Fireworks light up the sky

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Sorry I took so long to update. I really struggled to find motivation, so if I'm going to keep going with this fanfic I'm gonna need more feedback from y'all ok? Please vote, comment and send feedback on here, tumblr or twitter so I know what you guys think and that you want me to keep going :) Thanks for your continued patience. 

Demi’s POV:

I spent the next few days in bed; sick and miserable. In fact I’d been so sick that I had to cancel my concert in Philly which is something I hate doing. I hate disappointing my Lovatics, but there was no way I’d be up to performing. I compromised and shifted the concert to a later date. It wasn’t ideal but it was necessary, my health comes first. After Wilmer surprised me at my hotel, he organised a flight for us and got me home to mom and dad’s so I could spend the 4th of July with my family. This also meant I had mom to look after me while I recovered. Wilmer had been amazing. Beyond incredible. I have no idea how I would have gotten through these last few days without him. He had done everything for me; from getting my food, to helping me to the bathroom, to holding back my hair when I threw up. However, he had prior commitments he had to get back to, so he made sure I had someone who knew me better than anyone to take care of me; my momma. I was so grateful. Grateful to have him in my life. Grateful to have such a supportive and caring family and grateful I’d get to spend the 4th of July with my family and of course, Wilmer.

*4th of July*

“Demi wake up, wake up” I woke up to Maddie bouncing on my bed in excitement. I groaned and rolled over to a very awake Madison. “Happy 4th of July” she yells at me. “Hi Mad, happy 4th of July baby”. “I see you’ve got into the spirit”.  I say, rubbing my eyes and sitting up. She had a blue top on, has blue and red dots around her right eye and some blue, white and red star tinsil around her head. She looked beautiful. She nodded in approval. “Aris, Jayde, Marissa and I decided to be matching. Can we do you as well?” she asked hoping for a yes. “Sure baby girl. I’ll be up soon. Just don’t expect me to join in too many of the activities today ok? I’m still not well”. She runs off, happy with herself. I register that obviously Marissa and everyone else is already here. I pull off my covers and reach for my phone.

From Wilmer:

Morning Hermosa. Will be around late morning, Happy 4th of July. I love you x

I reply back,

To Wilmer:

See you soon, can’t wait. Love you too xo

I have a shower and get dressed. I slip on some light blue denim shorts with a belt and pull on an America flag singlet which I tuck into my shorts. I fix my hair into some loose curls and finish off by putting on some light makeup and spraying a few sprays of Wilmer’s favourite perfume. I step back and look at myself in the mirror. I may look ok but I just want to go back to bed I think. I still feel miserable. I try and put a smile on my face. I hear the doorbell. My face lights up.

I run downstairs and pull open the door. “Hermosa” he says, pulling me into his arms. I feel myself relax at the touch of his embrace. I lean up and kiss him passionately on the lips. “Oh good morning Demetria, welcome Wilmer. Ok.ok, that’s enough you two” mom says as she walks through the foyer. I pull back from Wilmer and grab his hand, leading him to the back of the house where everyone is gathered. Marissa runs up to me and gives me a big hug, “How you feeling Dems? Hey Wilmer” she says fist hitting him. “Yeah I still feel like shit but a lot better thanks to this one” I reply, pulling an arm around Wilmer’s waist and laying my head on his shoulder. “Maddie says you’re keen to join us and twin it?” she asks. I laugh. “Yep, 4th of July me” I say taking a seat so Maddie and Marissa can attack around my eye with dots and my hair with stars. I watch as my mum fills the table with piles of food. I feel the bile rise up in my throat just thinking about stomaching it all.

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