私はあなたを愛して "I Love You"

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Ok I've had quite a good response from this fanfic, so I've decided to keep going :) I have a few ideas but really don't where it will go. So please vote, leave comments and give me some suggestions to keep me going :)

Demi’s POV:

Walking in Wilmer’s arm, we make our way towards the car bay where a car and driver are awaiting my entry. I release my arm from Wilmers and walk up to the car, tapping on the driver's window. The window rolls down. “Hey, I won’t be needing a ride after all” I said politely, gesturing toward Wilmer. The driver nodded. I hear a familiar voice and turn around to find Max. “Where do you think you’re going Miss Lovato?” He said, raising an eye brow. “Wilmer and I finally have the opportunity to spend some time together, so I’m going to do just that. I am safe with him, don’t worry”, I said in reply to Max’s overprotective face. Wilmer steps up and put his hand on my lower back, as if to confirm he would keep me safe. Max smiled lightly, “Ok Dems, just be careful like always”. I nodded in response.  I loved Max but he honestly could be a little OTT at times.  Finally, it was just me and Wilmer. I re-latched my arm into his, as he led me to where he was parked. He walks me to the passenger door and opens it for me. Such a gentlemen, I think to myself. On the backseat I notice some flowers. I feel my eyes light up and a smile spread across my face from ear to ear. “Are these for me?” I say glowingly to Wilmer. “Who else would they be for Hermosa? You are the only woman in my life. I hope you like them. I’ve missed you so much” he says, leaning down to give my lips a peck. Tingles spread from my lips all the way to the depth of my belly. He lightly shuts the door and walks over to take his seat on the other side of the car. Shutting his door, he does up his seatbelt and takes my hand in his. Placing our entwined hands on his thigh. “Where to my lady?” He asks me with a glimmer in his eyes.  I think for a moment, look up and say “I don’t care, as long as I’m with you”. With that he puts the car in drive and smoothly takes off.

Wilmer’s POV:

I loved having her hand in mine. They fitted together perfectly, like two pieces of a puzzle. Where to go. I think to myself, listing through all the options in my head. Dinner. That’s a good place to start, he thought. But where, he continued. Demi must have noticed I was deep in thought. “What are you thinking baby?” She asked me attentively. “Just where to take my angel for dinner, do you have a preference?” I reply. She lifts her eyes up to the car roof, putting on her classic ‘thinking face’. “Somewhere quiet where we can avoid the paparazzi” she finally said through her perfect teeth. I smile in response, “I know just the place”. After driving for a while, I steer the car round a corner to a secluded car park around the back of some restaurants. Demi’s face lights up. She knows where we are. “Oooh really Wilmer?” she exclaims in excitement. “Well it’s one of our favourites isn’t it?” I claim back. Parking the car, I open my door and walk around to hers, pulling it open. I offer up my hand as she gets out. As she steps out, her beauty once again overwhelms me. *Beep, beep* the car sounds as I lock it. I lead her to the back entrance and open the door for her to walk through. She offers up a smile and brushes her hand across my butt as she enters the restaurant, me closely behind her. “Valderrama, Lovato! How good to see you my friends! Table for two is it?” Yoko, the restaurant owner says as he strides up with his arms open. He kisses Demi on the cheek and offers his hand to mine. “Yes please, our favourite spot please. If you will?” I reply to the familiar face. “Of course, anything for you two”, he says in reply. He grabs two menus and leads us to our favourite spot out the back. There was only one booth in the little room and that was why we liked it. Two candles lit up the table with screens surrounding it. Little blossoms were painted ever so delicately on the screens, with small lanterns hanging across the top. I let Demi slide herself into the booth first, following after her. Yoko hands us the menus, takes a small bow and closes the screen doors behind him. “This is perfect Wilmer!” Demi says as she nuzzles her head into my chest. I put my arm around her shoulders, and pull her in closer. I lay a soft kiss on her forehead. She looks up and tilts back her head. I gently collide my lips into hers and kiss her passionately. I feel her tongue against my lips; parting them I allow her entrance into my mouth. She sweeps her tongue around, moving in sync with mine. Her hand etches up towards my face and traces my jawline with her smooth fingers. I pull back softly with hunger burning in my eyes. I sweep her hair off her face and kiss her forehead once more. Demi sighs into my embrace. Yoko knocks before entering the small room and lays down a selection of Japanese delicacies in front of us. "Thank you so much Yoko", Demi says before he bows again and walks away. "Mmmm, looks so good like always. Remember when we came here for Valentines day? That was such a lovely night" Demi says as she picks up some chopsticks. I giggle as she attempts to use them . "How could I forget Hermosa". "Demi, angel. Just use your fingers sweetie. We both know you can't use chopsticks if your life depended on it". She hits my chest as the words fall out of my mouth. "Heeey!" Demi says with a smirk. She picks up some chicken yakimono and places it in my mouth. I glady accept and suck her finger clean. "Tastes so good Hermosa. Here, you try" I say picking up a piece from the same dish. I pop it in her open mouth. "Yeah that is good, but you taste better" she giggles. I see a playful glimmer enter her eyes. We finish up most of the food. Thankgoodness most of it was cold. Between catching up, sweet kisses and feeding each other; we spent hours just enjoying each other's company, often forgeting about the food. Yoko returns, clearing the plates. "This has been so lovely Wilmer, thank you" Demi says as she snuggles into my chest once more. "I was hoping it wasn't over" I say looking down into her brown eyes. "Come to my apartment then?" she says. "I'd love that Hermosa. Shall we?" I say as I entwine my fingers around her left hand. Feeling something hard, I look down to see our ring. I smile, kissing her hand softly. "Watashi wa anata o aishite". "I love you so much Hermosa". 

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