Let the match begin

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Sorry I took so long to update! I need you guys to understand I live a life outside this fanfic but always try to update when I can. Thanks for the feedback, votes and comments, keep them coming please!! It's so appreciated and it motivates me to keep going because I hate lettig you all down. Enjoy the update and keep hassling me for the next one :) Peace x

Demi’s POV:

I slip into my black leather pants and pull a light blue blouse over my head. The blouse allows my black lace bra to show through. Just for Wilmer I think to myself. I ease my feet into some small heels and stand back at the full length mirror, turning to my side. I smile, happy with my outfit. I move to the bathroom basin and start on my makeup, once finished I pull my hair into a loose pony tail, leaving my side fringe out to hang. As a final touch I spray on my favourite perfume and glide on some light pink lipstick. Smacking my lips together I step back, looking in the mirror one last time before grabbing my hand bag and heading out the door.


I make my way to the open door and walk in “Hello?” I call out to the bustling of chatter of voices coming from the lounge. I walk through the well-known house, heading toward the familiar voices. “Hey, Demi’s here!” Dad yells from the recliner chair, sprawled out as if at home. “Hi sweetheart”, mum says coming up to me, chucking her arms around me pulling me into a warm embrace. “Hey mom” I reply, “How is everyone doing? Ready for tonight?” I ask, placing my handbag on the counter. I feel his arms wrap around my waist. “Hey Hermosa” he says, kissing my neck. I spin around and crash my lips into his. “Hey baby” I say, snuggling into his chest. “I’m so ready” my mum says enthusiastically, throwing some imaginary punches  into the air while bouncing on the spot. I giggle. She always got so into matches like this one. Marissa walks in from the kitchen. “Dems!” she yells, flinging herself around me into a tight bear hug. “Hey Rissa, you all go for tonight too?” I ask. “Nah I’m mainly here for the food and people, not really my thing but hey” she says. I laugh because I’m the same. I know I’ll get into the match once it starts because I’m highly competitive but other than that I was here to see everyone. In particular to spend time with my handsome man. I look into his eyes and smile.

Within half an hour the lounge and kitchen of Wilmer’s place is filled with close friends and family. Smells of delicious food wafts through the house, filling everyone’s nostrils; making our stomach’s growl in anticipation for all the yummy food we were about to devour. The room was buzzing with different conversations, Wilmer was in deep conversation about the match with Eddie and I was hanging with Marissa and my mom, helping her get all the food ready. I set down the cutlery at the end of table. “I think that’s everything. Shall we call the herd?” I say giggling. Mom nods. “Alright you lot, come and get it while it’s hot!” I yell out to the lounge. No one has to be told twice, everyone makes their way to the long table, eager to get their food and get back in front of the big screen. Wilmer gets to the end of the table, tacos and limes piling his plate. He leans over and gives me a kiss on the cheek, squeezing my side with his free hand. I smile. I loved that we could be together but not have to be with each other every second. We could speak and hang out with other people in the room without the need to hang off each other, I liked that. Once everyone was settled into the lounge scoffing down their food I grabbed a plate and get some food for myself before sitting down beside Wilmer who is on the floor, leaned up against the couch. Using my lap as a table I dig into the food.

“Shhh everyone. Here we go!” Dad yells excitedly, turning up the volume of the TV. “Anderson the spider!” The TV announces, the room erupts with claps. I just sit their laughing because his shorts are bright yellow and they have the word WIZARD written across the crotch area. “What’s so funny hmm?” Wilmer leans over and whispers in my ear. “His shorts. Maybe you should get some” I tease back. He raises an eyebrow and places a hand on my thigh. It doesn’t take long before everyone is screaming at the TV getting right into the match. “Come on Spider!” “Is that what you call a hit? Get him” I just laughed at everyone else especially my little mom who gets right into it, screaming at the TV in frustration. I lean over to Wilmer and whisper, “maybe we can do some wrestling later…” I tease him. “You know I’d win right?” he whispers confidently. “Oh I don’t know, I reckon I could take you” I giggle. “Plus you love it when I end up on top” I tease further. I could be so cruel sometimes but I found it so fun to wind him up like this.

