Home is where the heart is

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Sorry I've taken SO long to update! There was all the Dilmer drama and then I had to study for my final exam BUT I'm free now so I'll have a lot more time to write. This is just a quick fill in update. I'll try write and post another one real quick ok :) Please vote and comment! Thanks heaps for all the views and positive comments, it means a lot!

Demi's POV

I fling open the all too familiar door and yell “DALLAS?”… “Demi is that you?” She scuttles around the corner and flings her arms around me, holding me in a warm and tight embrace. She strokes her hands through my hair and whispers “You’re safe. You’re home now. It will be ok”. Tears prick at my eyes but I’m too emotionally drained to start crying again. “I’m so glad I’m here” I say releasing her from my grip. I look up at her tired face. I wasn’t used to seeing her without makeup. She was dressed in her favourite sweats and a plain black singlet top, her hair was pulled back in a loose bun; softly framing her face.

“Is that?” a deep voice says, appearing through the door way. “Dad!” I rush over to him quickly and bury my face into his chest. “Hey beautiful girl, I’ve missed you” he exclaims back, squeezing me tightly! Tears start to trickle down my face with the memories of hugging my father like this when I was only little. I all of a sudden feel confused, an uncomfortable feeling bubbles up inside me. I’ve called Eddie dad for so long now because that’s what he is but in the recent death of my actual father I don’t know what to feel or say. I push Eddie away for a brief moment. He looks down at me confused and slightly hurt. “What is it Demi?” I look up at him with tear stained eyes. “I’m sorry, I know I’ve always called you Dad and you’ve been the person I look to as my dad but now my real dad is dead and I’m just confused. I don’t know how I feel” the words stumble out in a disorganised fashion with pace. “Oh Demi! Baby, you know I will always love you and be here for you no matter what. It’s ok to not know how you feel”. He kisses my forehead and wraps an arm around my waist. “Thank you. I love you too. So much” I say, once again accepting his loving embrace. No matter what, Eddie will always still be my Dad, to me he has been so much more than a ‘step dad’ he’s been there through everything, I think to myself, trying to collect my scattered thoughts.

“Where’s Maddie?” I ask scanning the main rooms. “She’s practicing her latest routine out on the court, why don’t you go surprise her?” Eddie says, wrapping an arm around my mom, placing a soft kiss on her lips. I grab Dallas’s hand. “Come on”. I say pulling her through to the outside court which had become Maddie’s personal practice area for her aerial routines. “Hey stranger!” I burst onto the court staring up at my baby sister entangled in fabric holding her metres in the air. “Omg! Demi!!” She quickly drops herself down to the ground and untangles herself from all the aerial equipment and then runs full speed at me, engulfing me in her one of her delicious hugs. “I’m sorry about Patrick sis, I love you and am here for you ok?” she says softly into my ear. A single tear escapes my eye. She was growing up to be such a wise and beautiful young lady. I forgot so frequently she was only eleven. “and I love you baby girl. Thank you” I say sniffing back more tears.


I go up to my old room and dump my bags on the floor. Memories dance around my head as I scan all my old belongings. My first singing award. My soft toys. My old cds and cassettes. I lie back on my floral bedspread and let out a big sigh, staring up at the glow in the dark stars on my ceiling. I am left alone with my thoughts, my head spinning in the chaos that has happened. I think about my relationship with my father. I focus on the good times I had with him when I was younger. Memories of us having fun together flicker through like a movie real. I smile. He wasn’t a terrible man I think to myself. It wasn’t his fault. I think about the demons that my father battled and realise in that moment that he is finally at peace and that they no longer have a hold on him. I think about what would have happened if he had gotten help. How my life would be different. His mental illness controlled him, he couldn’t function in society, they won. This thought saddens me but in that moment I get an idea. I realise how I can turn his death into something positive. How I can help people like my father and make a difference in this world. I fish my phone out of my handbag and make some phonecalls. A grin pulls across my face as I disconnect from the final phone call. Everything was falling into place. “Everything happens for a reason” I whisper to myself. I open twitter and tweet:

RIP Daddy.. I love you.. Love, Your little partner

I attach a picture of me when I was younger, sitting on my dad’s lap, looking at him with a cute smirk on my face as he beams at me with a loving smile and hit send.

I open up imessage and type:

To Wilmer: Hey Baby, I love you. Thanks for sending me home, it’s exactly what I needed. Have gained some fresh perspective and feel at peace. Looking forward to seeing you in New York. I miss you xo

My phone lights up and vibrates:

From Wilmer: I love you too Hermosa. I’m counting down the minutes until I will have you in my arms, I miss you too! Say hi to your family for me. Stay strong my darling x

A silly grin slops across my face. He gives me butterflies and we aren’t even in the same state. 

I know its not very long. I'll update this real soon ok! 

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