Chapter 29: I'm Not A Rebound

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"You strip off my heart and I remain emotionally naked in front of you."

Song: Sippy Cup - Melanie Martinez

(A:N): So, hello first! I just wanted to say that this the farthest I've been in writing a book. I always end up losing interest in it and stop writing it. Anyway, thanks for whoever was there from the start. SHOUTOUT TO THOSE WHO ALWAYS VOTE! I'LL APPRECIATE IT IF YOU COMMENTED YOUR OPINION TOO.


If this was a fairytale, it'd be time when it starts raining and Daniel approaches me as he asks me to walk me home because it's raining and I'm soaking wet. And we'd end up kissing in the rain after all.

But no, I walked as fast I can when I heard Daniel call my name.

What now? I thought.

I heard him walk as fast as me and soon he was walking on the same pace as I am. Damn you, long legs of his. Not that I was short. Everything about me was tall and long, except my temper. Extremely short and might lead me to stab your eyeballs with a fork if it's the matter. So when Daniel yanked me by the arm to force me to face him, my insides were already boiling and I was ready to commit a murder.

"What?" I hissed,

He didn't reply just yet. He stayed silent. analyzing my face, and studying it. Maybe even trying to figure out why I was angry for no particular reason at all. But what can I say... I woke up today and figured out it's that time of the month and Shady showered me with questions at how Sebastian asked me to be his girlfriend which I was tempted to answer, but who am I to blame?

Mood swings on periods are just something normal for me. I'd shout at you for no reason and I'll end up cuddling you anyway. Yes, it was that bad. (Shoutout to y'all, ladies!)

"Hi." He finally said and I burst out of laughter when I saw him grin. Man, he was mad. Just like I was.

With a red as a strawberry face, (Thank you, freckles! For ruining my tomato-face face and turning me into a fruit!) I looked up-front and continued walking with my hands shoved in my jacket pockets.

He walked next to me anyway, "You forgot that we always walk back together? I'm boy next door, forgot?" He said, and I felt a hint of sadness in his voice, that soon vanished. Like it was never there. Like it was just an illusion, like my mind was playing games with me so I can believe him and forgive him. Call me stubborn but I'm not to be used. I'm more than being a rebound. I'm not gonna be a toy to make someone jealous. And yeah. I thought about it. Shady is his ex. Who happened to be my roommate. And he definitely knew she was gonna be in the same college as him. But was it possible for him to know she was gonna be my roommate? Because that'll be so creepy.

So creepy like the carved pumpkins on a Halloween night as the kids scream and ask for trick or treats while old parents give them candies and they leave happily. Oh my god how I love candies! If I wasn't a kid in who had to go to the dentist all the time because oh-I-forgot my father was a dentist. And I was technically panned from eating any kind of sweets my entire existing. In the mention of candies, I felt so hungry already. I remember that Shady left some chocolates in the fridge, I'd have to eat them before she wakes up or she'll kill—

"Sierra." Daniel's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. Dear lord, he was waiting for an answer and I was here thinking about the chocolates in the fridge.

"Sorry, what did you say again?"

"I said," He started, "That we used to always go back to the dorms together. And that I live next door you shouldn't easily forget me like that." He pouts.

"You put yourself in that position Daniel. None other than you." I snapped.

"But what did I do!" He too, snapped at me.

"Oh really? What am I to you? What were we? Was I just a fucking rebound to your ass!" I shouted at him. I thanked god that the streets were empty so we didn't have to have audience for our little argument.

"What? No!" He throw his arms in the arms, "Why would you say that?" His voice softened, his eyes softened, and he stepped closer.

I closed my eyes firmly and counted to three. "It doesn't matter now. I have a boyfriend. He's happy. I'm happy. You're just my classmates and co-worker. Whatever happened between us, is nothing now. It's history. Happened, long gone, and vanished." I told him harshly. Almost feeling my words as they claw his heart firmly and rip it to million of pieces. He flinched at every word I told him, like he didn't want to hear it if it was the last thing to hear on the entire planet.

I almost thought he was gonna cry.

"He doesn't deserve you." He mumbled.

"Nor do you."


It was 4:00am. I couldn't sleep all night. Sue me for all the chocolates I ate. Dear lord, I beg to differ. I ate so much candies that there's no way I'm gonna sleep, for days.

And because I can't sleep, and obviously, Shady is fast asleep and I'm left with myself to overthink for some few hours.

Sebastian never really texts me. I only see him in lectures and in the cafeteria at day. We don't really go out. I don't blame him, I have a lot to study too. But something was up with him anyway, but still, I couldn't put my finger on it.

He always stiffens when Shady is around, it's like everytime he sees her, is the very first time. Surprise written all over his face. Can't blame him too, Shady is very beautiful it hurts. Unlike me, I was so un-Shady in everything. We were polar opposite. I technically got a fireball on my head, just like what Shady called me when were in high school when she used to bully me. While Shady's hair is jet black. Just like Daniel's. My eyes were green, Shady's eyes were dark brown. Suited her personality though. She was very short with a petite figure, I, unlike her, was very tall. Her hair was short but mine was ridiculously long.

How could I look so colorful yet I'm so dull?

How can we be so different yet just the same?

Aren't you weird, fate?

Aren't you weird, fate, to put me in an awkward position with my best friend and ex-high school bully's ex-boyfriend? Note that while I'm actually dating another man. While his ex is my best friend.

"We used to always go back to the dorms together. And I live next door, you shouldn't easily forget me like that."

No, I never did. I notice you everytime you get it and out your dorm, you stupid butthead

"Oh really? What am I to you? What were we? Was I just a fucking rebound to your ass!"

What were we? Really, that was a very smart question. That I wonder why he never answered. Maybe I was really nothing to him. That's why he never really gave me an oh-so-direct answer. Or one at least. But he didn't. Which left me wondering, was I really right? Was I just a rebound?

The look on his face. The kid that lived beneath that 19 year old guy. The frown that was constant on his face as I spoke. The way he always gets his way to talk to me. The way he felt hurt when I mentioned having a boyfriend. Was it all an act?

Wasn't he the one that told me that Sebastian "Fancies me?"

"He doesn't deserve you."

Then who does?


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