CHAPTER 1: Netflix And Ice-Cream

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"A heart might be fragile, a body might be fragile, but a creative mind would never be fragile."

Song: She Used To Be Mine - Sara Bareilles

    I slowly felt the stained envelope with my fingertips and examined the paper. It's been 9 years. Will I ever get the courage to open it?

   I stared at my reflection in the mirror. My face looked so pale and the dark circles under my eyes were almost visible. Perks of being a white girl. I really need a tan. I sighed.

   "Man, I should go to the beach." I said to my reflection, squishing my face in my hands. It was oily too.

   "Ew." I whispered. I slept with foundation on again, so it's something so normal that my face would look glossy.

   I went to take a shower and remove the make-up stains on my face. I looked like a zombie. With these brown spots with the name of freckles that covers most of my face, my very pale skin, and with the dark circles and bags, it wasn't the best combination. I turned on the water and waited until it was hot enough for me to hop in. I put two fingers under the water and let out a shriek when the burning hot water touched my skin. I quickly turned on the cold water and put my fingers under it again then sucked on it. It hurts. After a few more battles with the water, the heat finally settled on and I hopped into the bathtub—to take a so-called relaxing shower. After showering, removing the make-up and taking care of my skin, I wrapped a towel around my body and slipped out of the bathroom.

   I took a glimpse of myself in the mirror and made a face. Nonetheless, I forced a smile on my face and headed to change into decent enough clothes.

      I left my family's house 10 months ago and I've never really heard of them.  I don't know how to feel about that. Maybe living alone is relaxing and giving me the privacy needed, but something about this house that's so cold. I didn't buy this house, no. I came here to live with my grandma but she died 5 months ago.  She left me all of her money and jewelry, I have enough money to last a lifetime, but it makes me feel just like my sister. A runaway. She ran away when I was 10. Maybe that's whom I've got my rebellious attitude from, please note the sarcasm. I think she has always had Margo as her spirit animal, jumping off the windows, sneaking out and all. She always did run and jump off windows and all, actually, but seems like my parents got tired of chasing after her that they let her be. Just like Margo. They've always said that if you love someone, you set them free, and if they love you, they'll come back. I tried to convince them that she's not a bird and she wasn't supposed to come back to her cage but they just scoffed at me, and I'll forever hold the hope that she'll come back.

   I checked what time is it. It's 8:30pm. On a friday night, and instead of going out like a normal human being, I'm just going enjoy the heavenly ice-cream and watching Netflix until I fall asleep with my mouth hung open, and wake up with drawl on the side of my mouth and hand. Just the usual.

   My best friend, Hailey  just recently moved away. She was my only friend and now I'm cursing the day I decided it's enough to have one true friend.

   What if sponges were actually monsters that gets their powers from water? Does that makes us Gods?

   Yes, that is me. My name is Sierra Ruth Jacobsen and I'm blunt and random. I'm also fluent in only two languages, French fries and sarcasm. Welcome to my life. I hope you don't stumble on your own feet coming across the mess of my room. I'd wish you happiness while going through my life but then I'd be lying. So I'll just wish you luck and patience.

   I got up from the bed and went to wear something comfy instead of sitting in only a fluffy towel the whole day. I took some black leggings from the wardrobe and squeezed myself into it. I decided into wearing a unicorn T-shirt and to continue my Netflix marathon.

   My laptop is sitting on my lap, ice-cream in my hands, earphones plugged in firmly in my ears, She's The Man blasting from the laptop, and comfy clothes. Per-fect.

   I checked the time again, it's 10:00pm, it reads. I sighed heavily before battling with myself wether I should sleep or just overthink myself to sleep. It was a hard equation to solve, really. Because you can never sleep when every little memory of every embarrassing thing you've ever done keeps dancing in the back of your mind.

   I'd rather stay home and watch movies and t.v shows than go party all night. I mean, I love partying—but I'm more of a night in girl than an all nighter one. I've got drunk a couple of times. On my birthday, on Hailey's birthday and...

   Oh wait, that's just it. I've only put alcohol in my system twice. I get drunk from the second shot and I start to ramble about t.v shows.

   Hailey says it's funny but seriously man, who doesn't want to marry Stiles?

   I mean, the guy has killer dimples.

   Back to the topic, partying isn't really my thing. Netflix is.



There was a long pause before she sniffled, "Michelle went to rehab." She put her hand on her mouth to supress the sob.

"Michelle? Rehab? Your sister's a fucking goody-two-shoes." I mumbled, but hugged her nonetheless. My chin was on her head because of the tall difference between us. I was pretty tall for my age and to any girl in particular.

"She overdosed on heroine." She wiped her nose with her sleeve.

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