Chapter 42: Take your passport and my hand

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"We only die once, so let us live."

Song: Tori Kelly - First Heartbreak

Midterms were over and I thanked God that I sat still in the hall without screaming bloody mary. I was so sick until the last exam. But then spring break hit it and I felt better just by knowing I won't study tonight. I and Daniel packed the things we're gonna need and I was helping him put it in his mini cooper. I was holding two bags and was waiting for the elevator. When I heard the satisfying "Ting." Of the elevator, I entered with a small smile on my face. Just after I entered, Shady entered after me. I didn't even notice her there.

I sure as hell own her an apology, but I don't know if I can talk to her. Or if she'll want to talk to me. I always keep on ruining everything. I should've majored in messing things up instead of computer developing.

Right people always come in the wrong time and wrong people always come in the right time. Like Sebastian came when I was desperate, and he wasn't the one for me. So is Kylie. Shady and Daniel came in the wrong time, but they were the right people. Way to fuck it up, karma.

We stood in the elevator in silence, only listening to the ting's of the elevator and our shallow breathing.

"So you're leaving... With him." Shady was the first to speak. And I was glad she had the courage to.

"Does it matter?"

"For me; yes."

"Then yeah, we're leaving together."

She sighed, "Are you both a thing now?"

"Do you want us to be a thing?" I challenged her.

"God, Sierra. Just answer the damn question." I could tell she was fuming by the way she clenched her small hands into fists.

"Yes, Shady. If that's what you want to hear."

She nodded and just then we were already there. At the G floor. She went quickly off it and I called after her, "Shady! Wait."

"Yeah?" She tilted her head to the side, waiting for me to talk. Her and Daniel were surprisingly alike. I and Sebastian were suprisingly alike. Maybe that's why we never worked out. Maybe the similars are best friends and the polar opposite are soulmates. I mean, Sebastian would've been a great best friend. But Daniel would never be a friend.

"If you wasn't the person who did it. Then why did you apologize?" I closed my eyes for a brief second and took a deep breath.

"Because I knew she'll do it." I arched my eyebrows. She knew it? But how?

"How did you—how did you know she'll do it?" I couldn't help but stutter. Everything was just so confusing and I didn't know what the hell was happening.

"She asked me if I can help her when you were passed out..."

"And..." I raised my eyebrows at her and tilted my head to the side as if saying: "Continue."

"Of course I refused. I couldn't betray you like that. You knew I wasn't that person anymore, Si. I aplogized because I knew and didn't tell you."

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