∅∅4: But there's guest

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U and Michael are at a dinner date with his friends talking and enjoying each other's company , listening to stories about each other until Michael's friend Travis says that he has to use the bathroom his date says the same getting up and leaving. Michael looks at u biting his lip
"Michael u better stop. Wait till we get home" u say looking at his
sexual glare

"But I've been waiting all night" he whines sliding his hand up ur thigh
U bite ur lip at his touch
"Well ur gonna have to wait they're back" u remove his hand quickly  and act like nothing happened

Michael POV
She thinks she can just blow me off like that ? She has another thing coming.
Pov over

About 30 mins later,
Michael can't take it anymore without a care Michael slides his hand up ur dress sliding his hands into ur thong beginning to finger u, u choke on ur drink feeling wat he's doing to u and look down
Travis and his date look at u in

"are u okay?" Travis's date asks u confused
U nod smiling and nervous from wat Michael is doing.
Meanwhile , Michael adds another finger going deep in ur punani
U gasp biting ur lip causing Michael to smirk. U chug ur drink down trying so hard not to moan but with Michael going faster and beginning to rub ur clit vigorously made a moan slip through ur lips

Travis heard u
"Um Yn are u sure ur okay? Ur acting weird "
"I'm fine t-travis" u say half moaning somewhat turning him on he nods , his date looks at u and him suspicious and drinks her drink .

Michael adds another finger going full speed causing u to cum. U put ur head back in satisfaction not saying anything while ur eyes roll baxk.

He whispers in ur ear "there's more to come" he says in a devious voice
He licks ur cum off his fingers and starts a new conversation
"Remember that time when....."

Michael got some nerve -_-
Lord have mercy
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Next one will be in about an hour if u want then pm

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