Free Falling

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Thanks for all the comments! Sorry I took awhile again, I got sick and basically I'm slack. If you guys want updates you have to hassle me ok? Please vote and leave comments if you want me to continue :)

Demi’s POV:

Wilmer opens the front door to my apartment and once we are both out, locks it behind us. He opens up his arm to me. I happily slip my arm around his and snuggle my head into his shoulder, letting out a content sigh. He opens up the passenger door of the car for me and I slip onto the smooth black leather. He gently closes the door behind me and seats himself in the driver’s seat. He turns the key and puts the car into reverse, taking off into the warm night. He places a hand on my left thigh and squeezes slightly. I look over to him and smile. He flashes his beautiful smile back at me, showing his white teeth and then refocuses on the road. “You did so well today Hermosa”. My cheeks warm at his compliment. “I am so proud to call you my girl and watch you do your thing. You’re incredible”. My smile widens. “Thank you baby. I love that you could be there today, it meant so much”.

I turn on the radio and sing along to Roar by Katy Perry. Wilmer just smiles as he drives. I pull my hand behind his neck and massage the back of his head, ruffling at his hair. The song ends. “Our love runs deep like a chevy”. I scream and turn up the volume. “Babe it’s my song” I scream in excitement. He chuckles at my reaction. It doesn’t matter how many times I hear my song on the radio I still react the same way, because no matter how ‘famous’ I become I can never quite believe it. I start to sing along. “Just you and I, just you and I” I grab Wilmer’s hand and sing to him. “No matter how far we go I want the whole world to know, I want you bad and I won’t have it any other way. No matter what the people say, I know that we’ll never break”. I squeeze his hand on that line. “Cause our love was made, made in the USA. Made in the USA”. I lean over and kiss his cheek. “Its our song baby” I say smiling. I think back to his face when I let him hear the song for the first time and sigh. “I love you so much Wilmer”. He pulls my hand up to his lips and kisses my knuckles “and I love you Hermosa” he says as he rounds a corner.

We pull into Simon’s driveway and park the car. “Ready?” he says, squeezing my hand. “Sure am, tonight’s going to be great”. I make my way out of the car and re-link my arm into his before we both make our way up to the grand house. We are instantly greeted by a very excited Kelly “Ah my girl is here, hey boo” she exclaims, pulling me into a warm hug. “Hey Wilmer” she says. He pulls her into a hug and kisses both her cheeks. “Sweetheart, you made it!” Simon joins us in the foyer and pulls me into a tight embrace. “Wilmer, so glad you could join us” Wilmer shakes Simon’s hand firmly. “Come in, make yourselves at home. Can I get you both something to drink?” Wilmer takes my hand in his and squeezes it, sending shivers up my spine. We follow Simon and grab a drink from the selection and make our way onto the deck. A top of the line barbeque is cooking an array of different meats and vegetables. I lick my lips as the smell of cooking food wafts through the air, lingering around my nostrils. Familiar faces greet us as we walk through. Music is playing lightly in the background; the barbeque appears to be in full swing. Wilmer places himself on an outdoor couch and pulls me onto his lap. I kiss his cheek and take a sip of my drink. Paulina joins us and the three of us get lost in conversation.


“Can I get everyone’s attention please” Simon yells over the chatting of people. Every one quietens down. This should be good I think to myself. Wilmer’s hand tightens around my waist as he nudges his chin into my shoulder, laying a quick and soft kiss on my neck. My instinct is to turn around and latch my face onto his but I remember where we are and control myself. I re-focus on Simon. “Thank you all for coming. The food is ready to go, so please help yourselves. I hope you enjoy the rest of the evening and thank you to everyone for making this show such a success!” Everyone claps and makes their way toward the mountains of food laid out on the tables. Well that was short and sweet; I was expecting something much more entertaining I think to myself. “Should I get us some food Hermosa?” Wilmer asks me. “Mmm yes please baby” I say as I stand up so he can get up. He places a soft kiss on my forehead. “I’ll be right back. Anything you don’t feel like?” I shake my head. “No I’m starving. Just whatever you think I’ll like ok?” I say, re-positioning myself on the couch next to Paulina.

