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Hey everyone :) So I had a great time in Melbourne and had a great birthday and then I got sick again and turns out I have whooping apoligies for taking so long to update. I honestly don't know how much longer I am going to continue this fanfiction as I find it quite stressful but I'll play it by air and keep you guys updated! Now I know this is short but that's because I'll write the next part and have it ready, so vote and leave me some feedback please :) Love y'all 

Wilmer’s POV:

I pull up my SUV to the familiar gate, get out and push it open. Following the path, I make my way to the spot I know all too well. “Hey brother. I’m in a bit of a mess“. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. “This will be her now”. I fish into my pocket and pull out my phone to be lit up by a message from Demi. I open it and read: Babe I’m so sorry. Please come back so we can talk about this? I love you. I put down my phone and sigh. “I don’t get it, how can she not trust me? After everything we’ve been through?” I can feel tears pricking at my eyes, threatening to overflow. I sit there for what seems like ages; just thinking. I keep replaying her words over and over but her beautiful face keeps popping back into my head. As much as I try I can’t stay angry at her as hurt as I may be. I love her too much.

“I wish you were here so you could tell me everything will be ok. I miss you so much brother. I just…” a tear rolls down my cheek as I stare at his name on the grave. “I love her so much and I’d do anything for her. I know our relationship isn’t over but after everything we’ve been through I can’t believe we are back here”. I let out a sigh. “Love isn’t easy man. God I hope we can get through this”. “Of course we can baby” I hear her voice behind me.

I swing around startled and wipe my eyes. She slowly comes down and kneels down beside me. “How did you know I’d be here?” I ask, sniffing back any remaining tears. “I know you Wilmer. You always come here to think”. I smile. She really does know me. She grabs my hand and looks deep into my eyes, searching. “Baby I am SO sorry. I had no right to say any of those things to you. I was angry and upset and I took my frustration out on you and that wasn’t fair. I do trust you. I trust you with everything I have and I can’t imagine my life without you. You are my rock and I love you so much” tears are openly falling down her cheeks and I can see how hurt she is. “I know baby I know” I pull her into my arms and rock her gently. “I love you so much. I just needed some space to think ok. I would never actually leave you. All is forgiven, and you’re right, of course we can get through this. We’ve been to hell and back this is simply a rock in the road ok” I kiss her forehead.

“Now lets get you out of the cold and home, I don’t want you getting sick” I stand up and give her my hands to pull her up to her feet. I wrap my arms tightly around her. “Ssh everything will be ok Hermosa” I rub her back and comfort her. I take her hand in mine and begin walking her to her car, when on the path I turn around to the familiar grave “Thanks Po’o, I love you brother”. I feel Demi’s hand squeeze mine as if she is passing any strength she has onto me. There isn’t a day go by where I don’t miss him I think to myself. “I miss him too” she says quietly, as if reading my mind.

I help her into her car and kiss her forehead. “I don’t deserve you Wilmer. You are far too good to me, you could be so angry right now but yet here we are”. I lift up her chin. “Hey don’t ever say you’re not worth my love and adoration for you ok? You deserve all the happiness in the world and I would give you the world if I could Nena. I love you and I’m not angry. I’ll admit I was hurt but my love for you is so much stronger and I’m not going to let this wreck the wonderful thing we have”. I squeeze both her hands and place my lips on hers, reassuring her. I kiss her passionately, trying to show her just how much I love her. When we pull away I simply rest my forehead against hers and listen to our hearts beating together. “I’ll see you back at mine shortly?” she asks. “Yes Hermosa, I’ll be right behind you ok”. I kiss her forehead once more before shutting the car door and making my way into my own car.


Demi’s POV:

I open up the door to my quiet apartment and turn on some lights. I kick of my shoes and place my car keys in their usual spot. I hear Wilmer’s steps behind me and then his strong and warm arms around my waist. He nuzzles at my neck and kisses me lightly, sending shivers down my spine. He pushes close the door with his foot. I turn around so I’m facing him. “This right here” I say looking down at his arms and smiling. “Is home. I love you so much baby. This is where we belong; together”.

 He responds by leaning in and kissing me softly yet passionately and I know through his kiss that he agrees with everything I just said. I gently swipe my tongue across his lips; he slowly parts his lips allowing my tongue full access to explore his mouth. I grab the back of his neck to deepen the kiss and stroke the small hairs at the back of his neck. He pulls back for a second and stares deep into my eyes. “We should sort things with these photos first Dems” he says considerately even though I can see the hunger in his eyes. “My management are sorting stuff and right now we can’t do much. The photos are out there, so.. plus it can wait, right now I have some making up to…” I say with a smirk, attaching my lips to his once more.

I don’t have to tell him twice. He picks me up and holds his hands under my ass, squeezing my cheeks, as if saying “These are mine”. I wrap my legs around his waist and continue to show my love for him through my lips and tongue. We slowly make our way up the stairs, not separating our lips until we are in the bedroom. He lightly throws me on the bed and crawls after me like a lion ready to pounce. “Now how about we re-create the night those photos were taken hmm Nena?” he says as he removes his shirt over his head and throws it to the side. I shake my head and smile. “Yes well that was a good night” I say with a smirk, biting my lip. “If I remember correctly there are much worse pictures that could have landed on the internet”, he says. I giggle. “Yes this is true but no photos tonight. Just you” I place a light kiss on his lips. “and me” I finish, placing another light kiss, but this time on his nose. “Now come here” I say, pulling him onto me. 

Alright so make up sex next? or can we skip to the next morning? Let me know... :P 

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