CHAPTER 3: Shady Jacobs

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     "A stranger stabs you in the front; a friend stabs you in the back; a boyfriend stabs you in the heart, but a best friend's only poke each other with straws."

Song: Demi Lovato: You'll Be Sorry

As my memory can get me to remember, Hailey has always been here. From the very first time I rode a bike, till the night of my graduation from high school. She knew everything about me, from the day I peed myself in pre-school, to my first crush. I don't really remember how we met, our parents told us that they were best friends in high school, I don't care really. I remember nothing of our childhood, but the only thing that I remember, is that Hailey was one of the most loyal girls I've ever known. She'd stand for me when I get bullied, she'd backfire when someone curse me. And above all of that, she'd never leave my side.


I was walking down the hallway, hugging my books to my chest firmly. Teardrops are about to fall from my eyes. It's not that crowded, but my mind is fighting the urge to take a U-turn and go back home.

I was half-running, my nervousness made my whole body tremble in fear. And that's when my shoulder hit a barbie's shoulder.


"Sorry." I panicked, but tried as much as I can not to break down here, in front of her.

I can be funny. I can fantasize about Stiles the whole day. I can crack jokes even when I'm crying, and I'll never take things seriously. But my hatred for school is a huge weight on my shoulders. I wake up everyday and battle with myself wether if it's worth to go to school or if I should just quit and be a stripper. Everyday I say I quit, but I only come so Hailey doesn't have to face the day alone. I check my make-up and cloths twice everyday, I get dressed and undressed several times so I can wear the perfect outfit for school then maybe I don't have to get bullied by her again. I've been the joke of the school since she decided I should be. Since then, I walk everyday in the hallways with the fear of being seen. But here I am, standing in front of her, ready for her to pull the trigger and shoot the bullet from her mouth and straight to my pride.

"What! Sorry?" She threw her head laughing. Stay away from me you spoiled little brat! I wanted to shout at her. Grab her hair, and sweep the floor with her fancy clothes. We both held unrequited hatred for each other. It was like we were friends one day and the other day we're strangers—even worse, enemies. Even though I wanted to punch her right in the face and kill her 35 times, each in a different way, I know I can never even talk back.

I looked down at my feet, afraid to reply, she might curse me, or even hurt me, and if she did, I know the whole school will be on her side.

She took a step closer, tapping her perfectly manicured nails on her chin.

"What's your name again?" she smirked evilly,

She knows exactly who I am and what's my name. She just loves to get on my nerves. "S-Sierra." I stuttered. My hands were shaking and I knew any minute I was going to break down.

"Umm.. So Sarah-"

"It's Sierra." I corrected her. She's playing that game, huh?

"I don't care!" She shouted angrily, and I flinched. My heart was racing out of my chest.

She pushed me hardly, and I fell headfirst on my butt. Not knowing what to do, tears already were flowing down my cheeks. I was humiliated and my pride was bruised, wounded. And what does someone have to hold more than their pride and dignity?

I was still tongue-tied.

"Listen honey, watch where you walk, especially if you were gonna make contact with my skin. Because it's disgusting..." She trailed

"I-I--" I stuttered again. I didn't know what to say.

She shushed me and leaned down so her face would be the level of mine. Her 3 inches heels was what I was staring at. And I found myself wondering how can she stand/sit like that with such high heels. My guess is that these heels are designer heels and her rich parents gifted it to her because she got a C-, damn you rich people. My thoughts were cut short when she started to talk again,

"I didn't give you a permission to talk." she smiled smugly. Like hell did I need a permission from you so my lips can move. I don't even get a pass when I arrive a little late to one of my classes. Excuse you, but I'm such a rebel.

"Hey!" Shouted the voice I never expected.

"Leave her alone." Hailey backed her off of me.

"And who are you to tell me that?" She crossed her arms and glared at her, she seemed offended. Obviously wasn't happy that someone was talking back to her. In your face, shady Shady. See? Even your name is shady. (See what I did there?)

"The question is who are YOU to talk to her like that." Hailey trailed,

She laughed and give her a are-you-serious look "Duhh. I'm Shady Jacobs. As if you don't know me." She smirked widely,

Yes. Shady Jacobs. My main bully. She made me scared of doing anything. She taught me that even your closest friends can betrayal you for popularity. Yeah, She was my friend. And she made fun of my hair in front of the whole school. She called me a fireball, because my hair was ridiculously long and red—unlike her hair. Hers was a short jet black hair. Her eyes were doe and brown. When mine were big bright blue ones. She has a petite figure but I had a very tall one. She was tan but my skin was sour cream. She was very popular and I was almost-there. In short, she was everything I'm not.

"Yeah, good for you." Hailey replied coldly earning some gasps from our surrounding. I wish I was like Hailey. Fearless like Hailey.

"How dare you talk to me like tha--"

"Shady, if you want attention then you already have it. But I'm not keen of having the spotlight. You already got what you want so you can leave us alone now." And this, was the first time I dared to talk back to a bully.

I leaned on the lockers to balance myself and got up to face her.

She looked really surprised and shocked. Well, she wasn't the only one. However, I surprised myself too.

I mentally high five-d myself for getting such a good come back. (Insert a penguin dance here)

And without another word. I swung my arm to clutch Hailey's and skipped school. That was the first time I did something that'd get me to the principal's office.

As I snuggled deeply into the sheets, I figured out how much I missed Hailey, her silly remarks. Her laughter. Her comeback. Her.

But when her back was to me, I didn't see the Hailey that cared about me more than herself years back.

If my feelings would be summarized, It'll only be one word, 'nostalgia'

The only thing I can do, is watch myself, fix myself and my feelings, by myself, to the one and only, myself.

But with or without Hailey I can go on.


"Oh my god." I gasped when I figured out I'm looking straight into the eyes of a blonde, blue-eyed guy who happened to look my age.

And I'm wearing just a towel.

Only a goddamn towel.

"I-I am sorry. I didn't know that uhh-" he scratched the back of his neck but that didn't stop him from checking me out.


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