Kelly comes over with a plate of food and sits next to me. “You know you glow when you’re around him ay?” Kelly says before placing a mouthful of roast vegetables in her mouth. I giggle and smile embarrassed. “Is it that obvious?” I ask. “Yes!” Kelly and Paulina state in unison. “You really love him eh sis?” Paulina says. I look down at my thumbs. “I really do. He is my forever. And honestly, things have been so good between us recently and I couldn’t be happier”. I say, looking up to see Wilmer coming back with two plates. “It really shows Demi and we couldn’t be happier for you, you deserve to be happy”. “Hey ladies, what are we talking about?” Wilmer says as he places himself between me and Paulina. “You actually” Kelly says. I shift a glance in her direction. “Oh really now? Good things I hope?” Wilmer says with a giggle. “Of course, you make Demi happy. She is one lucky girl”. Kelly finishes. “I’m the lucky one” Wilmer says, he leans in and places a chaste kiss on my lips. I feel my cheeks flush and a stupid grin spread across my face. I can’t help it. I can never quite control myself when I’m around him. I just love him so much.

“You two are so cute, please get married and have beautiful latino babies so I can be Aunty Kelly and spoil them rotten”. I choke on the piece of chicken I’m chewing on and start coughing. “Woah slow down there. Yes that’s all on the cards but in the future yes”. I regain my breathing and feel myself relax again. “The world doesn’t even know we are in relationship yet” I say matter of factly. “Well best this one pops the question and gets on to it then” Paulina jokes, hitting Wilmer’s arm. Wilmer just laughs it off. My phone all of a sudden starts to ring. I see Marissa’s face flash onto my screen. “Sorry I better take this” I say before getting up and hitting accept. “Hey Marissa, what’s up?”

Wilmer’s POV:

I lean over to Kelly. “Don’t worry I have a whole proposal planned out but it’s all about timing and right now isn’t the time” I press my index finger to my lips. She pretends to zip up her lips and throw away the key. “You’re a good guy Wilmer” Kelly says smiling. “Thank you Kelly, you’re an amazing friend to my girl, so thank you also”. I look over at Demi. She has her hand over her mouth and a concerned look on her face. I sit up and focus on her taking the phone call. Her face quickly becomes frustrated and I can almost see the smoke blowing out of her ears. This isn’t good I think to myself. I wonder what it could be. She hangs up the phone and quickly walks over to us.

I stand up. “What is it Hermosa”. “We have a serious issue on our hands Wilmer. We’ve got to go. NOW” she demands. Fuck I think. What have I done? I rack my brains trying my best to think of something but nothing comes to mind. Whatever it is, this is serious. “Demi babe, what’s wrong?” Kelly asks concerned. “A whole lot of shit has just hit the fan and we’ve got to go deal with it. I’ll see you both tomorrow at taping. I love you girls” She says, hugging them both. “Let’s quickly say goodbye to Simon” she says to me. She takes my hand in hers. Maybe it’s not me I think to myself. I mean she’s still holding my hand, that’s always a good sign. I try to relax.

“Hey Brat, leaving so soon?” Simon says as we walk up to him. “Yeah sorry Grandpa but I need to go deal with some shit. Thanks for a great night, it was lovely. See you tomorrow” He pulls her into a long hug. “I hope everything works out sweetheart, ring me if you need anything” he says. He shakes my hand. “See you again Wilmer. Look after her” I nod my head and place my arm around her waist, pulling her into me. “Goodnight Simon and thank you again for your hospitality”. “Night love birds” Simon calls out. Demi turns her head and fires Simon a stare.

We quickly walk outside into the crisp air and get into the car. We both shut our doors. “What is it Nena? You’re scaring me” She breaks down into tears.

I guess you can only be up on cloud nine for so long before reality kicks in.. 

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