Chapter 9: Faded Pink Walls

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"You often meet your fate on the road you take to avoid it."

When I entered the room, I was surprised that I didn't have a roommate. I didn't want to be alone all the time, and that would've made me less lonely if I actually had one. I practically only know Sebastian here, and I don't even know him.

I took a look on the rest of the room, it was not so big nor too small, it was the perfect size. Pretty cleaned up too. There was 2 beds as soon as you get into the dorm, then a small corridor leading to a bathroom and a small kitchen. What caught my attention, was that there was another bed in the bedroom. My eyes lit up instantly at the idea of having a roommate. Yeah, I'm that desperate for company. I was just sitting there on the bed I chose, staring at the other bed.

However, I was too tired to complain, so I headed to the living room to unpack my bags and get a duvet. I gasped when I only found two bags next to the bed. Where are the other two? I thought. Without hesitation, I stormed out of the room...only to be welcomed by the same brown-eyed mysterious guy on my doorsteps.

"Well your senses are strong, Spiderman." I heard him mutter under his breath, but I didn't really get it anyway. He's weird.

"What are you doing here?" I arched my eyebrows. God, it's been less than an hour since I've been here and I'm already ready to slit someone's throat out.

"I'd ask you the same thing, but you forgot your bags right there," He motioned with a hand to the front of his door, while holding the two bags with the other hand, "So I thought I might be nice and give them to you." I blushed deep red in embarrassment, and my white skin and red hair didn't at all help. Maybe I was too fast to judge.

"Uh..Okay," I took the bags from his hands, my hands and his slightly brushed, and I flinched. My hands were really tiny compared to his, so I gripped the bags with both my hands.   

I turned around so fast to enter the room but he, on the other hand, had other plans, "No thank you?" He asked, a sense of deja vu got a grip of me; when I first met Sebastian and he gave me the phone and I didn't thank him. I wasn't really used to thank anyone, people barely helped me. His doe-eyes look made me want to crush his gorgeous face to the nearest wall. It's really hard to know what he's thinking, his face is so robotic to the point that I doubt he is even feeling at all. I glared at him, and before entering the room again; I heard faint male voices approaching us. The halls were pretty big, so you can't really see who's coming until they're like 4' feet away from you.

The brown-eyed boy's eyes widened in realization and suddenly he hardly pushed me into my room and closed the door. "What the fuck!" I shouted at him, but I had already fell headfirst on my dorm floor. "What an idiot." I mumbled under my breath.

Maybe I wasn't too fast to judge. He is a jerk.

Well, me being the nosy (read: curious) person that I am, I couldn't just sit like that. So, I put my ear to the door, and eavesdropped on them. I could hear my mother's voice in my head telling me: "Ladies don't eavesdrop, Sierra." Like any other person is supposed to if they weren't ladies. I rolled my eyes at the thought.

 "Hey man!" I heard someone say and I heard something close to a bro-hand-shake. Or maybe it was just a slap on the back of someone's head. "What are you doing here?" That was the brown-eyed boy's voice.

"I heard there's a new hot chick on this floor." The boy replied and the other boys chanted in agreement.

There's a new hot chick here? I thought. Where?

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