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Well this is it everyone. The last chapter of Strong like an Anchor. It’s bitter sweet to end this but it needs to happen. It was my first ever fanfiction and I’ve enjoyed writing it for all of you! Thank you for all the notes, comments, and support over these past few months! I hope you’ve enjoyed reading it as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it! 

Don’t think this is the end though. I have a new Dilmer fic idea planned with Cat (apignamedsimon on tumblr) that will be coming soon!!

I am happy to write an epilogue for you guys if that’s what you would all like? Please give me feedback and let me know? 

Wilmer’s POV:

I chuck the bags into the front seat, buckle myself in and quickly leave the pharmacy. My thoughts run a million miles an hour during the drive back to Demi’s apartment. Pregnant? How could she be pregnant? We always use protection. What will this mean for our careers? Demi’s in the peak of hers. I’m just starting to get some roles that could be my next big break. But a baby? This could change everything. I mean sure we’ve discussed children, but now? We’re not ready. Are we? How would Demi cope, is she ready to come off her meds? What are we going to do if she pregnant? What if there is a little tiny human growing inside of her, what then? I know neither of us could ever end a life. I have so many questions, none of which I have the answers to. Deep breath Wilmer, I tell myself. You don’t even know if she is pregnant yet I reassure myself, unconvincingly. I stare at the box holding the test that will determine everything, but what if she is? I then start to think about the possibility of a beautiful little baby. A baby that would be half my beautiful Demi and half me. I imagine them having Demi’s eyes, butt chin and smile. I think about the thought of hearing our baby’s heartbeat, feeling them kick for the first time, the first time I’d hold them in my arms. I smile at the thought of this. It doesn’t take me long to realise that I would love a child to call my own. To call our own. A piece of Demi and I. A beautiful miracle that we created. No matter what that test says I decide to leave it up to fate. Everything happens for a reason I think. I will support and be by Demi’s side no matter what. We can get through anything, this much I know. Now might not be the best timing but if this is the timing God has planned, then who am I to argue?

I step into the bathroom to find Demi bent over the sink, staring at herself in the large mirror. She looks pale and is breathing heavily. I place the test on the counter and wrap my arms around her waist. I slowly spin her around so she is facing me. Her head hangs down, avoiding eye contact. “Hey” I say firmly. “Look at me Hermosa”. I lift her chin to see her tear stained eyes. “Nena this is not worth your tears. I know this is scary. Believe me I am scared too but whatever happens, happens. We will get through this” I take her hands in mine. “Together. I am not going anywhere ok. I will support you and be by your side no matter what”. I place a kiss on her forehead. “I know the timing isn’t ideal but know that I want nothing more than to call you my wife and have a family with you. It may not be in the order or timeframe we planned but none of that matters ok. We have each other and we can make anything work. I love you Demi. Have since the day I met you and will until the day I die. So please don’t cry baby girl because no matter what that test says we will make it. I promise”. I press my lips against hers and kiss her softly yet passionately. She looks up at me and smiles. “I love you so much Wilmer”. She buries her head into my chest and lets out a sigh. “Ok I’m ready” she breathes out. I nod and put the test in her hand. I’ll be right outside Princessa. I nervously walk out of the bathroom to give her a bit of privacy and space.

Demi’s POV:

Is this really happening? This doesn’t feel real, it’s like I’m waiting to wake up. I read the instructions on the back of the test and open up the packaging. I let out a deep breath and position myself on the toilet. Is Wilmer right? Can we really do this? Am I ready to be a mom? Yes, I’ve always wanted to have a family with Wilmer but in five to ten years. Not now. Not when everything is just starting to fall into place. My mind races through every question; every scenario and I feel like screaming. Instead I stare at the test and wait. I get up and go back to the sink. I look into the mirror and glance down at my currently flat stomach. Resting my hands on top, I turn to the side and stare at it. Could there really be a baby growing in there? A baby that we made? I must admit I do like the idea of having something we created out of love being nurtured inside of me. “Can I come in Nena?” I hear a quiet knock at the door frame. “Mmm” I reply. As soon as he walks in I fling myself into his embrace and just hold onto him tightly. His strong arms wrap around my small frame and hold me safely. I feel all my worries begin to float away. I know he is right. No matter what, we can do this. I slowly release my grip from him and look up into his eyes, trying to read what he’s thinking. “What are you thinking babe?” I ask him as I lean up and kiss his nose. He lets out a small chuckle. “Just how lucky I am to have found my soul mate. To have found you”. I smile at his answer. “I’m the lucky one”. I take my hand in his and lead him over to the test on the counter. I look up at him; his eyes flash a look of worry. “Ready?” I ask him. I squeeze his hand and let out the deep breath I’ve been holding. “Ready” he squeezes back with a grin. We both look down at the test and read out the writing that has appeared on the digital screen.


Wilmer picks me up and spins me around excitedly. “We are going to have a baby Hermosa!!” I can’t help but smile. We are going to have a baby I think to myself.

I nudge further into his embrace and let out a content sigh. Wilmer’s hand rubs small circles on my stomach that holds the newest chapter to our future together. “I know this wasn’t planned, but right now in this moment. I couldn’t be happier. I love you Hermosa”. I smile. He rolls me over so I’m on my back, lifts up my shirt slightly and softly places a kiss on my stomach. “And I love you little one. You are so lucky because you’re going to have the best mommy in the whole wide world; because that womb you’re lying in belongs to the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. The love of my life”. He says sweetly as he talks to my stomach. “Would you prefer a boy or a girl?” I ask as I pull my fingers through his hair. He comes up so he is leaning on his elbows, hovering over me. “Well I’d love a little Princessa that would of course be a daddy’s little girl and be just as beautiful as her Momma but then I’d also love a little boy that I can wrestle with in the mud and play trucks with”. I laugh at his answer. He leans down and captures his lips in mine. “Regardless though, I don’t care. As long as you and the baby are healthy, then I’ll be the happiest Papi alive. They can be whoever they want to be. I will love them no matter what”. He lies down beside me and pulls me into his chest. “Plus, I don’t want this to be the only little latino munchkin that we have, they will definitely need a few brothers or sisters”. I laugh and glare at him. “Oh really now? Well how about we just figure out having one to begin with and you ask me again after I’ve pushed this little one out” I joke. “Ok deal” he says as he strokes the side of my face. He gets a stupid grin on his face. “What is it I ask?” He chuckles. “Well we always used protection right?” I nod. “Well firstly this little one is a true miracle and secondly my little guys are obviously fighters” he says, clearly pleased with himself. “Oh Wilmer, whatever boosts your ego baby” I say as I roll my eyes. “You’re right about one thing though, they are definitely a miracle and it’s obviously meant to be”. I place my hands over his and place them on my stomach. “Our happy little family”. I smile.“I can’t wait”. 

Shall I write an epilogue and how about some feedback about this update/fic?

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