029: blue gangsta

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"RUN HE'S COMING!" Your friend yells from afar watching the dangerous gangster walk through the alley with his crew , u do as you're told and but bump into one of the gangsters thugs he grabs u and pulls u into the car staring you down u get scare...

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"RUN HE'S COMING!" Your friend yells from afar watching the dangerous gangster walk through the alley with his crew , u do as you're told and but bump into one of the gangsters thugs he grabs u and pulls u into the car staring you down u get scared
"What are u gnna do to me? "
U ask the thug and shiver with fear
He stays silent and looks out the window

"Trying to play me for a fool? I told you it was either the money or her , u chose the money so now I'm gnna take her " smiling slyly the gangster walks away but while he does your friends tries to run after him but fails back with one shot to his chest
The gangster looks to his side
"Never run up on me "
Then left to the car sitting across from you , u stare then look down once he tips his fedora up
"What are we going to do with her ? " one of his thugs ask
"Take her to the house, I'll take care of her " the gangster says 
The thugs nod

-at the house-

U finally arrive and look at him
"Rules are simple .... Your gnna be my sex Slave , do what your told then your fine ....disobey u get consequences "
U look at him and swallow hard
"excuse me ?"
He looks at u then goes to his desk
"U heard me now go put on what's put out for you on the bed upstairs"
U look at him
"No , I want to go home "
"Gnna let that slide since u just got here , don't expect that every time but this is your home now. Your friend chose money over u after I gave him an ultimatum"
He says getting out a file
U look at him then his uncovered face
"You're the blue gangster they've been talking about ....? " u say shocked for a min
He looks at u with his big brown eyes
Was all he said until he looked through the file
"Now go"
U do what your told and look at the "outfit " u have to wear
"This is basically dental floss"
U say disgusted looking at the black g-string , skimpy black bra and red and black heels
U sigh get in the shower then put it on then look in the mirror
Adjusting the coverage of the bra
So small that it only covers your nipples like pasties.
The gangster calls u down and drinks his wine taking off his suit jacket u come down trying to cover yourself with your arms and hands. One u stand infront of the desk he looks at u biting his lip
U look down embarrassed
U do as told
"So what your gnna do around here , is basically cook , please my needs, and look pretty. You're to wear only what u have on , don't worry you will have different colors and/or nothing at all but heels. This can be as easy as anything but just don't test my niceness... They don't call me the blue gangsta for nothing "
U nod
"By the way you will address me as Daddy , since I'm gnna be taking care of you know"
He smirks
"Got it?"
U nod swallowing hard
"Good now go cook , I'm hungry "
U rise from your seat and do as told

Your pov
I can't believe him, my own friend ! He's the reason why I'm here. Now I'm a sex Slave because of his greedy needs. I mean don't get me wrong "Daddy" is really nice looking and sexy but still I don't want to have to give me body away to him whenever he wants or follow rules , I should be free doing my dream. I knew I should've stayed in Atlanta instead of moving here!
Pov over

Michael bites his lip watching you bend over to grab pots, stand on your tip toes to get seasonings and miniver around the kitchen he starts rubbing himself a little bit thinking about what he's gnna do to you soon smiling slyly he gets up and stands behind you while you're bent over putting the food in the oven , once u stood tall u felt his dick pressing up against your ass which made u jump a little
"Calm down mami , it's just me "
He says licking your neck and sliding his hands up and down your sides. U want to say something but you don't
U just take what he's doing
"You're quiet now but u won't be soon " he says untying your bra letting it fall to the floor and begins groping your boobs and kissing your neck/spots
U bite your lip but refuse to moan or anything , he slides his hand down into your g-string and begins rubbing your sensitive clit
U moan softly liking how it feels
He smirks
"Get up on the desk and lose the string"
And with the power of lust
U bite your lip walking over to the desk taking off your g-string while doing so as he watches your ass jiggle while u walk. U sit on the desk waiting for him then motion him to come to you
"Come here daddy"

Part 2?
I'm sorry 😩
I'm sorry 😫
I'm sorryyy😭
Ik I haven't been updating an dish but u see I've just gotten my iPhone , plus I'm grounded even though I didn't get my phone taken away 👌😬 and I've been busy with school 😐✌️ so u know yeah anywho I'm back I missed u guys and I'm gnna update a lot probably tomorrow
And goodnight

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