∅2∅: I Got to Have You pt5

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Michael: My baby........



Michael watched as they put yn's body on the stretcher and into the ambulance on the TV , he didn't say anything but have tears roll down his face , he felt a female figure sit up and look at him then at the screen

Madonna: what's the matter ?

No response

Madonna: Michael

No response , she starts to get irritated

Madonna: Michael Answer Me -stern attitude-

Michael gets out of bed

Michael: you have to go now! -puts clothes on-

Madonna looks confused

Madonna: wait why? What's going on?

She looks at tv and sees your name

Madonna: so you're gnna leave for that? U don't even know the girl? Wait is she that girl that I told you to stop messing with?

Michael looked at her annoyed

Michael: Yes Madonna she is, and I do know her...I got her pregnant , she's one of my closes friends

Madonna gets pissed and looks at him getting up naked

Madonna: so you're having sex with your friends now? Right after you had sex with me?

Michael rolls his eyes

Michael: put some clothes on ur orangutan tits R on the floor ._. And second yeah I had sex with her unlike you she gets me , she doesn't do ignorant and obnoxious things like you and third she treats herself like a lady and not like a hoe. Now get dressed and before I throw you and your sagging old lady ass out ._. -gets his shoes on-

She stands there not moving

Madonna: make me

-moments later-

Michael throws her stuff out and her nakedness with it

Michael: and stay out ! ITS OVER !!
He got in his ride and was driven to the hospital worried as ever hoping and praying that Yn and the baby were okay

-at the hospital-

Nurse: Come on stay with me!

shocking your heart with the electrical shockers

No response

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