Chapter 28: Mean Girls

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"If love is so beautiful, then why are we so afraid to fall?"

"Uhh.." I started, "I never really need help. I was always a go-to girl so I never ask for help. I don't know... I was always like that I guess."  I Lied.

"Uh huh." Sebastian nodded his head in understanding. "So there isn't really a particular reason?" What was he implying?

"No, of course." I faked a smiled, playing with my food nervously. He nodded again and didn't ask any more questions and I was so grateful for that. I didn't really want to tell him. I don't know, he wouldn't understand.

It was a good night and we decided that it's our time to dismiss ourselves. He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers as we walked home.

When we reached my dorm, he stopped me just before opening my door. "Sierra," He called.


"Will you be my girlfriend?" My eyes widened and my heart speed was so fast I bet it was gonna jump out of my rip cage. If him asking me on a date took me off guard. Then this defintely surprised me to the point that I can't even make a good complete sentence as my mouth opened and closed like a dead fish.

"What? I mean... Uhh–damn it.." I cursed under my breath, "I mean, of course." I finally managed to say the right words.

His smile widened and he pulled me into a passionate kiss. As his hands rested on my waist and mine was hanging around his neck. I was happy. All the feelings I ever felt with André, came back to life. I was able to breath again.


"So how was your date?" Shady asked the next morning. When I came back she was fast asleep and I didn't want to wake her up and tell her about what happened. Even though I was so excited to tell her.

"It was so nice. He asked me to be his girlfriend." I jumped up and down. Still not believing what happened.

She gasped, "Please tell me you said yes."


She hugged me and we both giggled.

"How did he ask you? Did he bring you flowers? Did he write it with ketchup on your fries? Did he tell the waitress to play some music for you as he told you? Did he ask you in front of everyone? In the street? Where did he ask you? Please tell me everything." Shady's questions trailed and I found myself frowning.

"He didn't do any of that. He asked me in front of the door, here."


"Did he whisper? Or was he so loud as he called you by your full name to be his girlfriend?"

"No no. He just told me. And I honestly don't care how he asked me. At least he did." I smiled at her and dissmised myself to the kitchen.

After making some snacks for both of us. We decided that it's time for us to have some girls-time and watch some chick-flick as we gossip about everything and nothing. 

We started with Mean Girls. It was Shady's favorite movie. Guess that's why she was so mean to me in high school. I watched the movie over 100 times but I still gasp every now and then.

"Please fall in love with her. She doesn't mean to be like that, she just loves you, you stupid butthead." Shady whinned as she stuffed more popcorn into her mouth. Her mascara was ruined by her tears. And I swear she watched the movie as much as I did.

"Shady, you know the end of the movie..." I trailed, "And why do you literally just want to see everyone in a love story?"

"Because I never really had one."


It was 9:00pm when Shady fell asleep on the couch next to me. And it was also the same time for me to go to work.

Work gets more and more awkward everytime. With I and Sebastian dating, it's so awkward to be with Daniel. But that means too that he can't mess with me no more. No kissing on the bathroom stalls. No panning me to the walls, and no running away from me.

I never really planned on losing Daniel nor do I think I did. He's a good friend only when he wants to be.

"Hey." Said the voice I was thinking about. I was now mobbing the floor. (Don't ask, that's was my job of the day)

"Hey." I smiled at Daniel and he smiled back. And I almost forgot how addicting his smile was.

"How have you been?"

"Well, I almost see you everyday. So you know what's up."

"Yeah." He said weakly, "So you and... uhh... Are dating?" Was it so hard to say Sebastian? S-E-B-A-S-T-I-A-N, what's so hard about it?

"Yes. You could say that I'm his girlfriend now."

I saw the hurt in his eyes and the surprise on his face. But never did I feel sorry. He should learn that I'm not a piece of meat he should compete on. And if he doesn't appreciate my feelings then I'm out.

"Great. I'm happy if you are." He nodded at me. A fake, nervous smile made it's way to his lips as he shook his head several times.

"Yeah." I mumbled as my lips were in a thin line. I continued mobbing the floor and he too continued his job. We fell into silence as the only sound was the background music and the costumers chatting.

I sighed heavily when the clock ticked 11. Time for me to go home. Yay life.

I grabbed my things and left the Café as fast as I can.




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