Chapter 31: Drunken giggles

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"Love is flaming a permanent flame in someone's soul, that can only be replaced by water that'll suffocate them when you leave."

The day went off pretty quickly. Just like any other day. Which was amazing in a kind of way. I slung my bag on my shoulder and headed to my dorm. I was so pissed today, no reason at all. I just felt like I could sleep for a whole decade.

Shady told me something about "Alcohol eases period cramps." Which sounded pretty dumb and I'm sure she only told me that because she wanted to see Drunk-Sierra. I didn't want to give her the chance of seeing me blabber about food for god-knows-how many hours—but however, I needed to. I can't survive this way. That's pure toture, and I have no idea why do I have to go through this if I'm not getting pregnant and not that I'm planning to anytime soon.

I rested the bottle of vodka on the nightstand, eyeing it from up to down. Or maybe just staring at it for no reason at all. I get drunk really easy. I knew that goddamn well. So a whole bottle of vodka would make me feel like I'm on cloud 9. I smiled smugly at the bottle—before unscrewing the bottle and taking a sip from it.

I felt the familiar feeling of the liquor burning my throat, and the heat down my stomach. It made me feel warm instantly. I took a sip, and another, and another, and another. Until the whole bottle was thrown on the floor, empty. I felt so dizzy and image of Daniel kept flashing in front of me, shirtless as he opens the door. It made me giggle.

Shady wasn't here. And I kept giggling and giggling until I thought that maybe I want to see Daniel shirtless.

I moved from the bed, the cramps were long gone now, thanks to Shady. And I was a giggling-mess. I literally looked at my wardrobe and giggled—wondering why I wear like a tomboy. I even giggled because I'm so tall. Man, girls shouldn't be that tall, I thought to myself.

I swung my door open and knocked at the boy next door, still giggling to myself like a maniac.

A minute later, Daniel opened the door. Eyeing me like I'm some sort of a freak. But at least he was shirtless. I love shirtless-Daniel. Why does he gotta be so hot anyway? That should be illegal?

"What are you doing here?" He seemed unsure,

I laughed, and put my hands on his chest, "I came to see shirtless-Daniel." I mumbled and his eyes widened. I was even a little taken aback by my comment. Damn I'm brave.

"Sierra." He started, "Are you drunk, why?"

"Because I can be."

"I think you should go back to your room. Your boyfriend might see you and that's not gonna be his favorite thing to see today." He whispered.

I pouted, "You're stupid." I slapped his chest, "And a jerk," I slapped his chest once again, "And you're even–you're even such an asshole, Daniel. You're not allowed to be like that. You're not allowed to be that hot anyway. And you're not allowed to pin me to the walls which I totally love because it's totally hot but what should I do Daniel? I have major trust issues. You're my best friend's ex, which happens to be my ex-bully too. And–and, I feel like you're using me—" I hiccuped, which was followed by a fit of sobs. I don't why I was crying anyway.

His eyes softened at my sight, and I knew he didn't want to hug me because I had a boyfriend. And that would be cheating—sort of, actually.

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