Sicky Vicky

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Sorry I took so long to update, I've had a bit going on, thanks for being so patient.

I've got the next update nearly finished, so make sure you vote and comment and I may be nice enough to post it soon after! 

Last day of Denver auditions (I skipped day 2 because it was really similar to day one with her leaving the panel etc)

Demi’s POV:

I wake up to my alarm buzzing in my ear. I groan and put it on snooze. I slowly wake up, forcing my eyes open to the sunlight streaming into the hotel room. I feel congested and my throat is screaming. I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck. I roll over and groan. “Great” I think to myself, just what I need, to be sick AGAIN! I curse at my tonsils. “Getting you out couldn’t come sooner” I say with vengeance. I think about not going in to work. No Demi you have to keep going, you’ve got a job to do and fans who are waiting to see you. You had to leave the panel the first day and then you left early yesterday crying, you need to pull yourself together. I convince myself that I can get up and go, however telling my body that message is a different story. After about 15 minutes, I finally manage to get myself out of bed and into the shower. I look at myself in the mirror, opening my mouth wide, I can see my gross looking tonsils clear as anything. Ugh I think. I decide to take a picture. After a slow start I finally make it to auditions with a smile planted securely on my face. Let’s do this I think to myself


“Demi are you ok babe? You don’t seem yourself?” Kelly says as she runs up to me and gives me a big hug. “I’m sick again. I’ll be ok, I can rest after auditions” I reply trying to convince even myself that I would be ok. “Are you sure? You look a little pale” she says back, obviously my body is telling a different story to the words coming out of my mouth. I sigh. “I’ll see how I go, I can always leave”. She gives me another hug and trails off. I stare at myself in the mirror. She’s right I think, I do look pale, even with makeup. I feel my forehead with my hand; its hot. Crap I think to myself. I have a fever. I bend down to get some paracetamol from my handbag when all of a sudden I become dizzy and feel like I’m going to be sick. My hand flies over my mouth as I run toward the bathroom, I only just make it, bringing up all my breakfast into the porcelain bowl. I moan and move over to the basin, to clean myself up. I look up at the mirror, I look ghastly. Maybe I should just go I think. “Come on Brat, we are waiting for you” Simon calls as he flies past the dressing room. “Ok, coming” I yell back. I check to make sure I’m presentable and make my way out to the judges table. I ask the crew if they can get me some green tea and a bucket. That stare at me wearingly but happily oblige to my requests. Kelly gives me a concerned glance, Paulina looks confused and Simon isn’t paying enough attention to realise what is happening.

After a long day, Denver auditions come to a close. The talent in Denver was amazing I think to myself. I get excited thinking about some potential winners and hoped they could be in my team. I managed to get through the auditions and thought I did pretty well considering. I had to go back stage and throw up a few times though, I assume because of the fever. My voice is nearly gone and I keep getting chills; my fever doesn’t want to let up. Its official, I am sick. Good news was that auditions were done and that meant I could go back to bed, even if it was in a hotel. However I was reminded that I would be going back to my hotel alone with no one to look after me or snuggle into. I open up my messages and click on our conversation.

To Wilmer:

I feel horrible, wish I could have your arms wrapped around me. I need someone to look after me L  I attach the picture of my tonsils that I took earlier to make a point and hit send.

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