Chapter 16: Melody Café

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"Everyone is addicted to something that takes the pain away"

Song: a little too much - Shawn Mendes

I woke up to an unusual sight. My body was completely sore and my wrist felt so cold. Right next to me, is Shady, sitting on a chair and cleaning my wrist with cold water. Even though I felt like shit, I noticed that the sheets were cleaned, and the room was neat. I couldn't believe the sight in front of me so I blinked a few times. "Shady?" I managed to say, "What are you doing?"

She noticed that I'm awake, and hesitated before answering, "Uh..nothing I...was just.."

"Helping me." I completed her sentence.

"I'm sorry but you were-"

"Okay Shady I got it. You were trying to help me so you can make fun of me later." I spat angrily,

"No! I swear not!" She exclaimed,

"Why are you acting so weird!!" I shouted at her.


"Stop!! Leave me alone!!" I shouted once more and she got out of the dorm. God knows where to. I figured out that I might as well go out and have some peace time. I didn't feel like staying home and make my own concert alone, or even watch some YouTube videos.

I took a quick shower and wore a dress from the ones I bought when I was with Kylie yesterday. I put on a long sleeved denim jacket to hide my scars. I didn't want people to look at me weirdly.

I'm not gonna lie, I felt a little guilty about Shady. Also, I wondered where does she always disappear to. I didn't make any moves to apologize or search for her. I swung my legs and went down in the streets. It was 11pm and I didn't know where to go. It felt like a habit, going out for walks at night and all.

I kept walking and walking until I saw a Café written on top of it: MELODY CAFÉ in a bright red color. There from it, was blasting my favorite song, Don't Be So Hard On Yourself by Jess Glynne. I automatically found it interesting and stepped into it. I was welcomed by the very strong smell of alcohol, mixed with a press of hot chocolate. I didn't know if this smell was actually real, but I sure as hell was craving hot chocolate. It wasn't just a Café, it was a Café and a bar. Which was really weird considering it's not really a nightclub nor a normal Café.

There was an empty seat with two love seats and a small coffee table in the corner of the room. I straight-headed to it. But not of course before crashing into a waitress, who happened to be carrying something that smells like alcohol and chocolate cake.

I'm such a klutz, I thought.

"Shit." I hissed. "That was a new dress." To be honest, I only meant to say that to myself. But turns out I couldn't control my pissed-off-already mood.

I was too carried away checking my Africa-sized-alcohol-stain on my dress that I didn't notice the waitress going back inside and getting me a handkerchief. "Here." He said and for the first time, I looked up, "Daniel!" I gasped.

"Sierra!" He mocked me.

"What are you doing here?" I grinned, looking at him like he grew 4 legs.

"Uhh, nothing...just grooming some men's hair. The usual." He rolled his eyes and I chuckled.

"No, seriously. What are you doing here?"

"Half-time job." He replied, and rubbed the back of his neck. He seemed ashamed. So I thought I might make him feel less ashamed.

"Oh really! I wanted a place to work too. Do you know somewhere who'd accept completely inexperienced employees?" It was only a half-joke though. I don't really think they'd employee someone who is totally inexperienced in bartending and all the waitressing related stuff.

"Yeah, actually they're kind of desperate for anyone so good luck." He said like it's the easiest thing in the world. I looked at him in disbelief, what the hell? I thought.

"You're kidding right?"

"Nope. Not at all. At least I'll have some good company." He winked at me and I flushed Instantly.

I took a U-turn and went to the cashier, "Hey." I breathed. There was a middle-aged man counting some money and putting it in the money holder in the cashier. When he noticed me he looked up at me and his eyes slightly widened, but went back to normal nonetheless. "Hello." He replied.

I started shifting uncomfortably, the last job I had, they made me go through a lot of interviews and stressed me out to the max. "I was wondering if there's a place for another employee here?" I smiled awkwardly.

My question seemed to catch him off guard, "You know what's a chocolate cake?" This time, it was my time to get caught of guard.

"Yes?" I replied, not sure of what to say.

"You know what's vodka?" Once again, I wasn't sure what's exactly that.

"Of course." I told him, "Then congrats, you're hired. Your shifts starts from 9 to 11 every day." As soon as he told me that, I ran to Daniel. I couldn't believe that I got a job that easy.

"I'm hired!!" I clapped my hands happily. "I know." He said like it's something so obvious. Once again, his doe-look eyes making it hard for me to know if he's being serious or joking.

"How'd you know?"

"I told you they're desperate." He chuckled and continued cleaning the mess I made.

"I'm sorry about that." I awkwardly apologized, he seems to be already exhausted.

"It takes two to tango, Sierra."

"Here let me help you." I knelt down to help him, but he wrapped his hand around my wrist. "I got it. It's my job." He grinned. My skin once again, burnt with his touch, sending me a deja vu of how we first met; when he was giving me my bags and our hands brushed together.

"It's my job too. I'm hired remember?" I was being playful, and if you ask me, I have no idea why I'm doing this. He reminded me of myself, how I never let anyone help me.

"Right." He clicked his tongue. "But just let me fucking do it." He said and I gasped,

"You cussed! What did I say about bad words?" I found myself acting like a complete kid. Clapping my hands when I'm excited and gasping when he says a bad word.

"No I didn't. And you didn't say anything." He pressed his lips together and turned around so I don't see his face.

"You rebel!!"

"Shut up." He finally gave in and laughed anyway, and soon enough I joined him.

He went back to his job and I ordered a cheesecake and went to the bathroom to check if my dress was still stained. When it was midnight, he was done with his extra shift and he offered that we go home together. We live next door so that wasn't a problem at the end. He didn't take the money of cheesecake from me and told me it's on him this time. I didn't really mind. Who says no to free food anyways?

"Sierra." Daniel called me, as soon as I was closing the door.

"Daniel." I mimicked him.

"Don't tell anyone about the job." He smiled at me, and I smiled back, "We're on the same boat." I answered him and closed the door.


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