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Sorry this took FOREVER to update, thanks for sticking with me!! Unfortunately I’ve decided I am going to finish up this fanfic. There will be one more update after this one followed by an epilogue to complete it.

The good news is that me ( and Cat ( will be doing a collab for a NEW Dilmer fanfic!! Details up soon :) :)

Thanks for everyone’s support on SLAA, I’ve loved writing it for you and it will always be my baby because it was my first one, but I’ve no longer got any inspiration to write it, hope you can understand!

Please give me some feedback and let me know if there’s anything you want in the fic before I end it :) 

Demi’s POV:

I slowly open my eyes and sit up quickly with a groan. My eyes fly open at the same time that my hand flies over my mouth. Oh shit, I think. I jump out of bed and dash to the bathroom, throwing myself over the porcelain bowl to allow my stomach contents to empty. Once finished I sit back on the tiles, feeling shaky and weak. It’s only a matter of minutes before another wave of nausea washes over me and more contents splash down with impact. “Hermosa?” I hear groggily from the bedroom. “Hmmmmm” I groan in response. It’s not long before Wilmer is behind me, holding back my hair and rubbing my back. “Shit Nena, are you ok?” I shake my head, allowing myself to rest my weight on his chest. “Are you done sweetie?” I look up at him and nod softly. He wraps his arm around me and pulls me up slowly. “Here, lets get you in the shower”, he says as he opens the shower door and starts the warm stream of water. Checking the temperature first, he hops in the shower, pulling me in with him. Once in, he begins to wash me; all the while holding me securely. I can feel myself shaking in his embrace. He kisses the top of my head and strokes my back up and down. “Hhmmm” I groan again, bending over as another lot of digested food begins to leave my body and travel down the drain. “I got you Hermosa. It’s ok baby. I got you” I feel tears begin to stream down my face. There is nothing worse than having absolutely no control over your body. “Shit Hermosa, do you think it was something you ate last night”. I shrug my shoulders; I don’t have the strength to respond. “That’s ok Nena, lets get you cleaned up and back into bed yeah?” I nod my head in defeat and just allow him to look after me. I completely surrender to him. Before I know it I am clean, dry, dressed and warm under the covers. Wilmer feels my forehead. “I think you have a fever Nena”. I shiver under the covers. “What’s the time?” I whisper weakly. “It’s only 5.20am Nena, so try get some sleep and hopefully whatever this is will pass. Shall I ring Simon and let him know you’re sick and won’t be on the panel today?” I shake my head. “No I’ll see how I feel in an hours’ time, I’ve left the panel too much recently. Hopefully that’s the end of the vomiting”. I curl further under the covers. “Just hold me?” I ask. Wilmer hops under the covers behind me and presses himself against me, holding me safely in his warm arms. It’s not long before my body stops shaking and I drift into a light sleep.


“I really don’t think you should be going into work Nena, you still look really pale”. I look at my reflection in the mirror, he’s right. “I know baby, but I feel a lot better and I can always leave. It’s important I go”. I say, kissing his bare shoulder before I continue to dart around the room to get ready in time. I was still feeling nauseous but I didn’t feel like I needed to rush to the bathroom every two minutes. I just hope that this food poisoning or whatever it is has run its course and that’s the end of it. “Ok babe, I better get going, Max is waiting down stairs. I’ll see you after work?” I go over and sit on his lap, stroking the side of his head. He kisses my temple. “Of course Hermosa, but please if you need me any earlier, ring me?” I let out a sigh. “Ok baby, I promise”. I leave a quick kiss on his lips before making my way outside to the car and Max waiting for me.


“Hey darling, was a shame you left so early last night, everything ok?” Simon asked as he saw me enter the green room. I flash him a smile. “Yeah why we left is all sorted, just some photos that leaked”. He raises an eyebrow. “Of me and Wilmer, nothing bad just personal photos I’d rather not floating around, but it will blow over”. I feel my stomach churn. Simon steps toward me with a concerned glance, “You ok Demi?” I give myself a minute. It passes but I can feel myself weaken. I stumble slightly. Simon’s arm instantly reacts and flies around my waist to secure me. “Here, come sit down darling” I nod and make my way toward the couch with Simon helping me. “Can you get her some water please?” he asks one of the crew, they nod. “I think I have food poisoning, no idea what it was but something from last night doesn’t agree with me. I spent most of this morning over the toilet. So thanks for the lovely barbeque,” I smirk. He chuckles slightly, “Oh you’re blaming my cooking now are you?” “Basically”. I reply with a cheeky grin. However my grin quickly fades as another wave of nausea washes over me and my eyes quickly dart around the room looking for something I can throw up in. I notice a bin to the side of me, and run toward it reaching it just in time. I feel Simon’s hand rubbing up and down my back. I wipe my mouth and sit back. “Thanks” I whisper slightly. “You shouldn’t be here brat, go home” he says in his British accent. “No” I shake my head. “I’m feeling better already. Plus, I’m here now and I’ve been off the panel too much recently. I want to stay” I reply, my stubborn side coming through. Simon helps me to my feet and toward my makeup chair. “Ok brat, but I’m ordering some tea for you and you are to have a bucket by your chair. If you get any worse or don’t feel up to it anymore I want you to call Wilmer and go home. No arguments ok?” I nod my head in agreement.


“Demi?” I try to stay focused on the job at hand but I can feel myself weaken and the too familiar feeling creeps over me again. “Yes!” I say to the contestant, trying to sound enthusiastic. “Four big fat yeses, congratulations!” Simon says. As soon as the contestant is off camera, I grab my bucket and run off stage. It’s not long before I feel Kelly’s arm come around me and remove my hair from my face. I finish throwing up for the 5th time that morning and feel the tears prick at the brim of my eyes. “Hey Dems, I got you, its ok baby”, she says soothingly, rubbing my back up and down. I put down the filled bucket and bury myself into her chest, letting out this morning’s frustrations. I hate being weak, I hate that I’ve had to leave the panel again and I hate not being in control of my body. “I think I better call Wilmer and get home, let Simon know?” she nods and kisses my forehead. “Look after yourself sweetie and feel better soon”.


“Here we go Hermosa, hop into bed sweetie” I lie down and snuggle under the duvet he pulls up to my chin. He leans down and places a kiss on my forehead. “I’m just going to quickly run to the shop and get you some things ok? Is there anything you feel like?” he asks sweetly, stroking my hair. “Some chicken soup would be great, thanks baby”. He kisses my forehead once more. “Anything for you princessa. I won’t be far away, ring me if you need me and I’ll be back in a flash. I love you Nena”. “I love you too Wilmer, you’re so good to be baby”. He gives me one last smile before leaving my apartment. I bury my head into the pillow and close my eyes, hoping sleep will take me. “ugh” I groan as I realise I need to go to the bathroom. I pull the covers to the side and slowly make my way to the toilet. I sit down and allow my bladder its release. “Ahh” I let out. I reach for some toilet paper when I see my box of tampons on the floor. Wait, I think to myself. What day is it? I finish up my business in the bathroom and rush to my phone. I open up my calendar and check the date. The 14th. “Fuck” I breathe out. I scroll my contacts and dial, “Hey Wilmer, there’s one more thing I need you to grab”. I let out a deep breathe. “A pregnancy test”. 

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