Together at last

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Wilmer’s POV:

I made my way down the long twisting corridors, placing myself backstage just off to the side so I had the perfect view. There she was, my angel; sitting in that judging chair like she owned it. God I loved her. The auditions started. I crept further backstage, making sure she couldn’t see me but I could still see her. I didn’t want to distract her, two weeks of not seeing each other was far too long. The things I wanted to do to her. ‘Focus’ I thought to myself. I heard her laugh. Oh that sweet laugh, I could listen to it all day. ”Time machines do not travel that far back in time!” Demi piped up, as she leaned over the judges table, sticking out her tongue at Simon.  I let out a giggle. That’s my girl, always giving it back as quickly as it’s given. I didn’t take much notice of the contestants; I was too busy staring at her. Staring at her utter beauty. Thinking about how confident and happy she now is and how proud I was of how far she had come. I had known her for years now. I had seen her at her lowest of lows but now I was seeing her transform into the beautiful and strong young woman I always believed in. Her blonde curls bounced off her shoulders, as she tilted back her head and laughed. Sweet music to my ears. I stirred from his gaze and realised auditions were finished. I quickly rushed to the dressing room but then remembered the flowers! “Shit”, I left them in the car. That’s ok, I’ll give them too her when we go out later, I thought to myself. I sat myself back on the couch and waited for my blonde goddess to enter. I heard heels echo up the corridor toward the room. My heart beat picked up a bit. Oh the effects she had on me.

Demi’s POV:

‘Ah thank God that is over, now I get to spend time with my man’. I thought to herself as I raced down the corridor to my dressing room as quickly as my little, uneven legs would carry me. I started to get butterflies. Every time I saw him I still got that same feeling. I felt nervous yet alive. It was like a bolt of electricity zapped through my body and nothing else mattered. The whole world disappeared and it was only us standing there. I floated toward him, lifting my arms behind his neck and pulling him in for a kiss. Everything faded to the background. My lips tingled with the feel of him securely back where he belonged, with me.  “Demi darling” Wilmer said softy. I lifted my chin up to him. “Yes” I said with a smile. “The doors open and need I remind you, not everyone knows about us”. I let out a sigh. I hated that our relationship was so private but at the same time it was what they had chosen. It was what I wanted. I hate how the media twists things and I don’t see how our relationship benefited anybody but us and those closest to us. Sure my Lovatics knew the truth. Some were in denial, but people weren’t stupid.  They knew we were together but there was no point confirming us, even though I knew I would spend the rest of my life with this gorgeous man. I wanted to marry and start a family with him so bad, but it was all about timing. However, it was moments like this that I wish I could scream about our relationship from the rooftops! I hated not being able to touch him in public and act like we are just close friends. I hated having to worry about who was watching and caring about what people thought. I snapped back into reality. “Hmm, I know. Should we get out of here then?” I asked, again looking up at his face. “Lets” he said in reply. He held out his arm for me. I scooped my arm into his and lent my head on his shoulder for a brief moment, letting out a content sigh. “Bye everybody, see you next week.” I yelled down the corridor as we swiftly made our way towards the car bay. “Bye Demi” Paulina and Kelly yelled in unison. “Bye Brat!” Simon yelled. Demi just smiled. 

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