Chapter 34: Drama Show

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"We got so close until we're not."

I don't know for how much I cried, but all I know that my head was pounding so heavily and I had a massive headache. Kylie left a little while, which was there to comfort me when Sebastian dumped me tragically.

I still can't believe things were going down the drain like that. My worlds are crashing down. I feel like I lost everything I own. My best friend, my boyfriend, and my so-called sister. I even think I lost Daniel, who I don't really know what is he classified as. Are we friends? Are we more? Are we less?

I just kept overthinking and overthinking everything and it felt so goddamn wrong. I lost my parents. I don't thing I've nothing else to lose. I only have Kylie right now, and I don't know what to do without her. But was it possible to lose something you didn't even have at the first place? Was it possible for someone to leave when they weren't even there in the first place?

I've lost a lot of people to the point that I begin thinking that, did I really lose them or did they stop fighting for me?

Everything is so confusing.

In this point of my life. I'm afraid. I'm afraid of whatever gonna happen. Hell, I'm terrified.

A loud knock startled me, I was so afraid to know who's that. It's like everytime someone knocks on my door, they come with bad news. They break my heart.

I was so terrified to open the door that I accidentally yelled, "Sierra is not here!" And then cupped my mouth immediately. God I'm so stupid.

"Open the fucking door, Sierra!" That was Daniel. Oh my god that was Daniel. What if he's here to shout at me? Telling me it's a shame that people thinks I slept with him? What if I lose him too. Or worse, what if he told me something that'll hurt me?

Breaking my thoughts, I stood up and headed to open the door, revealing a very furious Daniel. I was so fucking terrified of what is to happen.

He immediately let himself in, pacing back and forth in the room. "Do you know who did that?" His voice seemed so calm I was even surprised myself.

I shook my head, "I'm a virgin, Daniel." I told him, and that's all it took for me burst out crying again.

"I believe you." And that's all it took for me to ran to him and envelope him with a hug. I wrapped my hands around his neck and cried my heart out. He wrapped his arms around my waist as he held me so tight. He held me so fucking tight, like he was putting my pieces together.

"I'm here, don't cry. I'll always be here." He kept muttering soothing words in my ear. And I felt myself getting more calm than I've been in this past days. His arms felt safe, like how I remembered it was. He didn't change, no. I kept pushing him away everytime he came close, but that didn't stop him from getting close to me anyway. He's there, he's here, holding me.

We both sat on the cold floor, still holding each other. I stopped crying, and if it's for anything, I just ran out of tears. Daniel's shirt was soaked from my tears, but he didn't seem to care. His hand was running up and down my arm, in a very soothing way. Until it landed on my wrist and I started to panic.

He eyed my scars, brushing his fingertips on them. He knew that they're fresh. I looked at his face, waiting for him to panic and call me a physco. He didn't. He just kept staring at my scars and touching them. His face didn't show sympathy, nor anger. His expressions were tame. Completely sane. Like this was something normal he sees all the time.

I arched my eyebrows, I don't understand.

"I can explain, that doesn't look like what you think—" I tried to tell him but he shushed me up.

But then his eyes landed on my face, my tears-smudged face. He studied it. All of it. He just kept staring at my face, blinking slowly. His hand caressed my cheek, and my eyes fluttered close on their own accord. He was so close that I can feel his breath on my face. I thought he was gonna kiss me until he took his hand left my face and grabbed my other wrist and stood up.

He grabbed a sweater from my wardrobe and gave it to me to wear. And then swept off the sheets on my bed and took it with him. His actions weirded me up a little. But I wore it anyway. He grabbed my hand and stormed out of the room. My heart was racing and I was afraid to face the real world... Yet. He went to the bathroom for a split second and come back to me.

In a matter of minutes, we were in front of the cursed hardboard, the words were steal scrambled on it. As bold as ever. But pictures of the sheets were on every student's phone, I'm sure.

Daniel let go of my hand. A crowd was already forming around us. Daniel's face was still so serious, I was getting more afraid.

"You guys seem to like drama, so why don't we give you show?" Daniel shouted, and I flinched at his voice. He grabbed a plade from his jeans pocket. That's why he went to my bathroom then.

He cut his wrist, once and twice. Gasps filled the hallways as Daniel's wrists flooded with blood. "What the hell!" I shouted at him.

He ignored me and cleaned the blood off his wrist on the sheet he brought from my room, making a similar blood-stained sheet as the one that was hanged. And then he hanged the sheet on the hardboard.

"Well story time..." He trailed, "The sheet that was hanged, was mine. Yes, I do self-harm. I threw the sheet outside my dorm, at the local garbage, but some freak thinks she's pretty cool to go through the local garbage and grab the sheets and go fucking put some rumors on Sierra!" He shouted at them. Everyone's mouth was hung open, including mine. He couldn't do this to me, when all I did was push him away.

"And even if Sierra did sleep with me, she is as single as a pringle. And note that she didn't sleep with me, she's not that easy." He then looked at me and winked. His voice softened at my sight.

"And now that you know the truth, I don't want any of you fucktards even look at her weirdly, or it's gonna be me you're gonna face." And with that, he grabbed my hand and went back to my dorm.

I stopped him in the hallway in the way to my dorm. I looked him straight in the eyes, "Thank you." I mumbled. His eyes softened once again, and he looked me with so much emotions that I didn't know existed.

"I'm sorry." I swallowed. "Why did you do this," I was on the verge of crying, he doesn't have to do this to me. I don't deserve this.

"I knew about your cuts. I knew the first day I ever layed eyes on you." He whispered.

"Why didn't you run away."

"Believe me, Sierra, I can't even if I want to." I pulled him into a hug, a hug that'll mend both of our souls.

"You're my hero."


Damn guys, Daniel is so cute. I cry. Well honestly I was even shocked by his actions. Anyway, wadduya think?


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