Demi’s POV:

My hands travel the length of his back, his fine etched back muscles beneath my fingers. Wilmer has his head buried in the nape of my neck, lightly kissing and nipping at my sweet spot. I close my eyes and dig my nails into his back, releasing a small moan from the back of my throat. I open my eyes and stare deeply into his beautiful chocolate covered eyes. I feel as if I am looking into the window of his soul. I see passion, love and adoration staring back at me and I realise this is directed toward me. My heart warms. For a few short minutes all I do is get lost in his eyes; transferring the abundance of love I feel for him simply through a look. “I love you so much Wilmer. You are my world” I say as I lean up and press my lips to his. I pour my passion and love into the kiss, ensuring he knows exactly how much he means to me. I roll us over so I am on top; I lift up from his body and kneel on either side of him. “I have some making up to do remember baby?” I say with a seductive smirk.

I slowly remove the jacket that is covering my arms and begin to slowly rock myself against his hips. I keep my gaze on his and chuck my jacket off the bed. I then trail my hands down my body, squeezing my breasts as I go. Hooking my fingers under the hem of my singlet and sexily drag it over my head, leaving me in my black lace bra. I can feel his member growing hard beneath me. I continue to sway my hips as if moving to an invisible beat. I reach behind my back and unclasp my bra, giving Wilmer best view of my perky breasts. I lean my arms forward to his chest and pull my hands and breasts down him slowly, leaving trails of kisses as I go. As my head and arms meet his jeans I stop to look at him, smirking. Without breaking eye contact I slowly unbuckle his belt and remove it with one swift pull. I smile. My fingers move to the button and zipper on his jeans. I slowly slide his jeans and jockeys down his legs, allowing his hard erection its release. I bite down on my lower lip, knowing full well it drives him crazy. The smile on his face widens. “Ok baby, let me show you just how sorry I am for earlier” I say as I lean down, hovering over his erect penis.

I start by licking the base of his member and around his balls. Teasingly, I take one in my mouth and suck gently. I feel Wilmer tense at my touch. I move my tongue up the length of his shaft; applying pressure. I lick the head lightly, swirling my tongue around. I then lick back down the shaft. I do this a few more times before taking the head of him in my mouth, sucking. I hear a low moan escape Wilmer’s lips. Slowly I begin to take more and more of his hard length in my mouth, sucking a little harder with every inch I take in. With most of his length in my mouth I begin to slowly move my mouth up and down his shaft, keeping eye contact with him the whole time. I put my right hand at the base of his member and start pumping in the same rhythm as my mouth. I know I am driving him crazy. I can hear his breathing quickening. His hands move to my head and sweep through my hair as he pulls slightly. “Shit Hermosa” he lets out breathlessly.

This only fires me to keep going. Tasting his pre-cum, I increase the speed of my mouth and take him as deep as I can, gagging slightly. To mix it up, I start humming to add some vibration. I can see Wilmer doesn’t expect this as his hips instinctively buckle up and he moans out my name. His moan is like sweet music to my ears. I continue my torture on him. His eyes close and his hands tighten in my hair. He grunts and moans in his release. I feel his load run down the back of my throat. I suck him up and down a few more times before removing my mouth with a ‘pop’ I lick my lips and then lean down and kiss him hard. “Am I forgiven?” I ask sweetly yet seductively. “Oh most definitely Miss Lovato. Now I believe it’s your turn” he says with hunger, flipping me over so I am lying on the bed.

I let out a shrill scream and giggle and smile up at my handsome man. I can’t believe he is mine sometimes. This moment is one of them. I am so lucky I think to myself. So lucky to have someone who cares for me like Wilmer. He honestly loves and adores me with all his being; I can’t even fathom it. I love him so much it hurts. I am interrupted from my thoughts by Wilmer’s kisses trailing down my body. He starts by kissing my collar bones and then moves down my chest. He teasingly licks down my breast and swirls his tongue around the areolar. I gasp for air as he suddenly takes my nipple in his mouth and sucks. My nipple hardens to his commanding tongue. I feel myself getting wetter with every touch. Wilmer offers no release; he continues his magic on my breast as his hand palms the other. My back lifts off the bed and an uncontrollable moan leaves my mouth. Once satisfied he begins his relenting work on the other breast. My toes curl at the pleasure he is giving me. I am paradise right now. I feel like a goddess being worshipped.

