Chapter 40: Alphabet boy

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"We keep caring for people who don't care about us, and don't care about people who cares about us. We will keep overthinking everything until we fall asleep from exhaustion. We will keep to be ourselves in our unusual ways and we will never change. We are humans like that."

I gasped. What? Murdered? That's terrible. I wouldn't even know how to deal with half of it. I knew behind these eyes and this beautiful smile, would be a thunder storm, a night full of cries for help, and tears that fell like a waterfall.

I knew that he wouldn't be there for me if he haven't felt the same way I did—even way more worse. I didn't feel sorry for him, no. I felt like  I know how it felt, even though no one really died in my family that I know except my grandma. But that day when I went back home and my mum was sprawled across the floor with a bloody stomach—it felt like she was already murdered, like I already lost her. But I was lucky enough to still have her, unlike him.

"You don't have to talk about it if you can't." I told him and as soon as the words left my mouth, he burst out crying and wrapped his arms around me. I sucked on a breath at his sudden move. My heart aches for him.

"I'm such an idiot, Sierra." He sobbed, "If I didn't stop him—if I didn't fucking stop him, she would have been here." He hiccuped at the end. This is truly the first time for me to see a boy cry. And cry in front of me. Like it's only for me. Something personal like this, crying your heart out in front of someone, I'd never guessed it'd be me to comfort him.

"No. Don't fucking beat yourself at it, Danny. You were 6 for fuck's sake!"

"But–but Sierra, it was him. It was—"

"You don't really have to." He shook his head and continued, "It was my father."

He looked like a baby, crying in my arms and telling me about how daddy didn't treat mommy right. But that—that was different. We were talking about how daddy killed mommy. A crime, a murder. I stared blankly at Daniel. Not that I was freaked out or anything. I was just... Shocked.

"How?" I finally dared to ask.

There was a pause, "They were fighting, and everything got out of control. She reached for the knife and while they both were trying to take a hold of it he "Accidentally." Stabbed her." He ended the sentence with a sniffle.

"Then what were you supposed to do? You were a kid who barely knows the alphabet." I cooed.

"Yes. I know. But I was standing like a fucking status. My feet refused to move and my body refused to comprehend what's happening." He started to cry again, and I swear to God my last string is about to break and both of us are gonna make a buddle of tears right here.

"That's totally fine. It has been 13 years since that happened. She's probably just looking down and smiling proudly at you." He chuckled softly at that,

"You treat me like I'm a baby." He grinned at me.

"Oh shame on you." I placed my hand on my heart, mocking-hurt.

He layed down on the bed and wrapped his arms around me, making me lay next to him too. "You've seen me cry, now I have to kill you." He kissed my cheek.

"Oh really, you wouldn't even dare." I giggled,

"Well maybe just kill you from how amazing I am?"

"Cocky much." I mumbled under my breath and I could feel his body moving up and down from laughter. It's amazing how our moods can change that easy.

I layed my head on his chest, hearing his steady heart beat as he fell asleep. With all of this new feelings I had, the happiness, the sadness, the soreness, the everything—that was the best feeling of them.

He fell asleep and I began to wonder about everything. The way this kid next to me suffered nearly his entire life. The way he kept it all inside, and helped me before I helped him. He caught me from tripping and I was faster to fall.

And Shady, the one who suffered too. Being brought to the world by mistake wasn't really the best memory to have as a teenager and a child.

And I'm sure that Sebastian, Kylie, Brian, Mark, Zach and even Ashton have a story a story worth crying for.

I've lived my whole life wondering "Why bad things happen to good people." But then I learned that bad things happen to everyone. And I wasn't an exception. I learned that no matter how bad or good you are, you will still suffer. You're not gonna run away from your fate. Bad and good things are gonna happen. But it's the fact that how we usually face it. I run from it, Shady writes her feelings out on a piece of paper with ink, and Daniel cries over it and burns the sadness with a cigarette. And I'm sure every single one has a way of dealing with their pain. Maybe I dealt with my pain with cutting my skin. Maybe not even pain, but the madness. I cut my skin when I'm angry. Like how a drunk would run to have a drink when they're angry. And a smoker would light up a cigarette when they're stressed out.

Everyone has their own way out, yet we're all just the same. We all suffer and we all cry at night begging for mercy. Begging to end the pain. But the difference here—is that everyone cries in a different language.

I heard Daniel shuffle next to me and when he was grabbing the devut to cover us, he accidentally punched himself which made him wake himself up—horrified.

I laughed at him loudly until my stomach hurt. He wasn't fully awake yet and he was staring blankly at me like I'm some sort of a retard. Well a little.

"Why did you punch me?" He pouted,

"I didn't. You did." I said and burst out of laughter again. Damn that was hilarious.

"I did?" He asked, sounding like a little baby. I loved it.

I nodded and he slowly cracked a laugh too. We laughed for a little until I tried to stop to take my breath. But everytime I try not to laugh, I just laugh harder. 15 minutes had passed and I was still laughing at him until he stood up and went to take a shower. I tried to calm my breaths, but ended up falling asleep on his bed.

Well that was short but it was kind of just like a filler though. Seeing the side of Daniel that we've never seen before. How lucky of you, Sierra.


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