∅∅5: The Vampire's Love

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If ur not into supernatural don't read
And this is gnna be like an original/freaky imagine 

Bare with me people


"I told u, she was up to no good NEVER trust a human KILL HER!!! " a vampire  exclaimed to his alpha leader
"HEY! Shut it and leave " the alpha said (Michael). He examined ur cold flesh and looked around to see if any one was watching then let u go. He could tell that u were scared to death and took u to his home. When he got there he when to the master bedroom and laid u on the bed
"Relax , I'm not going to hurt you " he says moving ur hair out of ur face, his touch made u have goose bumps and begin to sweat scared of his next move, ur heart began to pound.
"What are u going to do to me?" U say trembling in fear, Michael looks at u
" I'm suppose to kill you but I'm not going to , I'm going to keep u here with me. This is the only way to keep you safe from those Savage beasts" he says in a sweet mellow tone, u try to believe him but sit up
"Why are u doing this? Are u going to turn me into wat u are ? " u calm down a little . "it's the only way for u to survive around me , and I don't want u to be defenseless if someone or something tries to hurt u and plus I'm in love with u and I'll be damned if anything happened to u " , his words made u feel better
"Will it hurt?" U look down then look at him ,
"Yes, but after the bite it won't "
He holds ur hand , u feel the coldness and shiver.
"Ur so cold" u play with his hand for a little bit, he  chuckles
"It's part of being who I am sweetheart" he smiles. All of a sudden u get up and walk toward the window standing in the moonlight with ur arms crossed.
"If I do this .....Do you promise to never do anything to hurt me? " u look outside , imagining what it would be like to be a vamp
He gets up and wraps his arms around u
"I promise with every undead bone in my body". U move ur hair to the other side if ur neck and sigh
" okay , lets get this over with "
He makes sure that ur ready , nod and close ur eyes holding his hands.
He looks at ur smooth flesh and begins to sink his fangs into it , u squeeze his hands tight and scream at the feeling of his fangs
While u are, ur having flash backs of ur life and memories of ur family .
Once Michael is done , he wipes the  dripping blood from his face and looks at u
"Are u okay?" He wonders , u slowly turn around , ur eyes are a blood red color and ur fangs look sharper than Michael's.
"Welcome to the vamp life"
He smiles


Welp part 2 will come soon ,
Lord knows wat will happen next, hope u like so far, stay tuned

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