∅19: why you wanna trip on me pt2

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The words that slipped through his lips made u feel a little weak , u wouldn't have expected your friend Michael Jackson to say that. All u did was hold him and stroke his hair. U were emotional by his pain because you knew how it feel being talked about
U started to move Michael looked at u and watched u get up wiping your face , he looked around the disastrous studio and stood up
U helped him and took him to your condo , of course it was hard to get by all the fans and cameras that were outside waiting so you went through the back with him
Once you got there u put him in your bed and gave him some tea

Michael: Yn You Don't Have To Do This For Me , I-Ill be fine

U: Michael , I'm Here For You Don't Matter What You Say And You Can Stay Here For As Long As You Want
Michael smiles

U: Now I have To Get Going I Have An Interview With Some People
You Know Where Everything Is Feel Free To Do Whatever

Michael nods  and smiles

Michael: Thank You Yn Really

U: It's My Job Mikey :)

After u said those words you left to your interview with Oprah

-about 2hrs later-

Oprah: -laughing- I know I remember seeing that footage

U: God I was so embarrassed -laughing- never again will I do that
Oprah: -smiles- so Yn , how would describe your career now ? Like I know that your having a new clothing line out and new cosmetics too

U nod and smile

U: Yes Yes , that is soon and I would say succeeding , because it's just the beginning and I can't wait to see what goes on in the future

Oprah smiles

Oprah: at least you're not like the others that brag about it

U smirk

Oprah: so lets talk about your closes friend Michael Jackson , first of all how do u feel about all of this drama going on with him

U: honestly its stupid and unnecessary, here u have an innocent , sweet, humble, and kind hearted man trying to do what's best for him, his family, and the world and let's not forget about the children. Like why would Michael do such a thing? Hurt children? He's a big kid himself that's what makes him so fun. And all of these lies people are saying about him -scuffs- its ruthless and aggravating . I'm not saying this because I'm Michael's friend I'm saying this because I've been through this before , I remember going and trashing my studio and breaking this and hurting my self because I couldn't handle all of it. The thing that the media, tabloids, haters, etc need to do is either shut up or get real facts because majority of the stuff they say is a lie.

Oprah: -nods in agreement- very true. So Yn do you Support Michael or do you lay low

Yn:-looks at like tf?- I support him all the way and if I have to speak then I will but only if I get Michael's consent to make sure its okay with him

Oprah: seems like you love ...

Yn looks at her then looks down

Oprah: isn't he married?

U shake your head

Oprah: so tell us are you in love with him

Yn: honestly I am , but I'm not ready for a relationship and I'm not sure if he even likes me the same why so I'm not gnna flaunt that out you know

Oprah: as close y'all are I'm surprised you're not together but that is understandable

Michael is watching it and lowkey shocked because he didn't except for Yn to say that but he smiled making him feel a little better

I guess she really does care
Never really expected her to love a person like me , like what's so special about me ? Im a guy who acts like a kid .... And has money
I guess she sees past that
POV over

After the interview u go to the grocery store and get home once u do , u put everything away kick your heels off and go check on Michael. U see that he's looking through one of your picture memory books
U smile and sit next to him
He gets startled a little bit but sees you and smiles as well


ichael: remember this? When we were about I would say 13

U: -chuckles- yeah that's when it was your birthday and we caked you

Michael: cake was good though -snickers-

U lay ur head on his shoulder looking with him

U:-points to a picture- remember this one when we were 20 and went to that gala

Michael: yeah -smiles- you were so beautiful in that dress , I mean your always beautiful but that dress was my favorite (a/n: it was a white and black rhinestoned spiral dress which turned heads because of its uniqueness)

Yn smiled

U: I know what u mean Mikey -smirks-

Throughout the night you guys relived memories with the book laughing and smiling with each other , remembering stories , etc and u felt like u kind of helped make Michael feel better

Next chap soon

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