Love is in the air

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Thank you for being so patient with me. Again, thank you so much for the repsonse, keep it coming!! 

Demi’s POV:

I was exhausted. It had been a full day of press and meeting my Lovatics. Which I loved, but it had been an emotional rollercoaster of a day and it had been hard to keep focused when all I could think about was my handsome boyfriend waiting for me. I looked at Max with a look of plea; he nodded back. Yes! Finally, I thought to myself. We were done. I had been waiting for this moment all day. All I wanted was a hot bath and to sleep. After all; tomorrow was going to be an even bigger day performing at Central Park in front of hundreds of people. I was looking forward to it though. I love performing; it’s like I’m a different person on stage and in that moment nothing else matters but giving it my all and pouring out my heart. However, right now all I want his Wilmer’s arms wrapped around my waist. I smile at the thought of this. My driver opens the passenger door for me. I get into the car, buckle up my seatbelt and pull out my phone.

To Wilmer:

Hey baby, I’m staying at the Ritz-Carlton, 50 Central Park South. I’m staying in the City View Suite on level 23. I’ll ring the hotel and give you access. Am on my way now, see you soon x

I hit send and then flick through my contacts to call the hotel. “Hi, this is Demetria. I am just ringing to let you know I am on my way and if you could please allow Wilmer Valderrama access to my room”. “Yes Miss Lovato, of course” the service desk man replied. “Thank you” I say before hanging up.

My phone lights up and vibrates.

From Wilmer:

Be there soon. Love you Nena x

I ask the driver to go round the back entrance to avoid any crowds. I grab my handbag and get out of the car walking towards the hotel door. I have a few fans stop me for an autograph and picture which I happily oblige to but am conscious that Wilmer could turn up at any moment so am sure to quickly check in and head up to my suite. I swipe the card and push open the door. ‘Ahh’ I think to myself as I scan the exquisite room. I do enjoy this suite, it is beautiful. I place my handbag on the plush couch and push open the double doors to the main bedroom. So nice I think to myself.

(The suite:

I pull closed the brown curtains and flick on the remaining lights. I hear a knock at the door followed by “Your bags Miss Lovato”. I open the door and gesture my arm toward the bedroom. The bags are placed neatly on the floor by the bed. The man takes a quick bow before exiting the room. “Thank you so much” I say to the kind gentlemen, before closing the door again. I walk over to the couch and fall back in a heap, I get comfortable and close my eyes for just a second. The soft material that lines the couch is so nice,,,the soft cushions.. Ahhh. I drift off into a content sleep

Wilmer’s POV:

I couldn’t get over to the hotel fast enough. I had missed her so much; even if it had only been a few hours since I’d seen her last, it had been days since I’d seen her properly. I couldn’t wait to have my arms wrapped around her, to be able to hold her and keep her safe. I felt selfish but I just wish I could keep her all to myself and not have to share her with the rest of the world. It was exhausting having a relationship like this where we had limited time together but it was worth every moment because every moment with her was my life. I get so excited thinking about our future together. Getting married, having a family, growing old together. My heart warms at this thought. I would do everything for her. I would give her the world if I could. It amazed me how I could I call her mine, that against all odds we ended up together. Like too magnets, destined to be with each other. I was so grateful, grateful to have her in my life, grateful for the blessing she is and for the happiness she gives me.

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