∅14: i got to have u pt 3

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Ur pregnant with Michael's kid , he suspects that u are but isn't sure.


5 months pregnant been good and bad , MOOD SWINGS fault but Michael has been on ur by ur side ever since.

-week later-
"Oooooooooo Michael right there , that's the spot! Go down a little more" U moaned and cooed
He smirks and does as he's told while giving u a foot massage, ur feet has been hurting u for a couple days so u know Michael he wanted to help u out with a massage
U smile as be finishes
"Thank u Mikey"
He says ur welcome and gets up
"I'm gonna go and hang in my hide out spot got somethings I need to think about"
U look at him and nod

Michael POV

Why hasn't she told me yet? Does she think that I'll be a bad father? Or something like wat is it? I know that shes carrying my child she needs to admit it.

I go up into my favorite tree and look up at the sky thinking about how it would be with me and YN being a family, .....but the thing is that I'm seeing someone else.... Madonna and I love her a lot like me and Yn aren't together ,though I just help out you know, yeah she stays with me but ehh anyways I'm looking around the park and think about things I pick a leaf off the tree and play with it imagining things I mean maybe I should be with Yn , she's someone that I can relate to which is weird because I never had someone like that and she doesn't tell me disturbing things like Madonna does I mean bruh she told me that she used her middle finger to play with herself (•_•) lord anyways Ima just sit up here and think

POV over

Meanwhile ur in the living room doing pregnancy meditation
Ur ex has been menacing u and giving threats but u haven't told Michael about them so u could keep the peace
Ur phone vibrates and u look at it to see a text message from ur ex

"Keep trying to front in front of your little boyfriend Strike 3...here I come"

You look at it kind of startled and swallow hard then delete it. You've been stressed out a lot and Michael is worried because of the baby you are carrying. U sigh and continue what u were doing saying to yourself
"Just forget about it nothing is going to happen "
U faked a smile on ur face and continued your meditation.

-4hrs later-

Ur walking around the store buying groceries for the house and u feel like ur being watched and followed , u don't have Michael around because you know that he's with his girlfriend Madonna, which kind of irks u because you love him but you back off though, after you pay for ur stuff ur going to the car and loading the trunk until you feel a cold lonesome hand gripping your shoulder
"Did you miss me? "

Ugh don't like it this one bruh
I got lazy but its whatever

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