I'll look after you

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Decided to update quickly seeing as I left you guys waiting for so long on the last update :) Are there any events/request you'd like to see in future updates? Please let me know! Vote and comment and I'll update faster :) 

Demi’s POV:

My eyes slowly flutter open to Wilmer’s face bent over mine with concern. I am back on the bed and I have a cold flannel laid across my forehead. He’s here I think to myself. He’s actually here. I was beginning to think it was just a dream. A small smile spreads across my face. “What happened?” I whisper. “You fainted Hermosa, and scared the crap of me in the process. I’ll be grey before we confirm our relationship at this rate”. I giggle but I see he is dead serious. “You came?” I say weakly. “I had to be by your side. I brought some things”. He leans over and pulls up a bag of things. I notice there is a vase of fresh flowers on the bedside table. “For me?” I ask smiling at the flowers. “Yes for you, anything to make you smile Hermosa” he says, kissing my forehead.

“What else did you bring” I say as I try sitting up. He places some pillows behind my back to support me. “Some soup, as requested” He hands me a hot container of soup and a spoon. “Hmm my favourite” I smile down, taking off the lid. “Eat up Nena, I’m guessing that is a big reason as to why you fainted?” “Yeah I haven’t been able to keep anything down” I say with a pout. “Oh princessa” he says, pulling up my free hand and laying a kiss sweetly on the top of it. “I also brought your favourite icecream to help soothe your throat, some tissues, some medication from your apartment, some lemon and honey sashes, some chocolate, your favourite DVDs, your ‘sick’ pyjamas, favourite slippers and last but not least.. me” he beams from ear to ear as he pulls out everything from his bag of goodies. “You are so sweet Wilmer. I can’t believe you brought all of this for me. You are so thoughtful, I honestly don’t know what I’d do without you” I lean in for a kiss. He pulls away. “What’s wrong?” I ask, slightly offended. “You’re sick Hermosa and I don’t want your germs”. “It’s my tonsils again, you know I’m not contagious” I reply with a whine. “I know Nena, but still I'm not taking my chances”. He pecks me on the cheek instead.

He lays out the medications, DVDs and tissues on the other bedside table, he folds up the pyjamas nicely and puts the slippers on top; placing them neatly on the bed beside me. He then takes the remainder of things and heads toward the kitchen; I hear the kettle boiling and some clattering. I sink back into the pillows and sip away at my hot delicious soup. He comes back into the room holding a polka dot mug with hot steam rising above it. I nod and thank him while grabbing my usual medications and chucking them down my sore throat with sips of my hot lemon drink to wash them down. He then kisses my forehead once more before heading off again, this time off to the bathroom. I hear the water running. I am too lucky I think to myself. This is exactly what I needed, someone to look after me and I have just the person I wanted here to do it. I start coughing. I think I'm going to be sick again. All of a sudden Wilmer is by my side with a bucket, rubbing my back up and down. The feeling passes and the coughing stops. I look up at him and nod. “I’m ok now” I say softly.

I continue to devour my soup. He grabs my pyjamas and slippers from the bed and goes into my bag and grabs some fresh panties, he then gets a towel and heads back to the bathroom. I hear the water stop running. I finish my last mouthful of soup. He walks back into the room and says “let’s get you in a nice hot bath hmm?”. I nod. He does everything for me. Places the soup on the table, pulls back the covers and next thing I know I’m in his warm arms. I snuggle my head into his chest. He carries me into the bathroom, placing me on the edge of the bath, he then undresses me and picks me up once more placing me gently and carefully in the bath tub. The water is the perfect temperature and he has made sure to add lots of bubbles, just the way I like it. I sink back and allow myself to relax. “Ahhhh” I breathe out a sigh of relief.

He sits by head and strokes my hair back, massaging my head slightly. “What did I do to deserve you Wilmer Valderrama?” I ask croakily, looking up at him adoringly. “The real question is what I do to deserve you Demetria Lovato” he answers back. I blush. I already feel better I think to myself. While I relax in the bath Wilmer sits there, telling me about his day. Just the sound of his voice is making me sleepy, it’s so soothing. He senses that I'm falling asleep. He stops talking and holds up his hands to me. I grab them and before I know it I’m on my feet. He wraps a big towel around me and helps me step out onto the mat. I begin to dry myself but I feel so weak and sleepy, I struggle. Again, he helps me. He dries my entire body thoroughly and helps me into my favourite pyjamas he brought for me. The soft and familiar feel of material makes me feel like I’m at home. Before I can do anything else I am back in his arms and in what feels like a second, am back into the big and plush bed.

I sink my head into the fluffy pillows and sink myself into the mattress, warm and content. My throat is no longer screaming, I no longer feel too hot or too cold and my stomach is no longer protesting. I feel safe and secure with him here and most of all I feel loved. I feel his lips plant softly on my cheek and his hand sweep softly against my face, I go to open my mouth to say thank you but my body has taken over as I drift into a heavy sleep.

Wilmer’s POV:

I look down at my beautiful angel, she is finally asleep. I clear up the soup from the bedroom and clean up the bathroom; emptying the bath and hanging up the towel. I ensure the main door is locked and pull all the curtains closed. I do one last sweep of the suite before turning off all lights. I walk over to bed, remove all my clothes until I’m down to my boxers and climb in beside Demi, wrapping my arms around her waist. She snuggles in to me while remaining asleep. I kiss her cheek. “Good night Hermosa” I whisper. “I love you” I close my eyes and before too long I am asleep too. 

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