∅17: Vampire's Love Pt 3

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U , Michael, and his pack go to the destination. Damon and Kristen get caught by no one other than Mistress Janet , u guys get there and argue until she grabs u


Janet raises the knife and quickly jabs it into ur chest but before she could Michael , with his super speed grabbed u making Janet miss

Michael doesn't pay her any mind and makes sure ur okay. U look so scared that u look dead , Michael looks at Janet and goes over to her
"Do something I dare u" she says with the knife in her hand ready
Michael looks at Kristen and Damon and yells
"NOW!!" they grab Janet quickly tying her up to a chair
Michael goes and fights the goons who were trying to attack him , Damon and Kristen.
Janet smirks
"Big brother u will never win! " and with that said a goon comes from behind  and stabs him with a wooden stake the only thing that can kill vamps
U get out of ur trance and come back to urself and look around to see Damon and Kristen staring at Michael, Janet who is tied up , a goon is standing over Michael , and Michael himself dead on the ground. Tears rolls down ur cold skin, u go over to him shaking
"M-michael" u touch his hand and then see the stab wound
"no No NO! MICHAEL WAKE UP " u shake his dead body


U do everything u can to wake him up but nothing works
Ur eyes start to glow bright red
U stand up wiping ur eyes and go over to Janet she looks at u laughing evily
"Looks like he gets what he deserves, sorry for ur lost" she smirks , u say nothing but instantly in a blink of an eye snap her neck and tear her head off watching it hit the floor
"I'm not sorry for yours" u say looking over at a goon is wants to charge at u but decides not to
"I would advice u to leave before u end up like her" u say in rage and anger, he leaves without hesitation.

U and the pack leave and go to the house
Michael laying in the bed... Dead
All u can do is hold his body close to yours and cry
U didn't care about anything but having Michael alive again
U smooth his hair back and hold him close to ur heart.
One of your tears drops on his face and sink into his skin with out u knowing his heart slowly begins to beat
Another drops sinking into his skin and causing his breathing to come back slowly
Another and another and another fall making him come back without u knowing.
"Michael, I'm sorry I let this happen to you, I should've never listened to Janet, I should've never been nosey and snoop through everything ! I'm so sorry" u say crying hard not knowing that the man is living , Michael opens his eyes slowly looking up at you and wipes your tears away
U get startled at the moment but then u look down at him and more tears go down your face
"Even though u did, I would've never met u and fall in love with u if u didn't" he says in his sweet voice
U grab his hand interlocking your fingers with his
"I thought I lost you" u wipe your eyes
"Baby, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. Even if I do I'll always be right here " he puts his hand on ur heart

Tragic but he's back ^..^
Welp update tomorrow

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