I try to concentrate back on the match. It’s round two and things are getting intense. Silva is looking worse and worse, everyone is on their feet yelling loudly. Weidman hits him, Silva leans back, Weidman punches him again and he is down. Silva is knocked out and just like that it’s over. “Boooo!!” “You call that a match?” “What do you call that Silva” “Spider rematch!!” everyone yells in frustration as they realise that spider has just lost his belt and it’s all over. I must admit I got quite into the match near the end. I pull out my phone and tweet

@ddlovato spiderREMATCH

I leave everyone to fume over the loss and head to the kitchen to start on the dishes. I take a picture of the long table full of all the empty dishes and left over food and attach the picture to a tweet after typing,

@ddlovato Yummy feast... Now it's time to clean. 👎😒 #fightnight#UFC#spiderREMATCH

I hit send and get to work. After about ten minutes of being up to my elbows in hot soapy water I feel his arms come up around me and wrap around my waist. I quickly grab some bubbles in my hand and smoosh it into his face “Hey! What was that for?” he yells playfully, trying to get his revenge by getting to the bubble filled sink. All of a sudden he grabs a damp tea towel on the bench and starts swinging it round with a gleam in his eye. I jump back, realising I have no choice but to run, tyr miss his hits or admit defeat. I choose option one and dart past him, running into the lounge behind the couch. He chases after me laughing at my choice in move.

A smile spreads across his face, he raises his index finger and it curls it toward himself, urging me to come his way I shake my head. I’m not stupid, I’m not going anywhere near him. Not when he has a damp tea towel in his hand. I then think of a plan. I shrug my shoulders and pretend like I’ve given in and start making my way toward him but before I do I dart back to the kitchen, quickly grabbing the other tea towel. “A ha, now we are even!” I shriek. I was so competitive; there was no way I was going to allow him to win. I twist the tea towel ready to flick it at him if he came towards me. He obviously thinks I’m joking because slowly but surely he creeps towards me, his eyes never leaving mine. His stare is intense and I see he is not backing down either. Why did we both have to be so stubborn I think to myself.

I swing back my arm and aim the tip of the teatowel at his upper thigh. I loud whip sound rips through the kitchen. “Shit Demi” he yells, “that hurt”. I shrug my shoulders and laugh. “Sorry baby, you should know by now not to mess with me” He throws back his head and laughs. “You’re right. You’re a fighter all right. Ok ok you win” he says. I put down my tea towel. He runs up to the basin and flicks some water and bubbles at me. I gasp at the realisation of what has just happened. “Oh you’re good” I snicker. “Ok that’s enough you two. The dishes are never going to get done at this rate. Chip chop!” mom says as she glides into the kitchen. “Yes Wilmer, start on the dishes. Chip chop!” I mimic as I slap his ass. He looks back and grins. Mom just laughs.


Lying on my side in bed I look at my phone and scroll through twitter. Wait how do they know we were.. I lie their confused. I roll over to Wilmer. “How do they do it?” I ask him puzzled. “Do what baby?” he ask back, clearly confused himself. “Know we were together tonight. Everyone was watching the UFC match so how did they put two and two together. I only sent two tweets”. “Your Lovatics are nuts Nena, they should be in the FBI I swear” I laugh because I know he’s right. I scroll the Dilmer tag which I hate doing but I’m curious to know how they came to that conclusion. I see a picture of my tweet against Wilmers with the food we posted. I laugh. “Wait you posted a picture of your dinner on instagram?” I ask. “Yeah when you were in the kitchen. Why?” “Well I posted a picture of all the food before I started the dishes. Guess that did make it pretty obvious as you can clearly see the same food on the table as on your plate”. I state. “Ooops” he shrugs. “Maybe they will finally get used to the idea huh? Not a bad idea to plant the seed, warm them up to the idea”. I smile. “True. You know less and less people are hating on you. In fact there seems to be a lot more Dilmer shippers every single day” I say as I wrap an arm around him and kiss the top of his shoulder. “Well who wouldn’t ship us?” he grins. “Now how about you put down that phone, stop worrying and come wrestle me hmm?” he asks with an eyebrow raised. I close twitter and place my phone on the bed side table. I crawl on top of him and place a knee either side straddling him. I lean down and give him a kiss. He wraps his arms around my waist and flips me onto the bed so he is on top, pinning my arms to the bed. “Let the wrestling begin” I smirk, quickly attacking his lips once more. 

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