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Have had lots of requests for this next chapter, sorry it took a little while. I never know what I'm going to write until I start writing so I have to have inspiration :) So keep up the reads, votes and comments to help me write! :) 

Wilmer’s POV:

I tossed and turned all night. I maybe got an hours shut eye, I just couldn't sleep. How could I when my angel was so upset. I hated seeing her this way and I knew today was only going to be worse. Pull yourself together Wilmer I think to myself. You have to be there for her. You are her biggest supporter. You have to be strong for her. I glance at the time on my phone. 3am. It was time. We had an early flight to New Mexico. I look at her sleeping peacefully. I was so grateful she had finally stopped crying. Finally relaxed enough to fall asleep. I take a deep breathe in and shake her shoulder lightly. “Hermosa” I say softly, trying not to startle her. I lay small kisses on her visible cheek. She stirs. Slowly she peels open her eyes. “Hey gorgeous”. I kiss her lips. “Mmmm morning. Time to get up huh?” she says sleepily, rubbing her eyes. “Sure is princess, how about you hop in the shower and start getting ready?” She groans but pulls the blankets off of herself and makes her way into the bathroom.

Demi’s POV:

It’s too early I think to myself. I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck but instead of sleeping I have to get on a plane and go bury my father. Great I think. Just great. Begrudgingly I make my way to the shower and flick it on. The beating down of hot water is soothing. I jump in, relaxing slightly as the water beats down on my bare back. I feel numb at the thought of the day ahead. I am so tired. Tired of crying. Tired of feeling like this, wondering if this ache will ever go away. Just take each hour as it comes. You’ve got Wilmer and your family to help you Demi. I try to convince myself as I wash my body and hair. The ache at the pit of my stomach begins to grow.

I finish up in the shower and wrap a big white towel around my body. I make my way into the bedroom to my bag of clothes but before going over I make my way over to Wilmer, stand up on my tiptoes and kiss him deep and passionately on the lips. “Woah” he says looking surprised. “What was that for?” “Because you’re amazing and I love you”. I say as I head toward my bag. I pull out a pair of black panties and bra and slip them on. I then pull on black tights and a loose top, followed by a hoodie. I look at my black outfit in a bag, pressed smoothly for later. I cringe at the thought and slam my bag shut, hiding the outfit with it. I go back to the bathroom and put on minimal makeup as well as fixing my hair into a loose ponytail. That will do I think to myself. It is just for the plane ride after all. I would need to get ready again later any way. “You ready Nena?” I hear Wilmer yell from the main room. “Coming” I reply before looking at myself in the mirror once more. I let out a big sigh.


I sit in the plane nervously, shaking slightly. My foot is giggling up and down. I take some deep breathes in and out. Wilmer finishes placing some luggage in the compartment above us and sits down beside me. He notices my anxiety and grabs my hand in his and squeezes it tightly. “I got you Hermosa. I will be by your side the entire day. Just breathe” he pushes up the arm of the chair and pulls his arm around me, pulling me into his embrace. I feel myself relax slightly. Deep breaths I think. In and out. In and out.


*In Albuquerque*

I sit at the edge of the chair, bent over so that my head is between my knees, attempting to take deep breaths. I pull myself up so I’m upright and press the palms of my hands to my forehead, trying to control my breathing, trying to stop myself from breaking down into a heap on the floor. I force myself to get up and walk toward the bathroom to check myself one last time before Wilmer gets here. My hair is pulled back into a loose bun, secured with bobby pins. My makeup is done nicely with waterproof mascara in place. I’m wearing a black dress that falls just above my knees. The black material hugs around my neck snuggly and lace arms show my pale skin through the holes. I have on skin toned stockings paired with black heels to complete the outfit.

I open up my hand and stare down at the silver locket, memories dance in my head. I let out a small sob. “I know you’re with me daddy” I whisper before clasping up the locket behind my neck. He gave me the locket on my 5th birthday. I remember it because he had come home to see me. Unfortunately there were many missed birthdays after that one. My hands are placed on the edge of the vanity, my head bowed down; again taking deep breaths. I feel sick. I look up; my eyes are filled with tears, covered up bags droop below my eyes, worry is sketched across my face. I feel like I am in a dream, none of this feels real. I just feel numb. I wish I could wake up from this nightmare. It was like being on a merry go round but not being able to hop off, spinning round and round and round and round.

I hear a light knock at the door. My thoughts are interrupted by Wilmer coming into the room. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses the side of my neck. I lean up and kiss his lips. He smiles down at me, entangling his fingers in mine and spinning me around into his chest. I bury myself in as far as I can go and let out a few big sighs. I feel his strong hands rub up and down my back. “We will get through this together Hermosa. I will be here the whole time” he whispers into my ear with his thick accent. “Thank you” I whisper back. He puts his hands on my shoulders and pushes me back softly so that my eyes are locked on his. “You look beautiful Hermosa. I love you” he says. “I love you too baby” I say back “and you look rather handsome yourself” I say with a smirk. He looked so handsome dressed in his black tux and grey tie with his hair tussled back exactly how I liked it. “Ready?” he says taking my hand in his. “No, but let’s go” I say as I grab my hand bag, flinging it around my free arm.


I lay in bed back at my old house in Dallas, curled up in Wilmer’s arms. He’s stroking soft circles over my hands. I no longer feel numb but am emotionally drained. Today seems surreal but I had an overwhelming sense of peace knowing that my Daddy was no longer battling his demons and that he was finally at rest. Knowing this helped me.. as much as it hurt. Today had been the hardest thing I had ever done and that says a lot. I had no idea it would be so hard, that it would dredge up so many unwanted memories, that it would hurt so much to say goodbye. However, I was proud I had got through. I turn around so I am facing Wilmer, he kisses my forehead. “I couldn’t have gotten through this last week without you. I am so incredibly blessed. Thank you for everything baby” I kiss his lips deeply, trying to get across my gratitude. “I wouldn’t be anywhere else. I am the luckiest guy to have you. I love you so much Hermosa” he says, returning my kiss. “Goodnight my angel” he says, shutting his eyes. “I have to do one last thing” I say, as I roll back toward my bedside table and pull my phone off charge. I open up twitter and type:

Today I put my Daddy to rest.... hardest thing I've ever done.. But I know great things will come of this... #LovatoTreatmentScholarship

This I am sure of. My father’s death will mean something, there will be good from this situation. I will make him proud and help other people through their darkest days by paying for their treatment. I was determined. I hit send and opened up another tweet and typed:

There's an overwhelming sense of peace knowing my dad is no longer battling his demons anymore and that makes me so happy...

I add 3 hearts at the end and hit send. I smile. I know I now have not one but two nightingales. I feel at peace. I feel safe. I place my phone back on charge and snuggle back into Wilmer’s embrace. I close my eyes and feel myself drift off to sleep. 

How will Demi cope being back at work for X-Factor auditions? 

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