Just Breathe

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Hey, thank you for all the reads so far! Here is the next update, sorry it took a bit longer. This was very emotional to write!! Please vote and comment, I need motivation to keep going! Also feel free to leave suggestions for the story :) 

Warning: Content may be triggering

Demi’s POV:

I groan as the peircing light hits my eyelids. I feel Wilmer’s warm embrace holding me tightly. I open my eyes to peak at his face, he is fast asleep. Little snores escape his mouth. My vision is slightly blurred. My head is sore. It is in that moment I remember...

Everything comes flooding back to me at once. Oh how I wish it was a dream. I feel numb. Frozen. I don’t know what to do. What to think. Where do I even start I think to myself. How is this happening? Reality sinks in and yet again the tears form in my eyes and start falling down my cheeks. I sniff. It’s in that moment I realise I am still naked from last night’s happenings before that dreaded phone call. I swish the duvet off to one side and swing my legs until the soles of my feet greet the cream carpet. I make my way to my dresser and open a drawer pulling out my sweats and a shirt. I open up another draw and select a bra and panties. I collect the items in my arms and shuffle my way to my ensuite. Placing my clothes on the basin,

I look up into the mirror. My pale face stares back at me. My eyes are red and puffy with dark circles surrounding them. My hands pull through my messed hair, pushing at the sides of my temples. I stop in that moment, frozen. My heart is aching. I feel myself breaking into a million pieces without an ounce of control. I sigh and allow more tears to escape my eyes. I turn away, pulling the shower handle. I wait until the temperature is just right before hopping in and closing the door. The steam quickly fills the shower. I just stand there, motionless. I bury my head into my hands and slowly feel myself collapse into a heap on the shower floor. I sob uncontrollably. The pain is too much. I feel like my head and chest are about to explode. I can’t handle this I think to myself. It’s too much. I can’t do this. Get me out of this nightmare. I want to wake up now. My mind is like grand central station; thoughts whizzing in and out. I can’t keep up. I can’t do this. I feel like I’m about to scream. I realise I’m almost in hysterics at this point.

I see my razor to the side of my foot and stare at it. My mind slows down. I go back into a frozen state. My eyes quickly dart away. “Don’t you dare” my subconscious screams at me. I can’t help but look back and think about it. I remember the release. I need that release, I think. The pain is too much. My hand reaches out and grabs the razor. It hovers over my 'Stay' tattoo on my left wrist. The warm water hits my back.

I take a deep breath in.


Wilmers POV:

I stir from a deep sleep. My hand reaches out to my side, patting the now empty area beside me. I realise she is gone.

My eyes spring open. Hermosa! I think, as I jolt up quickly. I scan the room… nothing.

My ears prick as I now hear the shower running with loud sobs escaping the ensuite. My stomach drops. I leap out of bed and dash to the bathroom, flinging open the shower door. I wasn’t prepared for the sight that stood before me.

There, in a heap on the bathroom floor lay a fragile and scared girl. Pain evidently ripping through her, with a razor overshadowing her precious wrist. I gasp back air and yell “HERMOSA!”. I barely recognise my voice. It comes out weak and shaky. I realise that uncontrollable tears are rolling down my face.

She jolts up suddenly at the sound of my entrance. Her pained and scared eyes scream up at me, ‘help’.

I grab the razor from her hand and chuck it forcefully outside the shower. I grab a towel with my right hand from the towel rail and stop the shower with my left. I wrap the towel around her shaking back and pick her up into my arms. I pull a few more towels from the rail and carry her to the bed, placing her down softy. I kiss her forehead and pick up the spare towel next to me. I dry her face, her neck, and her shoulders. I lift up her left arm and kiss the top of her shoulder. I dry underneath and pull the towel down her arm. I gently rotate her wrist and lay small sweet kisses on her tattoo.

I move to the next arm and do the same. I dry her back, her breasts and her stomach. I kiss the scars on her hips. I then move down and dry her lower half. Leaving for a brief moment, I go back into the bathroom and grab her clothes off the basin. I slip her shoulders into her bra and clasp up the back. I pull her oversized black t-shirt over her head and kiss her forehead once more. I slip her panties and sweats into her feet and slide them up onto her hips. Kneeling myself behind her, I grab the other towel and start to dry her dripping wet hair. Reaching out, I grasp her hairbrush on the bed side table and brush out her blonde, shoulder length locks. I lay a kiss on the feather tattoo behind her ear. I gather up the towels and chuck them in the washing basket in the corner.

Placing one arm under her legs, I wrap her arm around my neck; pick her up and make my way down stairs. I place her gently on the soft couch and spread a black minx blanket over her body. I place another kiss on her forehead. “I love you”. Looking deep into her eyes I ask her, “Are you ok here for a few minutes? I need to make a few phone calls”. She nods her head and looks up as if to say ‘thank you’. I switch the tv on the ID channel and pick up the cordless phone on the way into the kitchen.

I hit a few numbers into the phone and wait. It dials twice before I hear “Hello?” on the receiving end. “Hey, look it’s me, I think you better get up here. She needs you”. I say in a quiet voice. “I know Wilmer, that’s why I’m already at the airport, I’ll be there in a few hours. Keep her safe and don’t leave her please. I’m so glad to know you’re there with her, thank you”, her sweet voice replies. “I wouldn’t be anywhere else. See you soon”.

I hang up and dial another number. After a few rings the phone picks up. “Oh hey! Demi, how’s it going?” an excited voice answers. “Hey it’s actually me. Look something’s happened, I’ll explain later, can you come round here?” I say with a slight urgency to my voice. “Wilmer, you’re scaring me. What’s happened? Is she is ok”, she answers wearily. I sigh into the phone, “Not really but she will be ok. She needs you though. Please just get here?” I say, trying to keep my voice low. “Yeah, yeah of course. Anything for my girl. I’ll be there in 10”. I hang up, placing the phone back on its cradle. I breathe a sigh of relief.

I quickly put on the kettle and pull out her favourite mug. I swiftly make up her usual tea and go back into the living room. She is there curled up in foetal position, with the blanket pulled up to her chin. I notion for her to sit up and let me sit down beside her. In silence I hand her the mug and wrap my arm around her shoulders. Her head sinks into my chest as she sips at her hot drink. I lay a reassuring kiss on her forehead, “I’ve got you angel, I’m not going anywhere”. 

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