Wilmer looks up at me and smiles before laying kisses on my stomach. “I love every inch of your body Hermosa” he says between breathless kisses. I throw my head back and smile giddily. I honestly feel so comfortable and loved when I am around him. All my insecurities melt away. He brings out the best in me. He unbuttons and unzips my black ripped jeans and hitches his fingers at the hem, pulling down in one sweep. He then looks at my wet panties and shakes his head with a smirk. “All of this for me?” he says sarcastically. I nod with want and need. He slides my lace panties off my smooth legs and chucks it to the side, joining it with the other garments that have left our bodies. I suck in at the thought of his contact. He begins slowly and torturing by placing kisses up my legs and all around the inside of my thighs; his lips barely touching my skin. It is pure torture. I can feel myself getting wetter and wetter. I just want him so badly. “Please Wilmer I cry out”.

That does it. His tongue separates my folds and he dives in, licking up my juices. He then moves over my clitoris and sucks softly. My breathing accelerates. My back arches as he plunges two fingers in me as he continues to suck and lick my sensitive and erect clit. His fingers start a slow rhythm in and out of me. I buck my hips to meet his beat. His pace increases. He curls his fingers and continues to pump in and out. I feel my insides warm and build to the sensations he is creating. He only needs to pump in one more time before my walls contract around him. I throw my head back and moan out his name as I am sent over the edge. My legs shake and the amazing warm sensation spreads from my waist all the way down to the tips of my toes. I am in pure ecstasy in this moment. I never want it to end. Wilmer pumps in a few more times and applies soft contact around my clit to allow me to ride out the orgasm he has just given me. I feel my body relax and I come down from my high. I open my eyes and let out a breath. “Wow” is all I can say.

He leans over me and kisses my lips. “I love you Nena. I love you so much”. He sweeps my sweaty blonde lock behind my ear and kisses me again. I can feel his again hard member against my hip. “Make love to me Wilmer” I say as I kiss his lips. Wilmer leans over to the dresser and gets a foiled packet out of the top draw. He rips it open and rolls the condom over his rock hard member. My heart picks up a beat at the thought of him in me. I push him gently so he is the one lying on the bed and take control. I put my knees on either side of his hips and get my hand at the base of his cock. Slowly but surely I lower myself onto him. I throw my head back at the feeling of him filling me. “Ahh” I cry out. Once I have his length all in me I start bouncing up and down on him, starting off the pace.

His hips thrust up to meet me with every beat. His hands fall on my hips as he helps me gyrate against him. With every movement my breasts bounce up and down and I can tell he is enjoying me in this position as the smile on his face is priceless. “Enjoying the view?” I tease as I continue my pace. He laughs. “Who wouldn’t?” I giggle. I can feel my insides starting to build. I pick up the pace and position myself so he hits the spot that gives me so much pleasure. “Yes baby” I scream. A loud grunt leaves his lips as he reaches his high. I let out a hiss. I once again feel myself build until my muscles clamp in around him and I am yet again washed over with feelings of pure bliss. “Oh fuck” I cry out in delight as the waves of my orgasm hit me. I slowly continue to ride him until I collapse in a heap on his chest.

I lift up my head and peck his chest. “You are amazing Nena” he says kissing my cheek. He disposes of the condom and then pulls me into his strong and safe arms. He simply lays there stroking my hair, laying the occasional kiss on my nose, ear, cheek or lips. In that moment I couldn’t have felt more content, more loved or more happy. I smile as I soak up his embrace. With him by my side  I feel like we could take on the world; even some pictures being leaked on the internet. In that moment none of my busy schedule or career mattered. Only him. My Wilmer; who I planned to spend the rest of my life with, in his arms where I belong. 

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