∅12: Vampire's love pt2

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Ur now a vampire and living with Michael who is the vampire leader a.k.a alpha


U look at Michael then at ur reflection in the window then look at him again
"Are u okay" he asked in a sweet mellow tone , u nod

-months later-

"WHY DID U TURN HER!? U KNOW SHES TROUBLE ! WHAT KIND OF LEADER ARE U!?" Damon exclaimed looking at Michael eager to attack him. Michael looks at him and grabs him by the neck with his eyes glowing light red

"I'm the one that can take ur life and not regret a thing "  he said coldly staring him dead in his eyes beginning to pierce Damon's skin
"Michael , please let him go he's not worth it." U plea
Michael let's him go looking at u and then looks down
"I'm sorry Yn" he looks at Damon
"If u ever in ur undead life step up to me again then u will see the real and cold side of me" Michael warned , Damon shook his head fast and looked at u, u look at him then at the plan on the cobble table
"I got a better plan" u say staring at the blueprint

The pack goes to the table and listen
"Instead of going through the hall , we go through the vents they're more safer for our kind. Michael, u & me will go through the roof. I know where they will be when we land , I've been here b4 when I was...human actually studied this place"
Michael nods listening and so does the pack

"Anyways , Damon u go with Kristen and go through the back airway , then Trevor and yanna u two go through the front , since u two are the most lethal. Kill the first 2 security guards.
Yanna use ur sexy girl charm on the next ones" u command
Yanna nods

"I'm not listening to a no good wanna be " Damon exclaims. Ever since you've been a vamp he's been giving u hell, Michael looks at him eyes glowing but then he looks at u seeing ur eyes are glowing u too b4 he can say anything , using super speed u have him in the air holding his neck

"Look here u little prick, as many times as I saved ur pathetic life and let u say whatever the fuck u wanted to say to me u better show me some respect or" u squeeze ur nails into his neck until u see blood drip

"This will be ur last time seeing the night" u drop him walking back over to the table , with a impressed Michael staring at u smiling bc u finally stood up for yourself, meanwhile  Damon is laying on the glass floor trying to heal
"Now let's go" u say stern getting wat u need for the plan

-hour later
-at the destination building-

U and the pack's plan has been successful so far everybody is doing wat u told and Michael is loving this new you ...the BadAss u.
"I'm proud of u Yn" he says walking with u on the rooftop , u smile and say thank u. He stops holding u close to him caressing ur cheek and begins to kiss u , u kiss back wrapping ur arms around his waist loving the moment until ur phone rings

U answer it hearing Kristen's treming voice through the phone
"HOLD ON WE WILL BE RIGHT THERE!"  U say quickly and hang up.
"Wats wrong?" Michael asks concerned
"We have to go now" u say going to ur spot and head towards Kristen and Damon , Michael follows .
U hear Kristen's heartbeat race from a far distance and go towards it going into a huge basement like room, Michael stays close with u just in case something comes out of no where and tries to hurt u

"Ha! I knew you would come.... Nice to see u again big brother " a Familiar female voice says walking towards u guys while one of the henchmen hold Kristen and Damon hostage

Michael turns to see his younger sister Janet wearing all white twirling a knife in her hand
"J-janet , wat are you doing?"
His voice trembles a little
"Having a little fun that's all" she smirks and sits the knife down on the table next to her and walks over to Damon and Kristen
"I see you have a little girlfriend now , how  sweet. She looks different" Janet says suspiciously, u shake staring at the one that tortured ever since u were 7,
"Hello Yn" Janet says sweetly but yet evily
U say nothing but stay quiet

Aww no , hello Janet , or hello Mistress?" She smirks
U look like u saw the light and have a flashback

-ur flashback-
"AHHHH!!!! PLEASE! ILL DO IT ! " U scream crying for ur life as ur body is being cut , whipped, and drenched in burning alcohol by ur mistress's henchmen

"Okay boys stop" she gets up and goes over to u grabbing ur face
"If u screw this up or get caught , I promise you, that u will die right after them" she warns and leaves with her henchmen
U , scared out of ur mind hanging by ur arms in a cold basement

-flashback over-

"Wat do u want from us ?" U mange to speak
"Ah! Finally u speak" she claps her hands
"I need you to tell me which one I should kill first" Janet gets the knife going over to Damon and Kristen
"Janet please! Don't do this ! Wat about the 'others'" Michael pleas
"SCREW THE OTHERS! AND SCREW YOU! After wat u did to me , I deserve to be this way" Janet yells
Thinking of wat happened

-Janet's flash back-
"MICHAEL HELP ME! " a young janet crys while being taken and fighting her way to get to her older brother.

Michael stands there watching trying to figure out wat he should do while being held back by 2 guys
"If u try anything u will be killed on the spot" the demon wolf lord says
"JANET... I'm sorry" he says faintly
-flashback over-

"I couldn't do anything ! I was fight my way to u but I was held back by those goons! I tried my best to get to you" Michael cried
"YOU DIDN'T TRY HARD ENOUGH ! U LET THEM TAKE ME,AND THE SAD THING IS , u d-didnt even try to find me" she began to tear up
"That's not true ! Every day and night I looked for u" he says defensively

"Oh well, that doesn't matter anymore " she wipes her tears with her super speed she grabs u and goes back to where she was before
"Say goodbye to ur little Bitch"


O.O unexpected
Had fun writing this 
Part 3 coming soon,
Sorry it took me so long to write this
Love u guys
Happy new years loves

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