Chapter 19: Pay Back

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"women are stronger than men will ever be."

Song: Fifth Harmony - Write On Me

I hugged her so tight as if all her pieces will get back together. I hugged her so tight in aim to save her. I hugged her so tight as if it'll make her forget about everything that ever happened to her. I hugged her so tight yet ever so softly that I'm afraid she might break.

Isn't it a weird feeling? To have the person that caused you so much pain, in your arms, because right now they're the only person that understand what does it feel to be in so much pain?

It felt so weird. As we both showed hearts and scars. As we both sobbed in each other's arms. As we finally knew, that we're just typically the same.

We broke away, and looked at each other. Only to be met with both our tears-soaked face.for her it was mascara-stained face. (let's be honest, she puts a lot of make-up).

"I guess you need to change where you buy make-up." I joked

"Why?" She gaped at me,

"Because that cheap mascara ruined your crying session." I laughed and she joined me.

I love it. I love this. I love bonding over cheap-makeup-talk and laughing just because we can. I love having a heart-to-heart conversation. And I love being so careless. Never have I ever thought that I'll find someone who understands. And little did I know it'll be the most unexpected person.

"It's Anastasia!" She exclaimed, silently cursing the mascara company.

"Yeah. Now blame the fucking mascara!" I shouted jokingly at her and we both burst out of laughter.

With a ghost of a smile on her face, she told me that she's gonna make snacks (again) and I just nodded at her while checking on my phone.

She came back with marshmallows and chocolates, thought so she won't make any snacks.

We munched in silent. But right inside my mind, I was satisfied enough to turn my back on her and close my eyes. I didn't trust her, not yet. But I have enough faith for her to last a few weeks. Knowing that she's just like me, made me feel civilised with her.


I freshly woke up the next morning. I showered and wore another one of the dresses I bought with Kylie. And this morning, I actually let Shady put make-up for me. Which I have to say, was pretty decent.

I thanked her and we both headed together to the cafeteria. And today, I supposed to finally talk with Sebastian.

Sure enough, he was seated on one of the tables drinking coffee. I was surprised that he was alone. I thought he'd be chatting with one of the guys or flirting with girls. As he, unlike me, was good at making friends. I should learn from him sometimes.

"Hey." I greeted him once I reached him.

"He—Oh Sierra!" He, too, seemed surprised by my sudden show-up. I didn't know how should I act, to be honest. But I decided to go with the flow and act like absolutely nothing happened.

"How ya doing buddy." I poked his shoulder and he faked hurt.

"Your face is glowing. Did you get laid?" He joked and I glared at him, "Classy bro." I told him and he just continued to grin.

When he glanced at Shady, his eyes slightly went wide. That's when I remembered that I actually brought someone with me. I almost got used of being alone. "Oh." I said, "This is Shady by the way. My roommate." I introduced her.

He wore his best serious face whilst shaking her hand, "Sebastian." It was kind of intense though but I couldn't really put my finger on it.

"Nice to meet you Sebastian." She greeted. Completely oblivious that the tension was growing by the second.

He mumbled a "Nice to meet you too." before sitting down again.

He asked me about my plans for today and I told him that, I don't know and I'm supposed  to be studying because midterms are close and he told me that he'll come with me to my room and study with me.

I agreed, of course. I wanted things to go back to normal.

He kissed me on the cheek, which caught me off guard and made Shady send me a wink, before getting to class.

"Sierra." He called me again, and I turned around.

"Sebastian." I dramatically replied.

He rubbed the back of his neck while fidgeting with his t-shirt collar. "Can we talk?" I took a deep breath, knowing that it might be about what I did a couple of days ago.

"Can you save it for after school?" I asked,

"No. Right now." He replied stubbornly,

"Okay." I mumbled and walked past him. I waved for Shady and she went to class.

We kept walking and I didn't know where we're going anymore. As if he was reading my mind, he stopped. It was the other side of campus, probably the one I never go to.

"Sierra." He called once again.


"I need to tell you something." He said and my heart skipped a beat. I don't want him to tell me that he likes me because I don't know how am I supposed to act or reply. My awkwardness once again, made me sound so daring.

"Just fucking spit it out yo--"

"I like you." Right now, my heart was beating so fast and my tongue was tied.


"Pay back, bitch!" He said and burst out of laughter, while I was still standing, trying so hard to figure out what the hell happened. I blushed in embarrassment.

"You man hoe!!" I ran to him and started hitting his chest and whatever-I-made-contact-with. He was now pinned to the wall while I attempted to hit him and he was laughing loudly. "Okay okay, stop." He begged.

"No way you asshole! You can't just play my game against me, that's against the rules and you--you can't just do that. I can't believe you did that. You're an ass face. A butthead. A very big one. God you're a serious man hoe." I kept rambling without even knowing what I was saying anymore. He took me off guard when he grabbed my face and kissed me. It took me a few seconds to figure out what is happening before kissing him back. He slid is tongue into my mouth and it opened in it's own accord.

I tugged my hand in his hair while his hands moved from my cheeks to my waist and started roaming down my body.

After a minute, we pulled away to take our breath. "I really do like you, stupid." He grinned.


After my session with Sebastian, I finally went to class. I said my, "Good morning." to the professor and went to sit next to Kylie, as usual.

Things were going back to normal and I was ecstatic about it.

"Hey." Kylie said, "Hi." I replied and she grinned.

"He's early again?"

"Yeah, seems like he liked Daniel's company more than anyone here." She laughed and I mumbled a "Yeah." before getting out my laptop.

A tap on my shoulder got me out of my daze, "Sierra." Daniel whispered.

"Oh, Daniel! Hop here buddy." I told him and he did as commanded.

"What's up." I asked,

"I don't know. What's up?" God, he really likes to change the topic all the time.

"What do you mean?"

"You're glowing." He grinned at me and I grinned back.

I motioned for him to come closer as I leant to his ear and whispered, "You were right. Sebastian told me today that he liked me and we kissed." His smile fell and he glared at me before standing up and leaving the class.

Leaving me, completely lost.


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